If Only

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Again?! Really?! I just sat down! It's no use in complaining...ugh...just get the hell up Y/n.

I got back up. Again. And went to the closet with Erza following me. Since Mira was back, she closed the door and locked it.

"So...what should...what should...we do?" Erza asked.

"Nothing. I guess..." I muttered.

I closed my eyes and almost went to sleep, but the door had opened and Erza walked out.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Yes, that's all for the night! Goodnight everyone!" Mira said.

I was about to leave but Lucy grabbed my wrist while everyone else left.

"What is it Lucy?" I asked.

"I-...I never got to hear what your reply was to my confession." Lucy said.

She had a blush on her face and I turned around fully to face her.

"Lucy, you legit just met me not even three days ago, we've known each other for a good 68 hours, and now all of a sudden you're in love? Be honest, you only like me because of my looks, sorry, but I'm not interested in dating anyone right now. Sorry." I told her.

"W-what?" Lucy asked.

"I'm not repeating myself." I stated.

I then turned to walk away but Lucy grabbed my shirt.

"Get back here! I let you take my first kiss! You have to be my first now!" Lucy said.

"You think I wanted to do that? That's your problem." I said.

She started to hit my chest.

"You're going to be mine whether you like it or not!" Lucy said.

"You can't force me to love you." I replied.

"If you won't love me, then I'll force you!!" She yelled.

My body froze, as a bone-chilling memory emerged in my brain.

"If you won't let me have my way with you, then I'll force you!"



"LET ME HAVE YOU! If you please me I'll make sure you feel good too okay?"

"S-Stop! Y-you're hurting me!"

"Ohhh Y/n, don't be scared! The pain goes good with pleasure, you'll see!"



"Moromi won't help you, he's taking care of business sweetheart...calm down, let me help you relax."

"N-NO!! STOP!!"

A sudden rage came over me and I shoved Lucy off of me roughly.

"Leave me the hell alone! I said no, so take that fucking answer, or else you won't live long enough to have a boyfriend!" I shouted at her and stomped off to my room.

I slammed the door and ran my hand through my hair.

"Fuck...I thought I got over them..." I muttered.


I scowled as I laid on the bed, a soft thud coming from the impact.

"Why am I thinking about them...now? Of all times...?" I asked aloud.

I then went to sleep again, hopefully I'd stop thinking about those devils.

I woke up in a dingy looking room. It smelled like blood, and sex...

"Huh? Where the hell am I?" I asked.

"Oh Y/n~."

My blood ran cold as I scowled at that voice.

"I-I'm not gonna...l-let you...d-do that to me....a-again..." I spoke.

That wasn't my voice though...it was as if someone was speaking for me.

I looked down at the puddle and saw that I was smaller, I'm a kid now.

How the hell did I turn into a kid? Is this some lucid dream?

"Tsk tsk tsk. Y/n dear...you have to learn to love me. I'm going to be here more often you know~!" Maranda spoke, flaunting her ring finger in my face, a large diamond ring placed on her pale finger.

"Why'd he do that...? Doesn't he know...what you do to me?" I spoke.

I scowled as I tried to punched her smiling face, but I couldn't even get my own body to move.

"Oh darling, he doesn't care. I've told you this so many times, this is why I wanted you to get used to it." Maranda said.

"L-leave me a-alone." I said, my body scooted backwards, and then I realized how scared I really was back then. My body trembled far worse than it did then.

"Don't worry...I won't hurt you this time. I just love the feeling of you inside of me, you're way bigger than your older brother, despite being so much younger~." Maranda said, she licked her lips, which surprisingly didn't have any lipstick or lipgloss on them.

The kid me shivered as he watched her inch closer, and envelop him in a hug.

I could feel her hands travel to my wrists and tightly grip them, I was barely fed so my wrists were small and skinny, not to mention I was sensitive and prone to pain.

She then opened my mouth and popped two pills in my mouth.

"I-is that the medicine that makes my privates hurt?" I asked.

"Aww it doesn't hurt sweetie! It just makes you grow...to an amazingly delicious size." Maranda smirked.

The aching pain coming from my lower region started to form, and I could even feel that...

This dream feels so real...

Am I reliving this hell?

Just to snap me out of my thoughts, Maranda lowered herself onto me, and slammed her big body onto my small frame.

"S-stop it!! O-ow!! I-It hurts!! It hurts!! Moromi!! Moromi help!!" I screamed.

Maranda slammed my head onto the ground and covered my mouth.

"Shut the hell up you crybaby! You always ruin my fun everyday I come down here. Just relax and calm down for a moment, let me enjoy this for once!" Maranda shouted and when I screamed out for Moromi again, she wrapped her pale hands around my neck, choking me out.

"SHUT UP!" She shouted.

The door then opened and a small bit of hope pierced through the darkness of this moment, despite the fact that I know the outcome of this shit.

"Maranda? Are you down here darling?" Moromi asked.

"Yes dear!" Maranda said.

"Oh, my apologies, I'll let you finish up." Moromi said.

My heart dropped as the door shut, and Maranda continued to bounce on my dick and choke the living hell out of me.

My eyes shot open as I sat up with a bead of sweat trickling down my face.

I frowned, gripping the sheets as I remembered every hellish action they did...at times like this, I seriously wish I could find my sister...but she never knew about that, and bringing it up now...she would probably not even believe me.

I stood up and got off the bed and I walked out on the beachside, to clear my mind. I kept my shirt off because of how hot it was in there, not to mention how hot it was outside, despite it being nighttime.

I haven't thought about those fuckers until now, what does this mean?

Heart of Swords {}Erza x Male! Reader{}Where stories live. Discover now