RWBY Volume 1 Chapter 16: Black and White | Rooster Teeth

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All rights for RWBY go to Rooster Teeth.

This is a Fan based parody.

I will be using Italicization for people's inner thoughts.

Hints towards Whiterose and Bumbleby will continue in this chapter so enjoy.

Naomi and Rachel from previous chapters will be in this chapter.

In A Coffee Joint*

Blake and Yang were having coffee.

Yang than said "So where do you wanna start.".

Blake than sighed and said "As you know I was... once a member of the White Fang.".

Yang than said "Yes I remember.".

Blake than said "I was a member for most of my life actually. You could almost say I was born in it. Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between humans and the Faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. And I actually thought we were making a difference... but I was just a youthful optimist... Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly our peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us. Hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus slavery. And the worst part was? It was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect... out of fear.".

Blake than set her cup of Coffee down.

Blake than said "So I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence. And instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am. A criminal hiding in plain view. All with the help of a little, black bow.".

Yang than looked at the bow on Blake's head as it moved around.

Yang than asked "What's under that bow if you don't mind me asking Blake?".

Blake than said "Cat ears.".

Yang than asked "Can I pet them some time?".

Blake's eye's than widened and she blushed. 

Blake than looked away and than she said "Maybe?".

Yang than laughed a little.

Blake than turned back and looked at Yang.

Blake than said "Yang I have something to tell you and it's important.".

Yang than stopped laughing and than held Blake's hand.

Yang than said "You can tell me anything Blake. I trust you with my life.".

Blake than breathed heavily.

Blake than said "Yang, I have had this feeling about you ever since we first and talked about my book and ever since then you've been on my mind a lot and i'm hoping you feel the same way about me.".

Yang than said "I do, and I still remember when we first met when Ruby had to drag me over to talk to you.".

They both laughed for a minute and than they had some more of their coffee.

Back To Ruby And Weiss*

Ruby yelled "Blaaake?! Yaaang?! Where are yooouuu?!"

Weiss yelled "Yaaang?! Blaaake?!".

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