Chapter Six

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Whaaaat? A new chapter? Turns out I haven't vanished from the face of the earth, just been caught up in school, work and volunteering. Hopefully more chapters to come soon, but I can't promise anything ;)

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's been showing their support by voting and commenting on these TFP stories. You're my motivation, always have been and always will be. Thanks lovelies and enjoy!

No Episode


  I watched from the perch that overlooked the new base as Team Prime was at work. Ratchet and Raf were adding the finishing touches to the new ground bridge while Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack drove back and forth between here and the wreckage of the old base, bringing the key pieces of tech so that Ratchet could construct the important things we used to have. Jack and Miko were with Nurse Darby, watching over the people of Jasper that were all in a camp not far from the base. Finn and Agent Fowler were in the office behind me, discussing what happens next with a bunch of important military people. I had already set up a meeting with the board of directors at BeckIT for later this afternoon, but since it wasn't even noon yet, I had nothing to do. I couldn't muster the courage to check out how my house was, not ready to see what my mom thought of as our castle as a bunch of rubble.

  That wasn't true. I just wasn't ready to see it alone, and the only one I wanted to go with was otherwise occupied.

  This morning, Agent Fowler had driven in with a brand new, military grade truck, and I think that's when my doubts really set in...

  "Prime," Agent Fowler hopped out of the truck. "What we have here is an experimental, all-terrain expeditionary fighting vehicle, designed by the finest engineers in our MASK division."

  The truck was clearly battle ready, built heavy duty and even weapons equipped. Not exactly 'robots in disguise', but it would be much easier to take out Cons without even having to transform.

  "Thank you, Agent Fowler," Optimus said, walking forward. "This will most certainly do."

  Blue beams shot from his eyes as he scanned the new vehicle mode, making me lose hope of ever seeing the old, familiar Optimus again.

  I sighed, shaking off the memory and I stood just as a loud engine sounded at the entrance of the new base.

  A loud, unfamiliar engine.

  I'd been avoiding that conversation. I knew the others were sensing something was off, but they didn't say anything. They figured it was just because of everything that happened, and they weren't wrong. But it wasn't just that. The sudden unfamiliarity of the entire situation made me more withdrawn, causing me to spend more time reorienting myself and trying not to shut myself out. It didn't help that the one I relied on most was one of the many things that had changed so drastically.

  That's why as Optimus transformed and walked towards Ultra Magnus, I headed down the stairs, ignoring the stab of jealousy that he was going to Magnus and not me.

  You've been replaced by a commander. Optimus' second in command. Of course they're close, they've probably been close for eons. How long has he known you again?

  So I sent the Prime a quick smile, hoping that he couldn't see how forced it was, and then made a dash for the door, not looking back at him even though I could feel his gaze on me.

  "Where are you off to?" Arcee called out, making me skid to a stop.

  "I-" I was about to say 'going home', but then realized I couldn't do that. "I'm going for a walk."

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