Chapter 2

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The next day it was a little odd not having Sweetpea walk into the school. I felt out of place without him by my side. I looked down at my now ringless hand I couldn't help but think of what happened last night. The bell rings shaking the thought out of my head and strutting to my next class. I walk into the musty room and sit down next to Toni "So what exactly happened last night?" She asks turning to me "We broke up." I tell her "No way, you guys did I thought you two would work this out." She says "I don't take shit from anyone Toni, not even if it is the love of my life." I mumble the last part "I'm both sorry and proud of you B." She says "Thanks Toni." I say to her turning my attention towards the teacher. Still feeling Toni's worried eyes on for a few seconds more.

Finally thankfully it being lunch I walk out and sit next to Toni. She nods one of other serpents over to sit on other side knowing that Sweetpea will be around. I smile at her mentally thanking her for being thoughtful. I'm going to have to get used to know Sweetpea. I hear the door open to the club classroom where we eat lunch at and see a girl hanging all over him. Anger and sadness boils up inside me but I let it slide because he's no longer mine. The two sit down across from us with fangs on the other side of Sweetpea. "Hey Toni, B.J." Fangs greets breaking the tension "Hey fangs." Toni says I keep quiet and nod at him he understands and gets why I'm in a mood "So what are you doing today?" Fangs directs the question to Toni "Well if you guys didn't see the blue and gold, Jughead overstepped a boundary about Riverdale history. He used my grandfather for part of his project and then used the story to start a riot." Toni explains "Sounds like my brother." I chime in "I give you full permission to yell and kick his ass." I tell her "Thanks B." She says with a small smile "Sounds like something a Jones would do." Sweetpea snaps "Excuse me?" I snap back "You heard me blondie." He snaps back this boy was getting on my nerves more and more. I look at Toni and then back at Sweetpea, "at least my brother sticks up for what's right and doesn't blame other people for doing wrong." I say referring back to him cheating on me three times. I roll my eyes and start to walk out the room shoulder checking him on the way by. I've had enough of his shit, I've been so done with it that I've bottled it up to the point where I want to cry. I feel the tears start to well up in my eyes and I make my way to the football field bleachers. I always went to the bleachers when I wasn't having a good day, just something about sitting there and imaging me cheering for the games was calming to me. That's what I missed most about Riverdale high the cheer team. Unbeknownst to me a certain football player followed me out here. "Hey B.J." The voice said I instantly recognized it "Reggie, go away." I say through sniffles "I would usually take the chance to leave but I know you're crying." He says "Shut up." I say whimpering "He didn't deserve you." He starts "Reggie." I warn him with a bigger whimper "I know I know you don't want to talk about it but you know I'm right, out of anyone other than Cheryl and your brother I know you the best." He tells me I only nod because he's right 9 months together and you really get to know a person. He sits down next to me and without fighting it he pulls me into a hug "I'm sorry for being an asshole, I'm really sorry for everything. If I'm being honest here I actually miss you." He confuses I look him in the eye "You're forgiven." I say with a small soft smile

The next day Jughead and I go with Toni to apologize to her grandfather about the article "I was angry." He starts "I'm sick of watching it get dismantled, piece by piece in front of our eyes. They take our drive in, then they take our school." Jughead goes on "I thought you were apologizing? Toni cuts in I nod agreeing with her question "I am." He states "I shouldn't have used your story or what happened to the Uktena against the north side. I had no right... I had no right. I'm sorry." Jughead apologizes to Toni's grandfather "Whatever your reasons were, you opened an old wound. Now something has to be done to heal it." The man says to Jughead "Do you have something in mind grandpa?" Toni asks him without him even having to say it I already knew what he wanted and we better start planning.

It's the day of the festival, it's our time to cause some trouble. This will leave some bad blood between Veronica and I but I'm sure she'll get over it. As the song starts we start walking in holding our signs and tape on our faces. Ready to face the horror on people's faces. Veronica stops singing as we walk into the front of the crowd "Toni? Jughead? B.J? What the hell is going on?" Veronica asks confused Toni puts the megaphone up to her mouth "We're here representing the dead and the silenced. Pickens day is a lie, General Pickens slaughtered the Uktena tribe, my grandfathers family, and this land, the land that we're standing on, the land that will soon give way to the new southside, was stolen from them. And we can't bring them back, but we can and we must honor them." Toni finishes up some of the last part of her speech before Hiram interrupts her "Hey folks! Hi... uhm.. I think we can all be proud to live in a Riverdale where young people stand up for justice. Where a young women can defend the honor and legacy of her grandfather. And where we can celebrate the living legacy of the Uktena, who contribute to the rich tapestry that is Riverdale, that is the southside and that will be Sodale. So let's hear a round of applause for that, am I right? That's right, what do you say people?" Hiram finishes up his impromptu speech trying to calm down the crowd. I watch as Jughead rios off his tape on his face and Toni's dad pulls him back into line. I sigh, he needs to calm down, I understand his frustrations but Toni's grandpa has made a mends with us. It's time to stop and slow our thinking down, we need to get back into the order of things. I grab his shoulder and I motion him to follow me, he obliges and we walk over to our bikes. "Are we going home?" He asks "Of course, our job here is done and I'm tired of you messing shit up." I tell him as we both start our bikes up. We zoom our way home not really speaking to each other as we walk in and going our seperate ways.
And so, with a stroke of a feel keys, the dark education of Betty Cooper had begun. And als, perhaps, the criminal apprenticship of Archie Andrews. "Let's start with a blank slate, Archie." Hiram says "Where do you see yourself in five years?" He asks him "IN college. Hopfully on some type of athletic scholarship." Archie tells him "To study music?" Hiram questions "No, that was the old me." Archie explains "Now I'm thinking more like... business." He tells Hiram Hiram nods and breathes out "Mayber one day I'll even be able to buy back Andrews Construction from you." Archie tells him with a jokin smile "Archie, as long as you're dating Veronica, I'm going to demand the best from you... and that requires learning from the best. How would you like to start your business tuteluge under my shepherding?" Hiram asks him Archies phone starts to buzz as it's the FBI agent he met with before all of this was going down. He silences it and looks back up at the man making his desicion, "Sorry about that Mr. Lodge." He apoligizes "You mean like an internship?" Archie asks him Hiram only sips his drink.
-That night plans would be made... alliances would be formed, and a horrifying act of descreation would be committed...
"Must've happened late last night or early this morning." Sheriff Keller states to Mrs. McKoy and the Lodges "Well, Hiram, Hermione, it's your show now. How would you like this handled?" Mrs. McKoy asks them "Swiftly, and with extreme predjudice. I believe we all know who the likely suspects are. I mean, you tell me. Isn't this something the serpents would do?" Hiram questions them
- Ensuring that the town's civil war would go from a possibility to an inevitability- panning to the decapited General Pickens this town was getting crazier and crazier as it on.

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