Chapter 12

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As we all sqaure off on the most public stages, we all begin to sucomb to the anxiety of it all
"Okay now a quick, reminder that this school hall is a PTA sponsored event, Oh, it looks like we have our first question." Alice Cooper says to the school body "Yeah, no offense to the, uh, current administration, but it doesn't feel like anyone's looking out for the students who are being bussed in from the Southside. Is that gonna change?" Sweetpea asks us I pick up my mic and start to speak "Absolutly, Sweet pea, that's one of our higher up priorities. No one should feel marginalized or excluded here." I tell him he kinda rolls his eyes "B.J and I will be representing all students North and Southside alike." Reggie explains to him "Next question, yes Midge." Alice says and points to her Midge stands up "My question is for Archie and Veronica. Rumor has it that your parents will soon be on opposite sides of the mayoral election,  won't that negatively affect your working relationship?" She asks them I look at Reggie and he gives me a wink and I look over to team Lodge for their answer "Archie and I adhere to the old maxim that 'Politics are never discussed' at the dinner or cafeteria table." Veronica tells the crowd whom busrts out in laughter "Veronica and I are on the same page about everything, including her family's plans for a prison on the Southside." Archie blurts Jughead and I look at each other with red faces and steam coming out our ears, lot's of murmuring coming from the crowd and Veronica is at a loss for words "In the meantime, however, we're committed to improving the quality of life at Riverdale High, which means more extracurriculars-" She says as I cut her off "Reggie and I agree, except, add the faxt that we can and will deliver results." I say passing the mic to Reggie "And we're chill, unlike these guys." He says creating a good fit of laughter from the crowd, we both smile at each other knowing we just won this debate.
  Reggie and I walk out into the hallway to find Reggie's dad waiting for him, Reggie takes my hand and drags me over to him "Reginald, you did good up there, if I could give you some ad-" His dad starts "Dad before you start giving me whatever, this Breanna Jolene Jones the Second, my... girlfriend and running mate." He tells him, his dad's face drops as I stick my hand out to formally intriduce my self "I see, well it's nice to meet your Mrs. Jones." He says hesitantly shaking my hand I give him a soft smile back "Missy, let's get going!" I hear my dad yell I turn back to Mr. Mantle "It was so great meeting you, you have a wonderful son, bye Reg." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek and making my way over to my dad.
At home Betty and Jughead sit on the couch and I'm on the floor, it's a weird adjustment to Betty living with us but I could use another female in this place. The phone rings and dad grabs it saying the normal "Hi" when he turns to us "Whoa easy, Alice. Hold on. Turn to channel eight right now!" Dad tells us I grab the remote and flip it on "It is not yet known how or when the car first entered the swamp, but foul play has not been ruled out." The News castor explains I cover my face with my hands, we could all be in serious trouble.
We all went to Pops when dad was on his shift getting him a break for a bit,"We've should've known better, I should've known better, We should have driven that damn car further out of town!" Jughead scolds himself like he does when he's messed up "No No, how could've you have known that Junkyard Steve drags the swamp for people's castoffs it was dumb luck." Dad reassures him "It's Jones luck I think you mean." I say sipping my double chocolate milkshake "Shouldn't Chic be here, considering he's the one who brained the guy?" I ask Alice with a smart tone "Don't worry about Chic." She says quickly "Normally I would disagree.  Definatly worry about Chic but he doesn't know anything about the car." Betty explains to Dad and I "When we got to thr swamp, we wiped the thing clean of fingerprints before we pushed it in." Jughead explains "Wearing gloves?" I ask them as if I've done this stuff before... because I have "I think so." "I'm pretty sure." They both say I slide my hand down my face in disappointment "What do you mean you think so?" Dad asks "No, no we were we 100% were." Betty says grabing Jugheads shoulder, the bell rang to the door and in comes Sheriff Keller "If anybody comes around asking questions, we don't know anything.  We don't talk to anyone, we act like everything's normal." Dad explains to us "Including, Betty, you coming home so you're not nesting with a bunch of Serpents." Alice says I shoot her a dirty look "No, you are not gonna use this to manipulate me , mom. You know the deal I come home, when Chic leaves." Betty tells her "Okay, everbody be cool. In the unlikely event that something happens, we batten down the hatches. Until then, life goes on, nobody goes anywhere near that car." I say to everyone looking right at Jughead making sure I got the point across.
The next day at school it was time for the daily Serpents meeting and Sweetpea is pissed off at the both of us, what's new with him. "You promised us a war, Then you're both on stage looking like Buddy Holly, sucking up to the Northside." Sweetpea yells at us "We need those votes Sweetpea, it's only way that we can affect any change." Jughead says him "Whoever's elected gets a seat on the school board. That means we are on the inside, that means they can't silence us." I tell them all "You and the Northside King and little princess over here." Fangs says "Wait is that why you guys are pissed? They're both on our side!" I tell them sternly "Yeah, I've helped the Serpents on numerous occasions. I helped find Pickens statue's head, I got Cheryl to testify in court so Fp, your king, could get early parole." Betty explains I fold my arms and nod my head with her "You did all that for your boyfriend, not the Serpents." Sweetpea says "Alright, take it down, Sweetpea-" Jughead says "What, it's only a matter of time before she bails on us. Just like her mother." He testfies "Okay, so your objections aren't even about me, they're about my mom--" She starts "Her legacy, yeah. She's an enemy of Serpent State, taking shots at us at the Register for years. Blaming us for crimes we didn't commit, running with the turncoat's daughter is a slap in the face. and for that reason alone you're both not getting the Serpent vote." Sweetpea says I walk out of the room, I'm over all this bullshit.
  At home I sit with Betty and Jughead as Betty rants on about Sweetpea and Fangs, "What do Sweetpea and Fangs want from me anyway? What will it take for them to accept me? Do I need to wear plaid? Do I need to wear a leather jacket? Or a snake tattoo?" Betty rants out even more "To be fair your moth is Serpent enemy Number 1." I say out loud she ignores my comment "And meanwhile Shady Man's car is out there somewhere and we have no idea what's going on with it." Betty keeps going I get up seeing I have a call from Reggie so I walk back to our shared room.
Time Skip
The next day I heard the news of Betty and Jughead asked Kevin Keller, of all people about the car, Chic and and I sit and listen to Alice yell about the car "Has shacking up together driven you both completely insane? Talking to the sheriff's son about that car? You didn't think that was going to raise any red flags?" Alice yells at Betty and Jughead "No Kevin didn't suspect a thing." Betty argues back I slide my hand down my face in frustration "And at least we know what's going on now." Jughead says in retailation "Yeah, which is Chic's drug dealer stole someone's car before he made his run to our house." Betty says looking at Chic "Dwayne didn't have wheels, he was always borrowing his girlfriends's car." Chic explains dad comes over in front of him "Someone called the Shady man's phone while I had it. And she sounded like a crazy person, but not like there was a lot of love lost between her and Dwayne." Betty explains to all of us "That could be Darla , yeah." Chic tells us "Is this Darla somebody we should be worried about?" Alice asks him "I don't really know her." He says "Shocker! Gee you seem like such an observant helpful person, dumbass." I say as I mumble the last part of the sentence he shoots me a dirty look and I shoot a dirtier look back "B.J That's enough." Dad says grabbing my shoulder "Right, whoa, let's stick to the plan. This has nothing to do with us. Dwayne stole Darla's car, Darla got it back, let's hope it ends here." Dad continues "And pack your things Betty, because this honeymoon is over, O-ver. You two playing house and running around town like loose cannons is beyond the pale. We don't want Hal finding out about this. The last thing we need is for him to stick his nose in it." Alice yells at Betty "I'll move out, I'll get a place, Betty. It's your house, not mine." Chic says finally the problem being solved "Fine, I'll come back after Chic's gone." Betty says agreeing to the solution "Oh, I'm done with your ultimatums young lady. You're coming home now! And if you don't back me up on this, FP, I will tear this trailer apart with my bare hands." Alice warns her she looks at Dad and Dad looks at Betty and only gets up not being able to do anything. "Fine, I'll go get my stuff." Betty says getting up "I'll help you pack." Alice says delightfully walking to the room.
Time Skip
I was sitting outside on the front steps doing some homework and getting some ideas for Reggie and I for changes when we win when I get a call from Jughead, I picked it up thinking it's just regular Serpent things "Hello?" I say into the phone "B.J Betty needs help, the person who claimed the car droppped by there house and another one has shown up. We need to rally our  Serpents." He says quickly my eyes go wide and I drop my homework "When do I need to get there?" I ask "Now." He tells me I speed walk to my motorcycle and speed off to Betty's as fast as I can. Passing cars and other things, getting to her neighborhood and schreeching to a hault. Meeting the other Serpents and My brother, we all angerly march to the door and Jughead kicks it in. We all switch open our blades and Betty comes and stands by us, "You think you two can take all of us?" Betty says to the blonde haired women and the man, I assume the women is Darla. "Try it." Betty finishes "You brought backup? Does that mean you want me to go to the sheriff's start making a stink?" Darla says to her "Well, that's your call but my back-up and me, we're friends with the sheriff's son, so whose side do you think he'll pick?" Betty tells her "The Coopers are one of the most respected families in Riverdale. You two are just a couple of Centerville scumbags." I tell her with Jughead having to pull my shoulder back so I won't get into her face "Anything that was in your car, the swamp washed away, else we'd have heard about it by now, so why don't you just grab the money and run." Betty says to Darla and the man I switch my blade in and out and give the man a dirty look, making sure I looked like I wasn't afraid to even stab him. Alice let's out a heavy sigh of sorta relief, Betty hugs her and I make sure the other Serpents follow them out. Jughead and I watch to make sure they leave and the other Serpents leave "Sorry about your door Mrs. Cooper." Jughead says with me following him back to the living room "Thank you, Jughead, B.J, thank your friends for me." She tells us I smile at her "We're Serpents, it's what we do." I tell her she gives me a small smile and turns to her daughter "Betty, you've been telling me something that I didn't want to hear. And I'm sorry. But Chic...You've put us in danger twice now. So I think that...You should do what you said and leave this house." Alice says as she turns to Chic he looks down in shame "I will, I'll find a place." Chic tells her "Do it quickly, because you're not gonna spend another night here." Alice says as she picks up some trash and takes it clean up more, what a time what a time.
After that whole mix up was done I got a call from Toni, she couldn't be there for Betty for something she was planning with Veronica who she will need help with once she got all the details, I will do anything for my best friend but Veronica not so much. "Heyy Tonii." I yell into the phone "B.JJ!" She yells back into the speaker "Okay give me the details." I tell her getting right down to business "Right, you know how I have that think with Cheryl, well her mom found out that she's well you know gay and sent her off to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, for conversion and Veronica and I divised a plan in saving her." Toni explains "As much as I do not give two shits about Cheryl, I will go because I know you enjoy having her around." I tell her I could feel her smile "Thank you thank you, I love you so much B." She yells in the speaker "I'm picking you up in couple, go get ready." She says and hangs up I put my phone in my pocket and jump on my bike and speed back to the trailer.
I throw on my black ripped jeans, my biker boots, my black crop top and my Serpents jacket. I throw my hair into a bun and good timing because just pulled up. I run out the door and jump onto the bike of her bike and we speed off to the Pembrooke to get Veronica, we will most likely be taking her Vehicle most of the way and then walking to get her. Toni and I sit down at one of the small chairs and wait for Veronica, in a few minutes she walks out "Sorry, I had to wait for my parents to do bed-check." She says and walks past us as we follow her outside.
We park outside of Fox forest and run in the direction Kevin apparently told the two, we try not to trip over everything as we go. We make it to the location and see Kevin standing there with his flashlight, we make it over to him "According to my Intel, the tunnel that leads from the main residence comes out here." Kevin explains to us "Okay, that's our way in then." I tell them "Alright Kevin you stay here. If we're not back in 15 minutes you call your dad." Veronica explains to him Toni takes her crowbar out and starts try and pry the door open, after a few seconds she gets it and we quietly run in. "Okay, and when we get it the main building, what happens then?" Veronica asks us "We search each and every damn room until we find her." Toni tells us "Let's go." I say and start walking towards the entrance.
We check every room, and halls we go into or find trying to be as quiet as possible so we don't get caught "Okay let's split up, we'll cover three times the ground." Toni says I nod "Be careful." Veronica says as we split up to find her I speed walk through every hall and open every room. When I meet up with Veronica and we both find a room we haven't checked yet, we walk in and see Toni and Cheryl in a deep kiss. My eyes wide seeing my best friend finally find love "Cheryl, Toni we got to get going there are a bunch of nuns coming." Veronica says breaking the moment, Toni grabs Cheryl and Veronica and I try to make sure the coast is clear we start running the way we came hoping we can miss them by chance. We see them and turn back around and run the different way we see more and break for a stair well. We sprint down the stairs making our way back to the tunnel somehow. We get to the ladder and start climbing up "Come on!" I yell as I help people up, once everyone was up I shut the door in time and stuck the crowbar in it and the nuns started banging on it. Toni grabs Cheryls hand to help her run fast and we all book out of Fox forest Kevin right behind us.
It's been such a week, I'm so exhausted with all this shit but the next day at school it was another daily Serpents meeting but this time special guest Alice Cooper. "I asked Jughead and B.J to thank you for me, but I reconsidered because I wanted to do it myself. So thank you for what you did. I also wanted you to hear it directly from me that I am done attacking and disvowing the Southside. It's where I'm from and I should be proud of that. And from now on, I will be and like my daughter I will fight tooth and nail for it." Alice explains to all of us Sweetpea and Fangs seem pretty please along with the rest of the hoodlims that we have. Atleast it was a good ending for most of us.

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