Thanksgiving Chapter

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Today the day we give thanks to the ones we love or care for, those days were famlies get together and have a great feast with all sorts of good fatty foods. All families except one.. mine.. the Jones. We've never really had a "real" Thanksgiving dad and mom always took us to the bar and they drank while we had Shirley Temples or something along those lines. It was nice spending it with your second family but Jughead, Jellybean and I always imagined what it would be like if we had a real one. Reggie wants me to come spend it with his whole family, he insists on me going so I can finally meet his mom and the rest of his family. I've considered but his dad already looks down on the idea of him dating a "wrong side of the tracks" kid so his my will most likely think the same. I just don't think I'm ready for all of that either, I hate getting asked questions about myself I feel out place when that happens. I think I might spend it alone and maybe write about something, maybe make a most thankful for wish. I walk to my bedroom and get my notebook and blue colored pen.

Dad- Dad I'm most thankful for looking out for me even if you can't always be there, we've had our rough spots but I'm glad things are better between us, I know we can't always get the best of the best but I'm always happy that you try to take care of us Serpents and kids. I love you lots and maybe a little more than lots.

Mom- Dear mom, I miss you and Jellybean even more as the days go bye even if I'm still mad that you left I understand why, I'm thankful for giving birth to us three kids and caring for Jellybean. I love and miss you lots.

Jughead- Dear twin brother, I'm thankful for you being my partner in crime when it comes to almost everything we do together, I'm so happy we run the Serpents together and we a great job, I have a feeling you'll be king someday. Keep up your writing and your conspiracy therories. I love you lots

Jellybean- Dear little JB, I miss you so much and hope I can pay you and mom a visit soon, I'm thankful for you for all the times you were a litte shit towards me because it gave me a lot more patience with people. I miss you and love you so very much.

Reggie- Dear, Reg I'm super thankful for you, you treat me so good I don't even deserve a man like you, I love your passion for football and that you can be a softie towards the things you love, I love when you order for me so I don't have to make a decision. Thank you for understanding when I have Serpent stuff even if you don't support the Southside and our ways, thank you for always standing up for me when I'm being put down even when I don't need it. All around thank you for being you.

Toni- Toni, My best friend in the whole wide world, You've been there ever since we were toddlers, we've making trouble since the begining and I'm so thankful for being able to share the same tattoo and jacket with you. You're like another sister to me and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you for you and I'm so happy you and Cheryl have found each other.

Jordan- Jordan, my other best friend in the entire world, we haven't known each other that long but you're so fun to be around, I'm so glad you joined the gang, you make me feel better when my whole world feels like it's crashing down I'm so thankful for you.

Fangs- Fangs, Thank you for always being there for me, even when Sweetpea and I broke up and you didn't side with just him, thank you for always being you and being honest with everyone. Love you.

Betty- Betty, Thank you for helping Jughead find his way through our rocky life and sticking by him, it means alot to me and our family. Thank you for also fighting for the Southside

Kevin- Kevin, you've turned out to be a great ally to have around, thank you for giving Toni a helping hand with Cheryl.

Josie- Josie, thank you for making the half time shows and assemblies actually entertaining and being a great co cheerleader on the Vixens. I love having you around and I'm so glad we've become closer

Veronica- Veronica, we've had lots of rough spots and sometimes we can get past them but for the times we could thank you for hanging out with me.

Archie- Archie the same goes for you

Sweetpea- Sweetpea from you treated me like the princess other than that fuck you.

Hotdog the Dog- Hotdog, I love you so much and I hope to visit you soon, and maybe give you a bath and haircut cause as much as I love you, you need it.

Myself- Dear me, self love is important right? Well I'm thankful for everyone I put myself around and the choices I've made this past year no matter how rough it's been. I'm thankful for all the good things that come my way as well as the bad things because they teach me lessons that couldn't be taught be someone else or a person. I'm glad I'm doing better in school, physically and mentally as well. I am also thankful for that I found a healthy relationship with someone who I care deeply about.

Thank you all to who reads my stories, from the first book or Jugheads sister to this one. It means a lot to me that people don't find them shitty and somewhat entertaining. I'm so thankful to every single one of you, you're special in your own unique way and I love that for you. I hope you all had a great Merry Thanksgiving. I love you all so so so much-- Bam

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