You Wouldn't Understand

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Erza made her way to Y/n's house, she was one of the few people who knew of his address, and she knocked.

"No one's home." Y/n said from the other side.

"Y/ to me." Erza said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Something's wrong...and I want to understand you...I want to understand why you distance yourself from us." Erza explained.

Y/n looked at his ceiling, and sighed.

"You wouldn't understand." He said finally.

His voice sounded defeated, it sounded depressed...

Erza's hand trembled as it slid down the door.

"Just tell me...why won't you talk to us?" Erza asked.

Y/n opened the door and looked at Erza.

"I have trust issues." He said.

"Don't we all?" Erza asked.

"Mines are difficult to get over. The entirety of my trust was shattered as a child and it was never repaired." Y/n explained.

He looked down at Erza as she looked up at him.

"You can trust us...I swear it." Erza said.

"That's easier said than done, Erza." Y/n retorted.

"You've been with us for more than 7 years!! Why can't you trust-

"Because trust is something that develops with or without time. We could be friends since childhood and I could still not trust is personal, it doesn't happen automatically or whenever you want it to..." Y/n explained.

Erza was silenced from that, she had stared at him as he gripped his knees, he was trembling.

"Are you...being forceful with me? With my trust?" Y/n asked, his voice shaking.

"W-what? No! I'd never-!" Erza said but stopped when Y/n looked up at her.


Tears were flowing down his cheeks as he stared at Erza. Her brown eyes locked onto his teary-eyed e/c orbs.

Erza's eyes widened at the sight.

"T-today...was deal with..." Y/n managed to get out, he stood up, looking down at Erza, who had looked up at him.

"F-fighting with the one I...I hated- h-he meant so much to m-me! B-but he was the reason...the reason why I can't trust anyone! I loved him! I looked up to him! He-...he was my I had to fight him...because he wanted to kill you...know how hard that is? To fight someone that you h-hurt someone you wouldn't dream of harming in your lifetime...!" Y/n sobbed.

His body gave out on him after that, and Erza caught him. They both had sunk to the floor, Y/n in Erza's arms, she was caressing his hair gently and he let her.

"T-to think...I actually held malice...I wanted to kill him for what he did...for what he let that bitch do to me...I wanted to hurt them both. I trained everyday just so I could kill why...why do I feel so terrible? Why do I feel like I just ripped my own heart out?" Y/n asked.

His arms wrapped around Erza's waist as he sobbed into her chest.

"It's going to be okay Y/ fought them in self defense. They brought the fight to you, and at least you saved Hikaru from feeling the same as you did...and to save him from the despair you're feeling now." Erza said.

Y/n could only cry as Erza shushed him. She lulled him to sleep, he was peacefully unmoving and softly breathing in Erza's arms.

She sighed as his body relaxed into hers, and once she realized what position she was in, she blushed profusely.

Her red face had faded once she saw the peaceful look on Y/n's face.

She tried to move, but Y/n's hold around her tightened.

"You die..." The half asleep male mumbled.

Erza tensed up at that, and decided to stay still until Y/n awoke.

She ended up falling asleep herself, and they both cuddled up on the floor.

Heart of Swords {}Erza x Male! Reader{}Where stories live. Discover now