Chapter Seventeen

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   "I could try to pull the information out of him," I offered, breaking the heavy silence. "With my powers."

   "No," Optimus said immediately.

   "Like the doc said," Wheeljack spoke up. "Soundwave isn't like any other Cybertronian. He's... different."

   "Which would make navigating his mind nearly impossible," Ratchet added. "Especially for someone with little experience inside a Cybertronian mind."

   Defeated, I nodded and took a step back. Luckily, Finn got a phone call, taking the attention off me.

   "Finn Ryen. Yes- Yes General- We are, yes- Right... we'll be there as soon as we can. Thank you." He hung up and turned to Agent Fowler. "Well, the general isn't happy with the Con heists. We've got to go in today and explain a few things."

   Agent Fowler sighed, glancing over at Optimus, who nodded.

   "Rest assured," the Prime said, "Should our prisoner return online, we will resume our interrogation and debrief you afterwards."

   "Sounds like a plan," Fowler nodded. "We'll be back as soon as possible."


   The base was boring. Even though the stakes and tensions were high, there was nothing to do. Ratchet was monitoring Soundwave, Optimus was just returning from patrol, and the others were catching up with their human counterparts. Wheeljack and I were helping Ultra Magnus train a bit with his new hand, in the empty space behind the base.

   "Now, here's the biggest test," I warned the commander. "You've been doing great so far, and I think you're pretty much battle ready, but this is the test to ultimately decide that. Think you're ready?"

   The commander nodded.

   "Good. Here's the deal; Wheeljack is going to advance on you, his goal being to touch the Autobot symbol on your chest. If he hits it, he wins because that's a knockout move that could get you killed. But it works both ways. Your goal is to defend yourself as much as possible, while also trying to hit Wheeljack's Autobot symbol. No weapons, only kicks and fists."


   I shook my head. "Not done yet. I'm going to be throwing my silver dust at you as well, which you're going to have to dodge, just like Decepticon shots. A maximum of ten shots of silver dust can touch you."

   Ultra Magnus nodded, expression fierce. "Understood."

   "Good," I threw a look at Wheeljack, who also nodded. "Go!"

   The Autobots flew at each other, locking themselves in a block-attack sequence, but Ultra Magnus was doing pretty well. He was using his new hand as though he'd had it for years, which was surprising but also fantastic. Whether his attitude showed it or not, he was one of the team's best fighters.

   I summoned my powers to form a ball of silver dust in my palm, waiting for the right opportunity to throw it. The first burst I launched hit Ultra Magnus in the shoulder, the next one connecting to his forearm. Overall, I managed to land six hits before he punched Wheeljack's Autobot crest.

   "Match goes to Ultra Magnus!" I exclaimed. The two Autobots stepped back, their fight over.

   "Congrats, Commander," Wheeljack grinned and looked like he was about to clap Ultra Magnus on the shoulder, but then reconsidered.

   The commander gave me a smile. "Thank you, Amanda, for helping me reach this point."

   I smiled in return. "You're part of the team, Ultra Magnus, which makes you part of the family. No need for thanks, this is just what we do."

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