Chapter 1

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"One week after Riverdale High's absorption of its Southside counterpart, and everything was the same. And nothing was the same. Take Archie Andrews. On the surface, he's getting ready for basketball tryouts, as he does every winter. But underneath, he was churning, his life in chaos after an unexpected visit from the feds, or take my sister for example at school she was killing her classes and making new friends but after school the love of her life were arguing all the time. Sweetpea this time has cheated on her three times now. Meanwhile, the town was preparing to honor its founding father General Augustus Pickens.

Normal day at this high school my classes ran normally. Not even a week at this school and Sweetpea has managed to cheat on me for the third time. I can't take this shit anymore.... what happened to no second chances. I look down at the ring he gave me 3 months ago clearly this means nothing to him. I feel a tear run down my cheek immediately wiping it away to make sure no one sees. I look up at the clock and see that's it's almost time to leave the class I start to pack up putting my work away and zipping up the small bag. Moving my blonde hair out of my face, and tapping my fingers on my desk waiting for the sharp ring of the bell. Feeling eyes on the back of my head I barley just turn my head to see who's staring at me. I roll my eyes seeing as it's reggie staring, his smirk immediately drops I know it drives him crazy that I don't fall to his feet like other girls. I turn my head back around hearing the bell go off immediately grabbing my attention to leave the god forsaken class. I basically run out of the class to lose reggie and not have to deal with Sweetpea I can't look at him at the moment. Racing out of the school and towards my bike I swing my leg over it and start her up. Hearing the engine roar to life I let go of the throttle and race home to get homework done and then hangout with Toni at the bar.

Making it home I swing my leg off and head inside sitting down at the table and whipping my extra work out to begin. I've been killing my classes lately and I think the teachers are a bit surprised that I am not actually stupid. Knowing I'll be alone Tonight until dad gets off work I'm fending for myself on dinner.

Finishing my homework I pack it up and walk into the back of the trailer home and throw the bag on my bed checking myself in the mirror before leaving the room. Walking out the door while grabbing my phone and heading towards my bike. Swinging my leg over and starting her up and heading towards the bar. Giving my self a pep talk as I speed there. If I see Sweetpea I'm either going to cry, throw the ring at him or slap him. Maybe all three it's just not fair. I gave him everything I could offer all of my love and trust. He just took it and shredded it all up. Just like that he destroyed what we had. I pull into the parking lot, parking in my usual place. Swinging my leg off the back and smoothing out my shirt. I walk into the Smokey smelling building spotting my best friend giving shots to people behind the bar. I look around and spot Sweetpea at the pool table playing with some of the guys. Rolling my eyes choosing to ignore him I walk over to the stools and sit down looking at Toni. "B.J?" She says "Yes Toni?" I ask "You got to confront him sometime." She tells me moving her eyes to the tall boy I groan "Toni I can't do it." I tell her rubbing my temples her mouth goes agape "Breanna Jolene Jones the second did not just say she can't do it... the B.J Jones I know doesn't take shit from anyone." Toni snaps she's right I don't take shit from anyone but it's the part of getting hurt that I don't want but he's hurt me to many times now "Toni... I hate to say it but you're right." I groan out putting my head against the table. I pick myself up from the old bar stool and walk over to the pool table, watching as Sweetpea shoots the eight ball in winning the game. "Hey Sweetpea can I talk to you?" I ask he pauses grimacing at using his name instead of a pet name knowing he's in trouble. "Yeah princess let's take this outside." He says I nod knowing that's a good idea, I pass Toni by the bar and she gives me a reassuring look as we walk outside. He grabs my hand leading me away from the door. "Before you say anything B, I just want to apologize, I'm sorry for cheating on you, I feel terrible believe me I'm sorry for all the lies I've told you. I'm just sorry B.J." He starts I look down feeling my eyes well up in tears I look down at the promise ring he gave me and slowly slip it off. "B.J? You can't be serious? No, no B don't you dare leave me." He croaks out "I'm sorry Sweets I just can't keep getting hurt, you don't truly love me if you keep after a different girl each night." My voice cracks looking at his brown orbs into my blue ones "B.J I've always loved you, the first time you stepped foot inside southside high my heart was yours." He cries out "Clearly that isn't the case." I speak softly "This is about that damned bulldog Reggie fucking Mantle isn't it, are you going back to him?!" He yells at me "No! This is about you cheating on me for the third time!" I yell at him through tears "Don't you fucking lie to me B.J!" He yells at me "I'm not fucking lying, but you know what screw you, I can't take this anymore!" I yell at him shoving the ring in his hand and walking away in tears "B.J if you don't get back here right now we are through!" He yells with his voice cracking "My middle finger salutes farewell asshole!" I yell back turning around and saluting with my middle finger, with tears running down my face. Walking towards my bike swinging my leg over and starting her up to head home, what a night

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