Chapter Five

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You may think I've been writing a lot... but the truth is I made the last chapter waaaay too long and had to split it up. Anyways, enjoy!


  Smokescreen and I were on the road again within moments, heading towards the nearby military base, since we figured that's where the entire operation would be going down. We arrived at the front gates as the pilots of the fighter jets climbed out of their planes, which meant the soldier at the gate was a lot more interested in the pilots then in letting us in.

  "Listen, I need to get in there," I repeated, tapping impatiently on Smokescreen's steering wheel. Luckily the rookie was listening to my command at staying quiet. "Agent William Fowler and Finn Ryen have been looking for us- er me, since this whole situation went down. You've got to let me in!"

  "If Agent Fowler and Agent Ryen have been looking for you, I'm sure they'll be in contact soon." The soldier crossed his arms.

  "A-" Smokescreen whispered, but I smacked the steering wheel to cut him off.

  "Come on," I said to the soldier. "I'm Amanda Beckett. You've got to have heard of me before."

  "Name sounds familiar..."


  "But not enough to grant you clearance."

  "Ugh!" I slumped back in the driver's seat, about to get Smokescreen to transform just to get past this guy, when the rookie began honking.

  "What are you doing?" I hissed.

  "Getting us in there," He whispered back.

  I was about to snap at him when a voice rang out, "Smokescreen?"

  A smile made its way across my face as I waved out the window. "Hey Finn! Want to let us in?"

  Within moments, Smokescreen was driving through the front gates and I got out just to be tackled immediately. Finn held me close, his arms tight around me, and I hugged him just as tightly, glad for someone so familiar after everything that happened.

  "You scared the scrap out of us!" He said, pulling back enough to look me over. "What happened? Are you okay? Why didn't you contact us? We thought-"

  "I know, I know," I cut him off. "But believe me when I say it's a long story."

  "So that's your excuse?" I whirled around to see Agent Fowler standing behind me. A grin spread across my face as he wrapped his arms around me.

  "Nice to see you too," I said.

  He pulled back to give me a stern look. "Where in Uncle Sam's name have you been this entire time?"

  I shrugged, waving off the question. "Like I said, long story. I'll fill you in later."

  His face remained stern, letting me know that he would hold me to my word. Still, a smile tugged on his lips, making me grin.

  "Hey, where's my welcome?" Smokescreen transformed, crouching to get closer to us. Finn walked up to him, holding out his fist, which Smokescreen tapped with his own.

  "You guys must have a hell of a story," Finn said, and Smokescreen shook his head.

  "You have no idea."

  I turned back to Fowler. "What about the others? Do you know where they are? Are they okay?"

  He nodded. "They're probably on their way right now. Let's get to the barracks; we've got a lot to talk about."

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