Chapter 13 Musical Episode

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The morning before school I start getting ready for the day, making sure I look pristine. I put on some blue jeans and a white collared shirt with a powder blue sweater over. Some black heels to finish it off and some minor makeup, I give my hair some volume.
Betty: Everyday I just pray Everymove I make is right Where I go who I know"
Veronica: Will I be alone on Saturday night? I don't worry if I blow my SATS, I worry what I can possibly do"
B.J: To squeeze in? Pow! Why not now? When will I belong? Look where am I am damn!" I sing as I make my way to the early morning Vixens practice.
Cheryl: My whole life feels wrong! What if I do snap?"
Toni: Holy Crap! I'd crawl out of my skin and so would you"
All: Cause life just doesn't begin until you're in"
After Vixens I get re-ready for the school day and for another Serpents meeting I know I'll be made fun of for looking like a wanna-be Northsider
B.J: God it's rough stayin' tough, wonderin' what the world will say"
Archie: Make a plan, be a man! All this fricken' crap just gets in my way!"
B.J: I go crazy nobody cares what it does to me"
Kevin: And it's crazy! I would go out of my mind"
B.J: To be in it! In is it" I sing as I make my way to the auditorium for the musical, Toni persuded me and I thought I would help Jughead a but too, of course Cheryl got the lead roll.
Kevin: Am I, Am I, Am I, Am I"
B.J: What comes close to that!"
All: Until you've been in, you ain't where it's at Cause when you're out well, life is hell you can never win, There's no doubt that life just doesn't begin. Doesn't begin Doesn't begin. Until you're IN"
We all sing the rest of the chorus after a small warm up dance routine and collapse onto our chairs I sigh heavly "Welcome to Carrie, The Musical." Kevin says as a chair screeches across the floor and I see Fangs pull up a chair "Okay, Next, introductions." Kevin says Archie looks at Jugheads camera before speaking "I'm Archie, I'm playing Tommy Ross, the boy next door." Archie introduces "I'm betty I play Sue Snell the good girl." Betty says "I'm B.J Jones playing mean girl Chris Hargensen." I introduce I ended up taking the role from Veronica Lodge but Kevin felt like I was the best one for the role. "I'm Cheryl Blossom, playing the Iconic role of Carrie White." Cheryl tells us standing up most of us role our eyes about it "Tone deaf." Josie coughs out which makes me snicker a bit "Who's playing your mom Margaret White?" Betty asks her before she could say anything the door opens "I am." I hear someone say I turn to look who it is and I see that its Mrs. Cooper "Mom, wait seriously?" Betty asks unimpressed "Settle down, yes it's untraditional but to me, there's nothing more amateur than age-inappropriate casting." Kevin explains to us "I'm really looking forward to getting to know who this women is, you know, get under her skin. And of course spend some quality time with my daughter, Elizebeth." Alice finishes off Betty smiles softly and the door opens again "Uh, sorry." The voice says I look up and I see Chuck Clayton everyone around me tenses up, I'm not sure what happened but it must've not have been good. "I thought rehersals were in the Music Room." He says to Kevin "No problem." Kevin reassures him "All are welcome here." He finishes off
"Okay Act one, Scene One." Kevin says as we flip to the pages "Actually before we begin, I've heard whisperings that some of you ensemble-vultures don't think I'm fit to play or sing the role or Carrie White. So, to settle this matter once and for all Maestro?" Cheryl signals the Maestro "Okay uh, Cheryl." Kevin tries to butt in
Cheryl:" That's not my name! I'd hear that word sounding so sweet
Thousands of voices forever repeating
Carrie Carrie Carrie
I am the sound of distant thunder
That color, a flame!
I'm Carrie
I am a song of endless wonder
That no one will claim
But someday oh, my, someday!
Someone will know
My name!
We all clap for her performance of course Toni gave her a standing ovation, "Wow. I think I speak for everyone when I say that was undeniable, Cheryl." Kevin says to please her, a sound a rope tearing apart goes off when she walks towards where she was sitting and a sandbag falls right in front of her she lets out a scream of surprise.
Time skip to Carrie rehersal
Betty: Tommy lately, I've just not been feeling right, I'm so ashamed of how we've all been treating Carrie White. Now I realize this is hardly your concern I hate to drag you into this, but I've got nowhere else to turn Do me a favor?
B.J: There's somethin' that Carrie White'll just have to learn, If she plays with fire she's gonna get burned. I want her to pay up for all that she's cost me and make her good and sorry that she ever crossed me. You gotta help me if you help me I could even up this debt
Betty and B.J: And we can both give Carrie White a night she won't forget Do me a favor.
Betty: Think of Carrie, I've said everything I could But one small act of kindness might change Carrie's life for good
Archie: Fine
Both girls: Come on come on
Archie and Chuck: Okay, okay, okay
B.J: There's something that Carrie White'll just have to learn If she plays with fire she's gonna get burned
Betty: Once you help me
Both girls: I'm begging I'm pleading I'm down on my knees
All: If you really love me, Well then baby, baby, please Do me a favor.
We all end in our ending poses for the number out of breath but smiling that we nailed it. Chuck helps me stand up straight after dipping me "Thanks." I tell him and straighten out the bellbottoms and shirt I'm wearing he nods and smiles a bit. I walk back into the dressing rooms and get changed so I can go to class and meet Reggie outside.
I walk outside and see Reggie waiting by the door waiting for me "Hey Reg!" I cheerfully say catching his attention "There's my gorgeous girl." He says pulling me into a tight hug I gladly hug him back "Come on let's get you to class." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me into the direction of our history class. "Hey would you like to come by to rehersal tonight I could use the support!" I say as we walk inside the classroom "I would love to, depends on what my dad says." He tells me "Okay, text me later what he says." I say turning my attention to the teacher.
Time skip rehersal
The World According to Chris
B.J: Guess what? Ever since the world began
Same plot! Everyone's been dumping on their fellow man
Pounding people they feel better than
I hope you're taking notes 'Cause you feel
Everyone deserves a shot
Get real!
Some of us got it, girl and some got squat
That's the truth
Oh, honey like it or not
I hate to break it to you
My daddy taught me
you get nowhere being nice
So now I'm sharing his advice
The World According to Chris is
Better to strike than get stuck
Better to screw than get screwed
You'd probaly think it's bizarre
And that's the way things are
My daddy taught me
Who's on top and who's below
And now it's time to I let you know
The world according to Chris is
Better to punch than get punched
Better to burn than get burned
Learn that you're gonna go far
Cause that's the way things are
The word according to Chris
The world according to Chris
The world according to Chris
The world according to Chris
*Snaps fingers*
The music ends and I leave Chuck practically speechless considering I just gave him a lap dance and whole nine yards. I'm glad Reggie didn't come to rehersal today because that would be a lot of explaining to do. Archie and Fangs give me a standing ovation, I feel werid that I took this role from Veronica but she got a good role too and she's my understudy anyways "Okay B.J, I am obsessed with everything that just happened." Kevin praises me I smile at him "Thank you, it helps to be off book and in full costume." I tell him Betty chuckles "Don't be so modest, You and Veronica both are the enbodiment of Chris. Never has a role been so perfectly type-cast." Betty tells me I glare at her "Betty..." Archie starts I hold my finger up to him and turn to Betty I knew she's always had a problem with me being in this play "What was that, Betty?" I ask her coming up to her "I mean think about it. Spoiled little girl, check. Major daddy issues, check. Bad to the bone trying to control everything around her, including her boyfriend and best friend. Check, check, check." She says Jughead puts his video camera down and grabs my shoulder and drags me off stage before I could do anything to hurt her. I feel like her spill was over more Veronica than it was me but that hurts. I leave rehersal early so I could clear my head Jughead said he would tell Kevin.
At home I sit on my bed doing homework trying to clear my head of what Betty told me about being the exact person of Chris. I hear a knock on the door frame, I look over and see Betty peaking her head into the door way "B.J.." She says softly "Betty if you're here to rip into me again, I agree what you said back there. If there's anything playing Chris has illuminated, it's that I haven't been the greatest towards you or you just needed to rip into someone like Veronica." I tell her as I turn towards her "I couldn't diagree more." Betty tells me
You shine
Betty: I think you hide so much you feel inside
But I know deep down there's a fire burning bright
From where you stand it might not be clear
But you shine from here
Both: No doubts no more fears
I see you shine and the dark disappears
Then I know everything is gonna be fine
Because you shine Just how you shine
Betty pulls me into a hug as we finish the small song.
The next day and the news gets out... well more like my brother told me but Cheryl is supposed to be being recasted for safety issues, from what I've been told is that the blackhood was the one who cut the sandbag and now has written two threatening letters to Kevin to recast her. Not that I'm complaining about the recasting but after all the hard work of us all getting used to each other it's just gonna ruin the dynamic of all of us.
Play rehersal
"Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Cheryl will no longer be playing the role of Carrie White." Kevin tells us all earning whats and whys from the others, "Let's just say Penelope Blossom isn't much of a stage mom. I think Cheryl's by the gym bleachers." Kevin tells us Toni gets up I assume she's gonna go comfort her as much as she can. "In the meantime Cheryl's understudy will assume the role." Kevin says "Understudy?" Ethel asks "I appointed one after the sandbag incident." Kevin explains to us "Midge Klump." Kevin tells us as Moose claps for her I forgot she even exsisted and she's on the Vixens. Rehersal keeps going and it was Alices and Midges turn for the mom and daughter song, which ends with Alice breaking down and Betty chasing after her. "Hey B.J can I get you an interview of you." Jughead asks me I nod and get up to go somewhere with him
"So B.J why did you join the play?" Jughead asks me "I joined because my best friend Toni wanted me to do it with her." I answer  him "Did you think you would get the role of chris?" He asks "No I had some tough competion between Veronica Lodge but I ended up getting it and I really like my charater." I tell him he nods and shuts the camera off. Rehersal was over anyhow so we all went home to get the stuff we need for tonights play. I was ready to get this over with, dad and Reggie are supposed to be coming to watch makes me more nervous than I was when I first started this.
Night of the play
All: You ain't seen nothing yet
It's gonna be night you'll never forget
You ain't seen nothing yet
It's gonna be a night we'll never forget
Archie: This will be just great
Betty and B.J: Oh, my life is gonna take flight
Can't wait till Saturday night
All: Yeah
Kevin: Eighty bucks for a tux?
Moose: Damn, we better get laid
Midge: You've been praying for that since the seventh grade
Alice: It's the least we deserve after everything we've paid
Archie: Got the food
Chuck: Got the drinks
Veronica: Got the limo for ten
All: And we won't get a chance like this again
Boys: We'll be leaving as boys but we're coming home as men
Chuck: This will be just great
Yeah my life is gonna take flight
Ethel: Can't wait till saturday night
Toni: You ain't seen nothing yet
It's gonna be a night we'll never forget
All: You ain't see nothing yet
It's gonnna be a night we'll never forget
Time skip we're all on stage
All: You ain't seen nothing yet
It's gonna be a night we'll never forget
You ain't seen nothing yet
It's gonna be a night we'll never forget
You ain't seen nothing yet
It's gonna be a night you'll never forget
You ain't seen nothing yet
It's gonna be a night we'll never forget
No, never
We'll never forget
A night we'll never forget 
As we finish our warm up we go back stage and it's ten minutes till places. We are all rushing around to make sure we get to where we are supposed to be. We are all nervous wrecks waiting to find everyone and get into places "Five minutes." Kevin yells at all of us making the rush more quick.
It was time for Alices number where she finally excepts Carrie for who she is "Alright Carrietta you can come out of the closet now." Alice says her line when the set rises to show Midge hanging dead from the set with knives all around her. Everyone gasps in shock and horror, the set being spray painted "I'm back from the dead, Those who escaped me before will die." B.H it was intialed "The Black Hood." I murmur out loud Alice turns around and sees the scene laid out behind her she lets out a high pitched scream of terror and everyone starts running for the doors to get out as quick as possible. "Dad!" I yell out to the crowd "Reggie!" I yell again trying see if they're safe I see Jughead running his way up the asile to make sure we are all alright. He runs to me and Betty and pulls close to him for a hug happy to see that aren't harmed.

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