Chapter 5

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"Reggie I need to get going my brother is probaly worried sick." I tell him "Yeah okay, can we possibly do this again sometime?" He asks me "Yeah sure, you have my number." I say getting up "I'll see you next time." I say waving with a small smile he waves back and I walk out the door. I make my through the dimly lit parking lot towards my bike. I swing my leg over it and start her up, zipping away to Sunny Side Trailer Park. As I make it the trailer I open the door to see Jughead on the phone with someone. I give him a slight nod and he does the same and I make my way into our shared bedroom and get changed into something more comfortable. I flop on the bed for a bit but I got a text from Reggie
"Hey it was great finally talking to you again, maybe we can talk tommorow night too?" the text read I smile a little at the thought "Sure I will see you tommorow at the same time." I say he answers back fastly "Perfect see you then." The text reads I smile and put my phone down and make my way to the living room and sit down in the chair. "Hey good news, Tallboy was the one who took Pickens' head and hes been thorwn out of the gang." Jughead informs me "Thank the Lord, so I'm guessing Penny is too?" I ask him he nods with a big smile "However we're on probation and not allowed to help the Jordan girl with her initioation." Jughead explains I frown a bit "Oh well here and I were getting close any way, her, Toni and I make a pretty good team." I tell him "I know you like hanging out with her but it's not worth getting kicked out over, Speaking of getting our butts kicked, Betty, the Serpents and I ended up sending the head to the Lodges." He tells me before I had time to react to the news the door slams open to reveal our dad "Tallboy won't be coming back anytime soon." Dad sighs "Good." Jughead tells him dad notices me "Jolene I'm sure your brothe has informed you of what has happened?" He says "Yep and it's all good news I'm hearing." I tell him "He was a coward." Jughead mocks Tallboy "You know, riding back I was thinking, maybe I should take a page from your book and have a sit-down with Mckoy. Now that we know Hiram Lodge is responsible for what happened to the statue, I say we show her the head appeal to her sense of justice." Dad tells us I shake my head and Jughead looks away "What, you don't like that plan?" He asks us we don't answer his question and he finally realizes what's going on "Wait a second. Boy where the hell is General Pickens' head?" Dad asks Jughead
It's the next morning after the arguement, Jughead was up early "Why are you up so early?" I ask rubbing my sleepy eyes "Because I'm going to walk Betty to school." He tells me fixing his beanie I sit up some more "I thought you two were donzo?" I ask him "We were but we may have done something last night." He says wiggling his eyebrows I scrunch my face up in disgust "You guys had sex didn't you?" I ask pretending to vomit he rolls his eyes "I am not confirming that." He tells me and leaves the room yelling "Bye" I don't yell it back and slip out of my bed I picked up my phone and saw that I had a text messege "Can't wait for tonight, see you at school" The text read it was from Reggie I smile a bit and open the curtain to the closet to find something to wear. I thought about changing it up a bit, I found a pink sweater shirt that I haven't worn since freshman year and then finding a black mini skirt. I grabbed both out and threw them on my bed and saw my high knee black boots and grabbed those and some pink shaded sunglasses. I throw the outfit on and walk to the bathroom giving my hair a beach wave look and giving my self a full makeup glam. I walk out of the bathroom and eat a quick breakfast and then cleaning it up. I make sure I lock the door on the way out and walk over to my bike. I swing my leg over and shove the kickstart down starting it and zipping off to school.
I make it to the school parking lot and park in my normal parking space. I switch my bike off and sport Toni and Jordan talking near the schools entrance. I make my way over to the two girls and they spot me as well "Missy." Toni greets as she looks me up and down "You don't look like yourself are you feeling okay?" Toni asks feeling my head "Yes I'm fine I just wanted to change it up a little." I tell the both of them the both nod not believing me "Or maybe she met a northside boy and she's trying to impress him." Jordan says raising her eyebrows a bit "Pfft never, I am not dating anyone until boys are done being asses." I say with a laugh the girls nod along with that statement I watch Reggie pass by thankfully the girls didn't notice "Any plans for tonight?" I ask the both of them "My initition is tonight, are you coming?" Jordan asks "I can't Jug and I are still on probation or else I would be front row." I tell her "But I'll be there in sprirt so do great tonight." I say as the bell rings all three of us file in through the doors and go to our classes. It was going to be a long day I could feel it already. When Jughead woke up this morning I could tell something was wrong from last night. I didn't ask him what was wrong and made him breakfast he nodded me thanks and went on about his bussiness. Bringing me out of my thoughts was the bulldog I've seem to have grown close to these past few days "Hey B.J mind if I walk you to class." Reggie asks I look up at him and smile "Hey, yeah sure." I say as he continues to walk beside me he smiles back at me "Hey, you're not wearing any type of fishnet and dark stuff you're wearing that pink sweater Jason gifted you before he passed.." He says noticing the change in outfit wear "Uh yeah I thought it would be nice for a change." I tell him "Well whatever you decide to wear I support you in it no matter what." He tells me "Thank you Reggie." Isay smiling up at him, we stop at my classroom "Well this is my stop, thanks for walking me and all." I tell him "Yeah no problem we should uh do it again." He says blushing "I would like that." As I open the door to walk inside.

The bell rings signifying that class has ended I make my out the door and see Jughead and Reggie standing outside it most likely waiting for me. Reggie notices me first and quickly makes his way over to me making Jughead notice as well. "Hey wanna walk to class together?" Reggie asks before Jughead could udder a word I was about to answer when Jughead butted in "Sorry Reggie but she has something important maybe another time." Jughead says as he grabs my wrist and drags me away before I could say bye or even ask what the hell is going on. "Look not really any time to explain but we're meeting with McCoy." Jughed says continueing to drag me all the way to his bike. I took the signal to get on so we could go, what did the serpents get into this time or is this about Hiram.

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