RWBY Volume 1 Chapter 6: The Emerald Forest | Rooster Teeth

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All rights for RWBY go to Rooster Teeth.

This is a Fan based parody.

I will be using Italicization for people's inner thoughts.

Hints towards Whiterose and Bumblbeby will continue in this chapter so enjoy.

Naomi and Rachel from previous chapters will be in this chapter.

There might be constant action.

In The Emerald Forest*

Yang was walking around alone.

Yang then yelled "Helloooooooo?".

Yang then had a thought I wonder where Blake is?.

Yang then yelled out "Is anyone out there? Helloooooooo? I'm getting bored here.".

Something in the bushes moved and caught Yang's attention.

Yang then said "Is someone there? Ruby is that you?".

Yang then looked over and saw a Ursa Minor Grimm.

Yang then said "Nope! Not Ruby.".

The Ursa Minor Grimm then tried to strike Yang but she dodged.

Yang then got her weapon 'Ember Celica' ready to attack.

Another Ursa Minor Grimm then tried to attack again but Yang dived out of the way.

The Ursa Minor Grimm's then stood by each other.

Yang then shot them with her wrist gauntlets.

Both Ursa Minor Grimm were now on the ground and Yang stood triumphant.

Yang then asked "You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood would you?".

Both Ursa Minor Grimm's stood up and roared out.

The Ursa Minor Grimm's then tried to attack Yang again but she dodged.

Yang then said "Could just say no!".

The Ursa Minor Grimm's then tried to attack Yang but she back flipped out of the way.

Yang then landed and said "Geez you two couldn't hit the broad side of a ba--".

Yang then noticed one of her hairs in front of her flying down.

The hair then landed on the ground.

Yang then closed her eye's and said "You...".

Yang then opened her eye's and they were red.

Both Ursa Minor Grimm's looked at each other in confusion then looked back at Yang.

Yang then yelled "You monsters!".

Yang then started punching and shooting one of the Ursa Minor Grimm's with her 'Ember Celica' until it was dead.

The other Ursa Minor Grimm then ran up but stopped in front of Yang.

Yang then said "What you want some too?!".

The Ursa Minor Grimm then stood up and roared but stopped.

The Ursa Minor Grimm then fell forward on the ground revealing Blake was the one that killed it.

Blake then used her rope to pulled her weapon out of the Ursa Minor Grimm's back.

Blake then sheathed her weapon and looked at Yang and smiled.

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