Chapter Twenty-Two

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   "Spectrum analysis confirms that the synthetic energon is stable," Shockwave said, holding a vial up to Megatron. "The formula is now complete."

   The lead Con took the vial. "And your timetable for production?"

   "With the aid of hyper-acceleration technology, not long."

   Megatron chuckled, then turned to the Autobot medic, who was being held by two Decepticons after his failed escape attempt. "A pity you won't live long enough to witness the fruits of your labor. But, as much as we appreciate your contributions, Doctor, I've made a promise that I intend to keep." He looked at the Decepticon footsoldiers. "Take the Doctor to our prehistoric guest."

   Ratchet's eyes widened and he struggled as the pair of Decepticons dragged him away. Once he was out of sight, Megatron turned back to his lead scientist.

   "What of the powers of Cleona?" The lead Decepticon asked. "Soundwave failed to abduct the goddess' champion, and the Autobots have no doubt hidden her well."

   Shockwave shook his head. "While it is preferable to have the powers of Cleona for the process, it is not 100% required. There is a chance that we will be able to revive Cybertron without the goddess."

   "And if that does not work?"

   "Then we will have to turn all resources to hunting the Champion of Cleona."


   "Optimus to base, come in," The Prime's voice came over the comms, and I opened the comm channel immediately.

   "Here, Optimus," I said as the others rushed around, getting ready for battle.

   "The transponder has been destroyed," He reported, obviously sounding dismayed. "We are no closer to finding Ratchet than when we began."

   I shook my head. "Then I have good news for you. I have the coordinates to the ship, or at least the area that it's in. I'm sending them your way as we speak. The others are getting ready, I'm going to ground bridge them in as soon as you've made contact."

   "Excellent, Amanda," His dismay turned to pride, making me smile. "Good work."

   "I'm not going to take credit for Raf and Bee's idea," I shrugged. "But be careful. You're heading right into the monster's den."

   "I will contact you when it is time to send the rest of the team."

   "I'll be waiting. Good luck."

   He signed off, and I stood to acknowledge the team. "Optimus has the coordinates and next time he calls in, it'll be to send you guys in. Unfortunately, that means no time to get comfy. Everyone be ready to jump right in at a second's notice."

   The Autobots nodded grimly, and I refocused on the computers around me. The tension was so thick, it basically weighed down on all of us. I chewed my lip, and suddenly a communication channel opened, but from an unknown source. I patched it through.

   "Autobot base, do you read me? This is Ratchet. Can anyone hear me?" The voice came through, and a load of that tension rushed out of me as a smile made its way across my face.

   "Loud and clear, old friend," Optimus said through the channel, and I could sense his relief as well.

   "Whoo-hoo!" Miko cheered.

   "Yes!" Jack exclaimed.

   "Ratchet!" Raf grinned.

   "I knew he was alright!" Smokescreen whooped. A quick glance around made me see the relieved smiles on everyone's faces, every Ultra Magnus. Turning back, I quickly worked on locking onto Ratchet's signal.

   "You're patched through, Ratchet," I said.

   "Listen to me carefully," the medic said, tone rushed. "Megatron has managed to rebuild the Omega Lock as Amanda and I suspected, on board his warship. I've deactivated the Decepticon shielding system. You should be able to get a fix on my coordinates."

   I worked quickly to get it all down. "Locked and ready. Optimus is already en route."

   "Optimus, you must hurry," Ratchet insisted. "Megatron is preparing to cyberform Earth as we speak!"

   That greedy bastard. Couldn't he just rebuild his own planet? Why'd he always have to drag Earth into the mess?

   "Cybertron and Earth are very closely linked, my champion. They may have their differences, but they are brothers."

   I shook my head, cutting off the goddess in my head to refocus on the situation. The transmission with Ratchet shut off suddenly, and I took a deep breath.

   "Lost the signal," I reported. "But not the coordinates. You guys are going in, and going in heavy. I hope you found the relics and toys we had stashed in the back."

   The Autobots hefted their new weapons, expressions fierce.

   "They can't leave without saying goodbye," Miko said, her voice wavering a bit. Agent Fowler put a hand on her shoulder.

   "No time for that, and no need," He said. "They'll be back."

   I nodded at Raf, who was sitting at his laptop next to me, and he took over the groundbridge controls.

   "Initiating groundbridge," I announced as the younger boy opened it.

   Optimus' voice came over the comm again, loud and clear. "Members of Team Prime, Autobot and human, it has been my honor to lead you. On this day, the fates of two worlds hang in the balance, and the battle to come may very well be our last. But for Earth, for Cybertron, for our comrade Ratchet, we must take the Decepticon warship."

   With that, the Autobots walked through the ground bridge, and out of sight. I worked quickly to maintain the comm channel as the ground bridge closed.

   "Comms are up and running," I said. "Good luck, team."


   "Mobilize what remains of our forces! The Omega Lock must be defended at all costs! If Optimus Prime wishes to wage a battle for the fate of both Earth and Cybertron, then I shall oblige him. This will be our last stand!"

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