Chapter One

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Episode 1 - Darkmount, NV


  I should have seen it coming. No, I did see it coming, but it wasn't like I could do anything about it. With two Autobots pegging against me, there was very little I could have done. Especially since one of those Autobots was an extremely stubborn Prime that was basically my father, and the other pretty much worshipped the Prime. Believe me when I say any attempts at fighting their stupid decisions were a waste of air because none of them changed what happened.

  Still, I struggled against the seatbelt holding me down as greens and blue swirled around me, the colors starting to blur in a way that told me we were almost at the end of the ground bridge. My tears had started to end, my grief turning into anger, and that only fueled the energy within me. My powers were all over the place, mirroring my emotions. I could barely get my thoughts together, a single phrase ringing through the hurricane in my mind.

  Optimus is still back there with the Cons. Optimus is still back there with the Cons. Optimus-

  I swear Optimus Prime, if you get hurt, I'll never forgive you.

  That made me snap out my furious daze. "Smokescreen, turn around." My voice was flat and emotionless, sounding almost foreign.

  "Amanda, I can't do that," the rookie said wearily as we raced towards the end of the ground bridge, the night sky now in sight.

  "Smokescreen, I'm only asking once more," I said. "Turn around and go back."

  "Listen, I wish I could, but I've got my orders. I can't just disobey Optimus, no matter how much you and I want to go back for him."

  We had reached the end of the ground bridge, emerging in what seemed like a desert, the moon bright on top of us. That was it. In the side mirrors, I could see the ground bridge was still open. That's when I released some of my powers, allowing it to hum around me, the air almost crackling with energy.

  "Smokescreen, drive back through that ground bridge or I swear to Cleona I will go back there with or without you."

  There was a long pause before the seat belt strapping me down loosened. "Scrap it." Smokescreen swore and spun around, racing back to the ground bridge.


  "Leave no stone unturned!" Megatron commanded, standing over the wreckage of what was formerly the Autobot base. Around him, flames licked at the sky as his Insecticons searched through the rubble for the bodies of the Autobots. If he felt any remorse for the loss of the Omega Lock only an hour before, the leader of the Decepticons certainly didn't show it.

  "Master!" Starscream's voice cut through the search, causing Megatron to turn to see his second in command being followed by two Decepticons who were dragging the body of a Cybertronian. "Look who we found, pulled from the wreckage of his ship. Wheeljack."

  "So," Megatron smirked. "One survived. Take our guest back to the citadel for questioning. Back to Darkmount." He turned again, this time to face his looming new citadel, pride filling him.

  "This is the dawning of a new age, my liege," Starscream said. "The reign of Megatron!"

  The lead Decepticon grinned. "You do have a way with words, Starscream." He looked back at the searching Insecticons. "Make haste, and unearth the Autobot corpses!"


  I paced Agent Fowler's office, my thoughts racing a million miles a minute. Agent Fowler sat behind his desk, talking on the phone with several other military generals.

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