Chapter Four

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Episode 4 - Rebellion

[Elsewhere - Jack]

  Jack stepped out of the ground bridge, phone in hand and ready. "Because this worked so well last time," he muttered to himself, then hit send on a text. He stayed deathly still for the long moments that followed, praying that the Autobots' plan would work, before seeing a ground bridge open up behind him. He ran through, emerging in the Harvenger to find Finn shooting him a confirmation nod.

  "There are five Decepticons converging on Jack's former position," Ratchet said, then clicked a button to call- "Miko, it's your turn."

  "You got it, doc."

[Elsewhere - Miko]

  Miko twirled a finger through her hair as she called the number she saw moments ago on a delivery van. "Hello, I need two large pies, Sicilian. Wait, you deliver, right?"

  She didn't wait for the person on the other end's reply. A beep in her ear told her she had another incoming call.

  "You're clear, Miko," Raf said over the phone just as a ground bridge opened up behind her.

  "Sweet," she grinned and hopped through. On the other side, her stomach growled as she stepped into the Harvenger. "Man, I could have really used that pizza."

  Ratchet shook his head slightly, then turned to Jack, who was standing next to the girl. "I've tapped into the Decepticon communications network. Jack, are you ready?"

  Jack cleared his throat. "Decepticon command, do you read me?"

  The medic and Ultra Magnus exchanged a look before the commander said, "I remain unconvinced."

  "I'll enhance his performance with some static," Ratchet offered. It wasn't the best, but it was all they had. The plan had to work if they had any hope of kicking Megatron off his throne on Darkmount.


  "No," I said immediately, crossing my arms. "No. No way, no chance, no."

  Smokescreen stumbled back, unable to process what Optimus had just said. "I-I can't do this. I mean, sure, who wouldn't want to be a Prime? But I.. I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility!"

  Optimus had chosen to ignore me, his focus solely on the rookie. "Smokescreen, the- choice is neither yours- nor mine to make. When- it is time the- Matrix of Leadership will present itself only- to one whose spark is worthy."

  I got to my knees, getting the Prime's attention again. "Optimus Prime, I completely forbid this. You are not allowed to give away your chance at getting patched up, understand? Forget about the Omega Lock- I can probably figure something out to fix that- but I will not let you do this. Again! I'm not letting you give your life for this!" I gave him a hard look, remembering how he did the exact same thing just days before, which made my blood boil. "Not again."

  There was so much I didn't say. So much I should have said.

  I can't lose you. You're the only family I have. I need you here, Optimus. The team needs you. Hell, the Autobots as a whole need you. You can't just go. You can't.

  But I never got the chance. Because Optimus' eyes flickered once more, before they went out.

  "No!" I yelled, feeling tears pounce to my eyes as I leapt forward, putting all of my powers into the Prime. "No, Optimus, you can't leave! Optimus!"

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