Chapter 10

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With the whole kiss fiasco over with we all left to our rooms for the night, which is nice peace away from the drama of the other four idiots. "So what did you think of that whole thing." Reggie asks me as I unpack my things I spot the lingerie I packed and smirked a little "Hm, oh yeah that was super werid, never thought my brother would kiss a Lodge for that matter, but I think he enjoyed Archie's face." I explain to him getting up to go to the bathroom to change "Haha yeah I get it, mostly for the payback, speaking of payback, you still owe me ten dollars for meeting your dad bet." He tells me as he watches me cross the room to our bathroom "I'll do you one better." I say biting my lip looking him up and down. I don't know what I'm about to get myself into but we're going head first anyway. "Oh yeah how's that." He says getting up from the bed, he has his shirt off so of course I look him up and down, what insane human being wouldn't. "Gimmie one sec." I say shutting the door and ripping my clothes to throw the white lacey underwear on. I quickly reopen the door "Just like this." I say standing on my tip toes whispering in his ear, without saying anything Reggie gladly kisses me full force. He was defiently craving something and I think I found out that he was craving me. Catching me off gaurd for a second I kiss him back, passionatly. This drives him more insane wanting me more and more by the second. However I plan to play hard to catch. He smashes me up against the wall so he's more stable and he starts sucking on my lip asking for it, asking for the entry of my mouth. I playfully deny him and tries to ask nicely once more but I deny him again. He gets frustrated and grabs my boob making be gasp for just the right amount of time for his tongue to slip and feel its' way around my mouth, feeling every single centimeter. It got more intense from there on "Mhm, I've always wanted you to be mine Jolene." Reggie mumbles through his lips trying to keep his on my mine I didn't answer I just kissed him harder. He picked me up like I was nothing not breaking contact and threw me on the bed, he starts to go down my jawline kissing slowly making me agonize more, because now I really want him. He makes his way down my neck trying to find my sweet spot, it takes him a few seconds to get there but once he does I let out a slight moan letting him know he found it. With that in his mind he starts to suck on it at first gently and after a few seconds harder and harder making my small moans become a bit louder. Getting tired of my neck he moves down to the see through lace bra, however he looks up at me almost asking permission to even get close to my boobs, I give him a small smile. He takes it as a yes and starts to rip it off sucking on my left boob and massaging the other one. I feel like I'm in pure bliss at the moment, why does this feel way better than any other time I've had sex. I moan a lot more and he switches to the right continueing what he was doing. Every now and then he sucks harder to make me moan louder. "I'm gonna make you say my name." He says whispering in my ear and kissing my lips I  moan out my sentence "Pleas do so." I tell him tangling my pale hands into his black hair he slowly kisses down my stomach reaching my hip bone and licking it. I sigh in pleasure and complete agony wanting him so bad, he gets up and slowly pulls down his boxers, and slowly out comes his dick. May I say I'm one lucky girl, he smirks at my mezmorized face "Like what you see?" He asks with a cocky smirk I nod and bite my lip slowly getting up from where I'm laying and grab it wrapping my petite hand around his giant dick. He grunts at the contact and I slowly begin to thrust my hand back and forth keeping eye contact. His grunts becoming more of softer moans he grabs my hair to steady himself. I slowly hook my small mouth onto him still keeping eye contact and began to suck, I thrusthed my hand over what I couldn't put in. He began to moan even more "Oh your mouth feels soOo good." He moans out, I begin to suck harder and harder, almost gagging a few times but what girl wouldn't with a package like this. He starts to move my head back and forth himself faster and faster, I know he's about to cum, and I'm already to swallow. He begins to shake a little and his moans turn into grunts "B I'm abo-" He tries to warn me as he shoots into my mouth, I swallow as much as I can and lick the sides of my mouth, he smirks seeming pleased at me for swallowing. "Alright let's get this smoke show going." He says shoving me roughly back down on the bed climbing over the top of me. He reaches down to take off the undies but stops hesitating, he looks up at me making sure it's alright to go for it, I give him and smile and a nod. He instantly rips them off, spreading my legs quickly without hurting me and ducks his head down. His lips connect with my pussy and I whip my head back with a moan. He takes this as a sign to suck and lick it all he wants, I won't stop him. I tangle my hand in his hair and the other massaging my boob. He then continues to slip two fingers in streching me out a bit before the main show. I'm in pure bliss at this moment in time barley to even tell him anything, he knows he's doing his job right. After about a minute so I try to warn him but he put his hand to stop me and stops sucking "Rude!" I say to him with a jokingly offended face "On know babydoll you're cumming on my dick and that's final." He says pulling me closer to him "One second though." He says as he gets up and quickly makes it to his bag, he rummages through finally finding what he needs. He pulls it out and tears the wrapper with his teeth and quickly slips the condom on. "Smart thinking Mr.Mantle." I say "Why thank you Mrs. Jones." He says lining himself up I nod telling him I'm ready and he gently slips himself in, I grimace for a few seconds letting myself get used to him. I then nod at him telling him he's all clear to go and he starts to thrust. He starts out slow testing his waters but soon finds out I don't want it slow, I want it fast and hard. He had no arguements with that one and did what I said making the bed squeak, no different than Archie and Veronica. We both soon realize that we're almost to our climaxes which makes Reggie slam into me even harder which makes me grab the bed sheets. His grunts getting a bit louder and my moans getting out of hand. Soon I let go and he lets go making him collapse on top of me. He smiles "God what a ride." Reggie jokes out kissing me on my lips I smile back at him "Glad I could owe those ten dollars." I say giggling "Ugh me too." He says getting up from being on top of me "I'm gonna take this off and then we can snuggle up and go to bed." He says kissing my cheek, what a softie.
The next morning we got up at sunrise, mostly because Reggie got up to do some morining workouts which gave me a pretty good floor show. Then we took a shower together, his reasoning was to save water, which is pretty valid point. We both got dressed and presentable and went downstairs together and met the other four. "Hey B.J Betty and I were wanting to go town, and were hoping you'd like to come?" Veronica says I look up at Reggie making sure if he'll be alright with me going he sqeezes my shoulder and smiles. "Yeah sure totally I could use some girl time." I tell the girls they both smile "I'll let you have your girl time." Reggie says kissing my cheek and going to over to the boys, I smile at them and the girls and I head out.
We are at one of the stores looking at things to buy, "So B.J that was some seriously aggresive hand holding I heard through the wall last night." Veronica says looking at something Betty nods with a slight giggle I let out a chuckle "When did that start?" Betty asks "Last night." I tell the both of them, they both looked shocked at my answer "Really." Veronica asks "Well as my Abuelita likes to say, praise jesus, we've seen you guys hanging out more and more lately, you guys are cute together." Veronica finishes she looks at the cashier who seems to be checking her out "Hi, I'd like this and this. And oh the last time I was here you guys had the most srumptious scones." Veronica says to the man he gets up most likely to get them "Yeah, Yeah my grandma makes em, but just during the summer, for the summer people." He tells us he grabs out a bag "Oh. That's when we normally come up here." She explains to him "Thought I recognized you, You've got one of those places on Shadow Lake, Right? But you're usually with your folks." He asks her, he seems kinda fishy to me "Yeah, they're back in, um I was about to say New York but we'er in Riverdale now." Veronica explains handing him the money she owes to buy the products "That hick town? I bet they don't even know what to do with you there." The man says I give him a quesitionble look "No they do not. What's your name handsome?" Veronica asks and then I shoot her a questioning look "Okay enough flirting here. You had a fight with Archie you didn't break up with him." Betty tells her I give her a thank you for making it stop, it's not my place "I'm cassidy." He says handing her the bag, we finally walk out of the store "So how's it been? You know, with you and my brother?" I ask Betty "Oh, things have been nice." She replies I nod "Nice? Nice is not what I heard the past few times you've stayed at our house." I giggle out
We make it back home still gossiping on our way there, we open the door to see the boys hanging out "Hi!" We all say "Hey" They greet back instantly getting up to kiss us "I have a question to ask you here soon." Reggie says "Oh yeah?" I ask him looking up from where I was hugging him when I here Jugheads phone ring "B.J it's dad, come on." Jughead says waving me over to follow him outside
"Jughead, B.J, Hey! You two are not gonna believe this!" Our dad yells into the phone "Yeah Yeah, everyone is over here celebrating! Listen, the eviction notices , the back rent... It's all gone! Paid in full no one has to move out!" Dad says cheerfully our eyes light up and we looked at each other "That's amazing!" We both say into the phone "How did this happen?" Jughead asks "You two! You two shamed into it!" Dad yells happily at us "He did a complete 180." He finishes "Who did? What are you talking about?" I ask dad "Hiram... Hiram Lodge, He just bought Sunnyside Trailer Park and said we could all stay, We're staying!" Dad yells and I this crowd of people yell I assume the serpents Jughead and I both go quiet "Jug...B.J??" Dad yells into the phone Jughead hangs up and we both look at the Lodges cabin in disappointment.
We confront Archie and Veronica "First you dad buys the drive in." Jughead starts "Now he owns Sunnyside Trailer Park." I finish for him with frustration "As we suspected, he's gobbling up the Southside piece by piece." Jughead says "Wait slow down. Mr.Lodge is the one evicting people from the trailer park?" Archie asks "No, technically he cleared us of our debts and revoked the evictions." I tell the rest of them "Does that mean you get to keep your trailer?" Archie asks us "Yes, so why are you two outraged?" Veronica asks "Because it's a tactic. It's a smokescreen, Pr 101. He's trying to by our silence again." Jughead rants to her "Good lord you two, how much narcissits are you?" Veronica says back "Jughead, you wrote an article attacking Mr.Lodge and demanding that he makes amends. It sounds like that's what he's trying to do." Archie explains to us I scoff "They do kinda have a point." Betty says to us "Look guys,  I know you love conspiracies mostly you Jug, but take the win, bro and let's celebrate." Archie finishes off making me and my brother look at each other.
Later that night after our small arguement outside we sit around a coffee table playing monoply perfect for Veronica Lodge "I have a hotel in park place, which brings your total to 1,500 dollars. Sorry B it's nothing personal." Veronica says she's decided that she will call me J so we don't get confused "Yeah, I know its just business." Betty says handing over the cash "Mhmm" Veronica says the phone rings this time not Jugs or mine. "Ew its my mom." Betty says picking it up "Should I answer it?" She asks us "No!" We all say at the same time "What if it's about Chic? Let me just..." She trails off getting up and taking it "Hey mom what's up?" She says walking off "By the way when are we ever gonna get to meet Chic?" Veronica asks I shrug my shoulders "I actually did before we left." Jughead says "And how is he?" I ask him "Honestly he's kinda creepy." Jughead starts "Guys.." Betty starts "Everything okay?" Reggie asks her "No, actually, My mom is freaking out because Hiram Lodge just bought the Riverdale Register." She states we all look at Veronica Betty sits down "My mom is losing her mind, My dad's not answering her calls. Veronica, did you know your dad was buying the register?" Betty asks her ranting on "What? No, Betty, of course not." Veronica replies "See this is what I'm talking about." Jughead says "Relax Jughead," Archie tells him "Don't tell me to relax." Jughead spits back "Is that why you brought us up here?" I ask her Jughead answers her question "Yes." He says "To get us out of town while your dad was doing these things?" Betty says "Okay, now who sounds crazy?" Veronica tells her "Lodge Industries has been buying properties all over the Southside. Now he buys the one newspaper in town, so people can't report on what he's doing? It's a classic gambit of mobsters and criminals." Jughead and I both say "Shut the hell up you two." Archie replies back "Archie this one's pretty simple, so even you might be able to get this if you stopped kissing up to Hiram for, like two seconds." I tell him straightfoward Reggie grabs my shoulder to keep me from swinging "How many times have I defended you, now you turn and stab my family in the back." Betty tells her clearly hurt "It sounds to me you should be mad at your dad for selling the newspaper, not mine." Veronica tells her "Yeah, there's nothing, like, evil about buying a newspaper." Archie says "He's trying to silence the free press, Archie. He's trying to keep Mrs. Cooper from coming after him." I tell them "I am so sick of your vendetta against my dad. He's done plenty of good things." Veronica says "Oh, like what, name one thing?" I ask her "He's...." Veronica starts "He paid my dad's medical bills." Archie says "Boy, Archie Veronica's got you wrapped around her little finger." Jughead says "And other parts of her body." I say "Oh! I'm sorry. I'm sorry we don't spend time dodging each other in the hallway becuase we feel embarresed, and sitting at the football bleachers hoping no one catches us." Veronica goes off on me suddenly the glass breaks "Where did that come from?" Jughead asks "Who else knows we're here?" Archie asks "Why did you say it like that?" Reggie asks clearly hurt the door opens and he instanty shields "Oh my God." Veronica grabs Archie "You rich summer folks never learn, you just keep walking around town, flashing more cash than we see in a year. We're gonna take what we want,  and then we are gonna go. If you guys behave yourselves, nobody gets their skulls knocked in." The man explains to us Reggie holds his arm in front of me "Fine, take what you want. We won't give you any trouble." Archie tells the man "Where's your purse?" He asks Veronica "Um... it's in my bedroom." Veronica replies "Let's go to the bedroom." The man says "No, no way you're going up there alone, I'll go." Archie says "Archie, it's fine. I'll be fine. We'll be right back. Everybody just needs to stay calm." She says going with the man I couldn't help but think it was Cassidy from the store.
They come back from upstairs, "Can we go already, you got the cash?" I ask him "Yeah I got the cash." He replies to me "Then you got what you wanted." Archie says "Not everything, not yet. Why don't you all get down on your knees?" The man says "Come on man let's not do this." The other says "Shut up. I said on your knees, hands behind your backs. DO IT!" He yells we all conform I start to have PTSD from the time I've had a gun pulled on me and I start to have tears stream down my face "It's a nice cabin. I'm sorry we have to make such a mess in it." He says pulling his axe up to hit us when the telephone starts going off turning his attention somwhere else "What the hell is that?" He asks "That would be the security company, calling to check on the silent alarm I hit in my bedroom. I'd say you hillbilies have about 30 seconds to run for it before this place is swarming with gaurds who will shoot first and ask questions never." She explains to him her rich coniving tone that I sometimes enjoy hearing "Screw you rich bitch." He says taking her necklace and running. Of course Archie immediatly gets up and try and follow "Archie don't!" Reggie and Veronica yell but he's already hightailing them. Oh dear God this is a real vacation right here.
We ended up leaving early and once we arrived back in town we ate some pops, Reggie and I sat alone we needed some time to ourselves that night we each other.
"Archie didn't say any more about what happened in the woods that terrible night. At least not to us. My sister B.J however still never got that question from Reggie, but she ended up staying the night with him. His parents weren't home so the were free to do whatever. And so this chapter comes full circle, ending where it began. With a girl in a house that was far from sweet, and perhaps far from safe.

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