Chapter 3

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It's a classic trope in mob movies. Rich, high rolling gangster takes small town kid under his wing. "Here you go Archie." Pops says handing Archie has order "Thanks Pop." Archie thanks the man and grabs his to-go bag and walks out. Small town kid is ushered into an intoxicating but dangerous life of crime. "No, Poppa, you don't need to travel with your own chef, we have excellent poutine right here in Riverdale. Because I've tasted it and it's superb. Hey, run this to your dads trailer? And then pick up some local loafers I had resoled at the Shoe Doctor on Main." Hiram says to the man on the phone and then catching Archies attention "Happy to Mr. Lodge." Archie tells him and goes back on his way, However for my sister it's always been a life of crime, even with we've both been trying to shy away from it. Old habits die hard espiecially is one is still heartbroken, her vandilisam has been over the top lately starting with a lot of the buildings on the southside. Toni has even been invovled with the little crimes but she even understands this blows of steam for poor B.J. It's been hard on her ever since her and Sweatpea broke up, I've heard her small cries for help at night, but even she would never let me help her. She's to stubborn and well she's my sister and sisters never let their family help.
I hear a knock on the door, Jughead got up and answered it while my dad sat at the kitchen table still in his uniform. "Sheriff Keller what a surprise." Jughead says greeting him "Jughead, Missy, FP. Sorry to bother you. It's..." Keller starts out we all knew what he was asking and Jughead beat me to the words "We don't have General Pickens' head." I start up "And we do not know who stole it." I tell him walking into the room and leaning onto the wall "Same as the last four times, you came by to ask us and our neighbors." Dad tells him throwing his hands into the air "You know Sheriff, these visits are starting to feel a lot like harassment. There's absolutely no evidence. Zero proof whatsoever pointing to any particular group of suspects. Jughead tells him off he rolls his eyes and counters back "Well, you did write a rather scathing article about the Gerneral's legacy, which prompted the Southside Serpents to stop by at Pickens' Day with an axe to grind." Keller targets back "I'm actually writing a new article about how you seem to care more about catching a vandal than the Black Hood. Can I get a quote?" Jughead sneers back at him I chuckle at his insult and so does dad Keller smirks a little and breathes out while Jughead stares and waits for his response back. I roll my eyes and chime in "Okay Sheriff, you've had your fun, now you can leave along with stop bugging us and our members about General Lickens here." I say opening the door and signaling for him to leave he rolls his eyes and makes his way out. I shut it and lock it, we all look at we each other and shake our heads. When will we ever catch ourselves a break with the law, it seems like the Jones family is cursed or something.
The next morning it was back to our regularly scheduled program.. highschool. I got up before Jug and started to throw my clothes on. The dress code on no serpent jackets still applies so I disregaurded it and set it on my bed for later tonight. I walk over to the small bathroom and curl my blonde hair, along with apply some light makeup. I finish up my routine and walk back into the room to wake Jughead up so he doesn't over sleep. "Hey dopey wake up." I shake him he starts to groan but not argueing he slowly pushed himself up. I walk back out of our shared room and start making some cereal for myself, I hear him rumbling around trying to get his clothes and I see as he walks into the bathroom. Dad left early for work becuase he needed an early start, he also said he might be working late tonight which is fine. However he's been working himself down a lot lately and he really does need a break. I take another bite of my cereal as Jughead saunters out of the hallway he makes himself some and sits down across from me "Whats on the agenda for today?" Jughead asks me "Uh, well we need to figure out who stole Pickens' head so Keller will stop bothering us so that could be first topic for today when we meet with the gang." I explain to him with my mouthful he nods agreeing with my statement "How's it going with the Black Hood murders?" I ask him "It's going we could use some extra help..." He says hoping I'll say yes to joining the little Scooby Doo gang "Sorry Jughead, you take care of the murder mysteries and I take care of the gang, it's the only way this can keep the peace between everyone." I explain to him "I know I know, I feel like you need a break, we switch you help the others with the murders and I help out at the gang." He tells me "Why would you think I need a break?" I ask him getting up to wash my dishes "Sweetpea." He says blantly I spin back around to him "That's the reason? Pathtic reasoning if you ask me." I tell him rolling my eyes "Jo... he cheated on you 3 times, doesn't that hurt?" He asks me softening his eyes "Of course it does Jug, but I'm not going to let him get in the way of me running the gang." I tell him opening the door I sigh "Come on lets get going." I say walking out the door and towards my Harley. I didn't wait for Jughead I just pushed the kickstart and went
I park my bike and fix my hair a bit. I straighten my clothes and start walk in "Hey! Jolene wait up!" I hear someone yell from across the parking lot I turn my self around and see Reggie Mantle making his way to me "What do you want?" I ask folding my arms and rasing my eyebrows "Nothing, I just wanna talk.. like old times." He says with a slight smile I roll my eyes "I don't want to talk to you." I sneer at him "Come on Jolene, we used to talk about everything." Reggie says catching up to me "Yeah, key word used to, get lost puppy dog." I say shooing him off he finally got the hint and took his leave "Jughead Jones and Betty Copper to the principals office... Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper to the principals office." The intercom sounds oh great what did Jughead do this time. I walk off towards my first class to get this day started and over with.
After school Jughead and I walk out together, "What was the reasoning to get called down to the office this morning?" I ask him we stop at our bikes "Just to tell me that Betty and I are suspended from the newspaper." Jughead sneers at the word "suspended" I laugh a little "He suspended his best writers?" I say cackling "Yeah yeah haha." He says playing along I wrap my leg around my bike and he does the same to his "Wrym?" He asks "Of course." I cheer and start my bike "Race you!" I yell already rearing to go "No fair!" He yells getting right behind me, we race all the way to the bar and park our bikes racing inside, I shove the door open first "I win! You lose, YOU SUCK!" I yell in a childish manner "Oh shut up! YOU SUCK!" Jughead whines while we walk deeper inside "YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK, YOUUUUU SUCKKKK ASSSSSS!!" I sing out to him catching a few giggles from the others "NOOOO YOUUUU SUCK ASSSSS!!" Jughead sings back "What children, would they just shutup already.." We both hear a new voice from the bar say we turn our heads and see a brunette with blue tips, she wore a serpent jacket and from what I could tell a crop top, a skirt and fishnets. "Say it to my face goth Barbie." I yell back by now all the gang members heads were turned she spun around and faced me and Jughead "I will you child." She sneers at us "Listen Beezy, I don't think you want to talk to us that way, or we are gonna have some real problems here." I say stepping closer to her "And why's that." She sasses back "Becuase, him and I, we run this thing." I sass her back "Please you run this thing?" She laughs out in disbelief "Last time I checked, you weren't initated... do you even know the laws, did you do the serepent dance? I don't fucking think so." I say getting in her face she starts to get nervous as she looks around the guild memebers nod along with what I'm saying "You want to be apart of this, you need to learn respect for your higher ups, learn the laws, do the dance and we won't have problems.. seeing as you're a highschooler I'll be seeing you tommorow after lunch for our daily meetings. Do you understand?" I ask her raising my eyebrow she nods as I back off and let her breathe everyone goes back to what they were doing before. Glad I got that taken care of.
Jughead and I decided to take off early, we were already tired from today. Without saying anything we made our way out and to home. When we got there we parked our bikes out back and noticed Keller's cop car was here, oh fun another visit "Sheriff Keller, we have to stop meeting like this." Jughead greets him as we both walk up "Where's your dad?" He asks us about to knock on the door "He had a shift at Pop's. Why?" I ask him "It's an eviction notice, you two, your dad and pretty much everyone in this place, you all got to clear out." Keller explains to us we both go wide eyed and look at each other "What?" Jughead says in disbelief "Don't tell me it's because of that statue? For the millionth time, Sheriff, we did not decapitate General Pickens. And you can't use that as some trumped-up excuse to try and evict all of us." I say starting to get worked up "Look, I'm just the messenger, all right? This order comes down from the mayor's office. Apparently, there's a lot of rent owed here. You have 14 days to vacate. Then perhaps while you're packing, you might come across that head, calm the waters a little." Keller explains as he takes his leave Jughead and I stood there not knowing what to say or do. What do we do and how do we handle it?

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