Chapter Thirty-Three

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So, I actually finished writing this book (since I've totally caught up on writing and have literally done nothing else). Which means, get reading people!! I want to share the new chapters as soon as possible!


  I wiped my bleeding nose, trying to get to my feet and blink the stars out of my vision at the same time. Lauriana was the superior fighter by far, I knew I didn't stand a chance, and yet I had decided to go after her. I had let my emotions get in the way, and now Amanda and I were both in trouble.

  Behind Lauriana, I saw Nemesis Prime's eyes begin to glow a dirty orange. They scanned over the factory before landing on Amanda, who stood in the middle of a ring of unconscious soldiers. Her eyes were glued on Nemesis Prime for a long moment before they darted to me. There was no fear, which surprised me, just a question.

  Are you ready?

  I looked down, breathing deep even though it hurt. This was on me. All of it was. I was the one who was supposed to lead MECH now, and because of my stubbornness, I was about to get someone I really cared about killed.

  "You can stop this, Finley," Lauriana's voice cut through my thoughts, making me look up at her. "You can lead us, and we can let your friend go."

  "You'd never let her go," I spat. "Not really."

  She shrugged. "She knows too much, though I'm sure we can find a way to silence her. But if she dies by the hand of Nemesis Prime, it'll be your fault."

  It'll be your fault.

  "Finn!" He lifted his head to see Amanda backing away from Nemesis Prime, silver dust gathering in her hands. "Now is not the time for a midlife crisis! You know what you have to do!"

  "She's right," Lauriana said above him. "You know what to do to save her life."

  It was hard to breath now, with everything weighing down on me, and to make matters worse, Nemesis Prime swung at Amanda, forcing her to make a defensive bubble with her silver dust. She'd be able to hold out, but I didn't know for how long, which meant I had to act now. Shaking my head, I got to my feet.

  "I guess I do," I said, wiping my nose from the blood again, and I launched towards Lauriana. She hadn't expected me to attack, but still sidestepped, which worked perfectly for me. My hand wrapped around her remote as I passed her, and I pressed a button on it.

  "Nemesis Prime, shut down!" I yelled into it, and the robot stopped slamming its fists into Amanda's bubble. Lauriana grabbed me from behind, her arm wrapping around my neck, but I threw the remote as far as I could, making her growl in frustration.

  "You've picked the losing team, Finley," she growled into my ear.

  "No," I choked. "I told you, I already have a team."

  "Then you'll die with her."

  A bright, sudden flash of silver filled the factory, blinding us and retreating as soon as it started. Lauriana whirled around, dragging me with her, to see Amanda dusting her hands off. Nemesis Prime lay on the ground face down, smoke drifting from gaping hole in its forehead.

  "What were you saying?" A slight smile played on her face, which made me smile too. "I didn't realize I was in danger of dying? You MECH weirdos are all so overdramatic."

  Lauriana's grip loosened, probably because of her shock, and I used the opportunity to grab the arm she had around my neck and flip her over my shoulder. She hit the ground with a loud crack and lay motionless. Only then did I let go of the breath I'd been holding, and looked at Amanda, who looked pleased.

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