Chapter 9

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"That was Cheryl." Jughead states with some venom in his tone "Why would she call you?" I ask he dimisses his question "She said that you and Archie kissed in front of her house." Jughead says almost in tears I glare at the both of them and Reggie sqeezes my hand, Betty and Archie are both left speechless which means they are clearly guilty.
We all split up into seperate rooms after the news broke out, "I cannot believe they did that to my brother." I say pacing back in forth "B, You knew Archie had feelings for Betty before Jughead and her got together." Reggie tries to reasons "I know but still, even if they were on break you'd think that they wouldn't even dare to touch each other." I say to him "Look come on B.J this isn't our problem it's theirs, come on let's get some rest we've had a long ride." Reggie says until we here bed sqeaking "I swear to good why can't Veronica and Archie ever talk." I laugh out "I have no clue." Reggie says kissing my cheek
An hour later I wake up and shake Reggie awake who ends up pulling me back down to get more sleep "Five more minutes." He whines out I roll my eyes and force him to get up and come down stairs with me. I open the door and see Betty and Jughead who don't seem mad at each other, so I'm gonna let the issue drop. "You guys heard the bed too right?" Reggie asks "Yeah." Betty laughs out, we follow each other to the dining area. Where we see the sex culprits "Hi guys." Betty chirps out "heyy." Veronica and Archie both say with an awkward tone, "Relax, everything's fine." Jughead tells them "Awesome, because you guys haven't tried my Jalapeno margaritas. Who wants one?" She says getting up to go make one we all smile at each other, we go and sit down on the couches waiting for Veronica.
She brings us our drinks and we all sit down with our dates "I'd like to propose a toast, to the Lodges, to their hospitality, and to putting the past behind us." Jughead says as he looks at Veronica "Cheers!" Veronica says with a smile towards the both of us Jones "Cheers." We all say and clink glasses and take a sip "Mm, Veronica this is really good!" I compliment "Thank you!" She says taking another sip of hers "So your parents come up here a lot these days, Veronica?" I ask her "Not as much as they'd like. Daddy's such a workaholic you know." She tells me and of course Jughead has to jump in "On the SoDale project? How's that going is it heating up? Still getting intense?" He intergates her basically "It is, Luckily Archie's dad Is doing such a superb job of keeping everything on schedule." Veronica tells us "Vee tell us more on your fancy neighbors." Betty asks her with a high pitched tone "Yeah are they in the same business as your dad?" Reggie asks her adding on "Reggie, don't be so straightforward." I nudge him "I was just making conversation." He says I roll my eyes "I'm sorry continue." Reggie adds on "It's a hodgepodge, really some are in entertainment,  some are in business, some are in real estate." Veronica explains to us I find this interesting but Jughead is just taking all this information in just so he can expose them. "You know what's werid, as we were driving up here, I noticed that none of the houses have mailboxes or numbers or anything on 'em why is that?" Jughead asks he just sounds like he's writing a report at this point "Shadow Lake is a pretty private community." Veronica replies back to him "Like their hiding something." Jughead tries to get out of her my eyes go wide with the "are you serious" face "Jughead seriously this isn't 20 questions." Betty chastises him I hear Veronica whisper "Toxic twin alert, I knew things weren't kosher in the state of Bughead." She clears her throat "Guys... I'm picking up some residual tension from I'm guessing, Cheryl's random act of cruelty earlier." Veronica says trying to get them away from argueing "I'm picking up the same thing." I say to them "What no." Betty and Jughead insist "Which is understandable. Fear you not though I got the antidote. Step one clothes off, swimsuits on." Veronica says we all look at each knowing exactly where she's going with this, we all instantly get up and dart to our shared rooms. Reggie and I practically slam our door shut in excitement and run to our bags and dig threw our belongings. He shoves his swimsuit on first not even waiting for me and leaves, I put on my black revealing bikini and do my haird a bit for the hot tub and make my way downstairs where I see the other two. "You two look good." I say to them "So do you!" Betty says linking arms with me I smile at her "I love you bikini, and I bet Reggie will love it too." Veronica says winking and linking her arm with my other one. We all laugh and walk out together, you know like runway models. As we near the hottub we catch each one of our boys staring at us in amazement. They gladly help us in, Reggie pulls me basically on his lap, "Ah, I don't know about you guys, but I'm feeling better already. Okay so, full disclosure time. When Archie told me about the kiss, I absorbed it, processed it, and in the end I bear no ill will towards my beau nor my bestie. But has the thought of it haunted me these last few weeks? A tiny bit yeah. And now clearly Betty and Jughead, you guys are caught up in the aftermath. So clear the air amongst us, Jughead and I should kiss." Veronica explains very throughly I about spit out my drink in shock, she wants to kiss my brother? Shit I haven't even kissed Reggie, I could feel Reggie's mood go awkward and I think he could tell I feel the same. He grabs my hand and sqeezes it in reassurance. "What?" Archie says in disbelief "Veronica are you nuts?" He finishes  "Well wait a minute, I don't know. Hold on. Veronica and I kissing might help us uh...  What's the sports term Archie? Uh.. Level the playing field?" I about spit take again my brother is on board with this?? "Betty, B.J, Reggie a little help here?" Archie asks us "You're not upset though Jug?" Betty asks "No no, really, I'm not upset." Jughead reassures her "Right." Betty says "But I'm human." He adds on "What if a future me tries to use your kiss with Archie against some future you? A Vughead kiss, right now, in the present might be precisely what it takes to save the future Bughead from imploding. Archie come on man, it's just a stupid kiss. Right?" Jughead tells us I kinda agree with him it does make it fair. Veronica gets up from where she's sitting and wraps her arms around his shoulders "Jughead, don't freak out." Veronica says leaning in I look at the other two faces and they seem to not know how they feel. "Just trust me." She says to him she then pulls him in for an actual eight second kiss, clearly it didn't look to passionate but holy shit what a day. What even make me come on this trip?

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