I don't think you failed me

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"Y/n?" I softly heard Bulma from behind me

I rolled over in the dirt and looked at her. My eyes were so puffy from crying I could barely see her

"I brought you some lunch" she held out a plate

"Put it with the rest" I rolled back over on my side, facing where the engine room once was

Bulma walked over to a pile of plates with uneaten food on them. She placed the new plate and gathered the old

She began walking away but turned to me "When are you coming home?"

I didn't respond

She sighed and set the dirty plates down. Bulma walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder

"You need to come home...it's been 4 days.." She softly said

I closed my eyes and didn't respond

"Gohan misses you" She said

"He knows where I'm at" I said

"You haven't eaten anything I brought you" She looked over to the dirty plates

"I'm not hungry"

"Y/n...please...just come to my house with me. You can shower, have a nice big dinner and sleep in bed with me. Like a slumber party! Remember when we were little? You were always sleeping over" She giggled

I didn't break contact with the remains of the engine room. It was delusional but I was hoping Goku would emerge from the ruble

"I'm so worried about you.." She whispered

"I'm fine"

Bulma sighed and stood up. She collected the dirty plates and walked away. She got in her capsule car and flew out of the hole

I sighed and looked over to the food. I sat up and grabbed it.

I slowly ate while I stared at the ruble. I've had people die before. Hell, Goku has died before! But this time it felt different. This time it really got to me.

*Other World* *Goku's Pov*

I finally made it to the end. I looked up to King Ki's world and giggled

I flew up and greeted the small man

"Hey King Ki! Sorry it took so long this time. Huge line to get in!" I giggled

He walked over and smacked me on the back of the head

I grabbed the area he hit "Ow!! What was that for!!"

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" He leaned over the edge of his planet and looked down

I followed him and saw Earth.

"I had to kill Cooler. We've made bigger messes before" I giggled

"LOOK CLOSER!" He yelled

I leaned more and squinted my eyes. I looked at the hole and saw her

"Y/n..? What's she doing" I looked to King Ki

"She hasn't left that spot since the day you died. First time she's eaten too" he softly said

"What!? Why!?" I backed up in shock

"She's depressed Goku! You died for no reason! And she knows that!" He yelled

"No reason? I had to kill him somehow!"

"Goku you could have killed him easy. You didn't even TRY to push yourself. What's happened to you? The fighter you used to be?" He asked as he walked away

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