Chapter Twenty-Four

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So I considered leaving you guys at the last cliffhanger for a little bit... but then I got too excited and decided to not be mean :)


   Amanda's silver dust trailed behind Bumblebee as three shots from Megatron connected to his chest, shooting the scout right out of the sky.

   It was as though time stopped. When the first shot hit Bumblebee, horror spread through Team Prime, whose eyes were all on the scout as he made his leap. Ratchet, propping himself up with a nearby computer, collapsed to the ground as horror destroyed the rest of his willpower. Smokescreen, who had begun to take on the Decepticons surrounding him after waking up just moments before, stopped fighting, his fists no longer able to contact any Cons as they dragged him down because the rookies' gaze was solely on the falling scout. Arcee was shoved to the side by Starscream, but didn't move to get up as she watched, causing Starscream to turn as well. Jack, Miko, and Amanda were all frozen, almost unable to comprehend what had happened. And Optimus Prime's eyes widened with horror, his usual emotionless facade falling to reveal anguish as his scout fell into the Omega Lock.

   Bumblebee's spark went out moments before his body fell into the Omega Lock's green, swirling liquid, and swallowed him.

   Then time crashed in again.

   "No!" Optimus yelled, filled with newfound rage as he pelted Megatron with solid hits, not once allowing the Decepticon leader to find his footing. Hit after hit slammed into Megatron, causing the Con to hit the side of the Omega Lock before falling to the ground. Optimus unsheathed a gun, fully prepared to deliver the killing blow, but Megatron grabbed hold of his Dark Star Saber's hilt, twisting around suddenly to send a blast of dark energy into the Prime. Optimus flew backwards, smashing into another wall before falling off the Omega Lock entirely, severely weakened by the dark energy as he clung to the side of the lock. Megatron approached the Prime, arms raised with Dark Star Saber in hand.

   "Prepare to join your scout," The Decepticon leader smirked. "In the Allspark!"



   My stream of silver dust failed to protect Bumblebee, but it wouldn't fail entirely. It shot into the pool of energy that made up the Omega Lock, and I gasped, jolted back as though electrocuted. My powers suddenly flared up, my hands coating with silver unconsciously as I connected with the Omega Lock.

   "A?" Miko's voice was so distant, I could barely hear her even though she stood right next to me. Instead, I heard a different voice.

   "This kind of raw power... I have not felt it since Cybertron went dark. While it was created with dark intentions, the Decepticons have successfully built an adequate Omega Lock, though I believe we both know what was missing."

   Me. This power. Your powers of life.

   "It is your power now, my champion. And you know very well how to use them."

   Yes, I do.

   I aimed both hands at the Omega Lock and let my powers go. They shot through me, coating my entire body with silver, and blazed into the lock's green liquid, tinting it silver. The Autobots and Decepticons alike turned away from their battles once again to look, even Megatron turned around for a second. But I couldn't focus on them. I had someone else to search for.

   Come on, come on, come- There you are!

   The rest of the sudden energy left my body and I fell back, landing hard on the metal of the Nemesis' bridge. My vision and mind cleared, and I didn't give myself a moment to think before searching around the Omega Lock again.

   "What was that?" Jack asked, but I shook my head, not seeing who I wanted to see.

   "Where are you?" I said, mostly to myself. "I felt it work, it had to work, please tell me it-"

   Seeing that the light show was over, Megatron turned back to where Optimus was gripping the side of the Omega Lock and raised his sword again. One hit would send the Prime falling down to Earth, and without hit jetpack or any means of protection, Earth's atmosphere would surely kill him. Fear began to creep up inside me until I finally saw him.

   "Megatron!" A new voice filled the air, so loud that it could be heard from up here, and relief crashed through me. Miko and Jack joined me against the glass to see Bumblebee holding the Star Saber, the blade buried deep into the lead Con's chest.

   "Yes," I said, a smile crossing my face. The gaping wound in the scout's chest was covered with silver dust as it mended itself closed, and Bumblebee held the Star Saber steady. Megatron raised his sword arm to strike him, but the sword fell out of his hand and I felt the lead Con's spark drain away as he fell to his knees, holding onto the blade in his chest weakly. I could feel Megatron grip onto life, but shook my head almost in pity. There was no way he'd survive.

   And just like that, Megatron's spark went out. He fell off the side of the Omega Lock, tumbling past where Optimus hung on, and crashed towards Earth, where the atmosphere began to burn up his lifeless body.

   All around the Omega Lock, Decepticons had stopped fighting. They stood alongside the Autobots, all watching as Bumblebee reached over the side of the Omega Lock and helped pull Optimus to safety. Only when the Prime's feet land on the lock did I really sigh.

   "It's over," I breathed.

   Miko let out a whoop and Jack shook his head. "How-"

   I gave him a small smile. "Enjoy the moment, ask questions later."

   That earned me a soft shove, but a smile. We watched as Optimus and Bumblebee climbed up the side of the Omega Lock to join Ratchet, Arcee and Smokescreen on the deck of the Nemesis. The group exchanged grins and Bumblebee jumped forward to give Ratchet a hug. They began to discuss something, then Ratchet pointed to the bridge where we were and the Autobots turned to look up.

   "Guess we've been spotted," Miko said, waving like a maniac.

   "Guess they assumed you'd be here," Jack smirked, nudging me again.

   I shrugged. "I'm not one for staying on the sidelines."

   "That explains it," We all turned suddenly, Miko in fighting position and silver dust collected at my hands, ready to face whoever had snuck up on us to see that it was Ultra Magnus and the Wreckers.

   "Bulk! Wheeljack!" Miko dashed forward to greet the pair of Wreckers while I made my way to Ultra Magnus.

   "About time, Commander," I joked, and instead of the usual scowl, I received a small smile from him.

   "While we were thrown off course," he said. "You three did an excellent job holding the bridge."

   "Wow," Jack said. "I might need to write this down. It'll probably never happen again."

   In all seriousness, I nodded a thanks to the commander. "We were happy to step in."

   "Optimus Prime to all units," The Prime's voice came over the comms. "Megatron is no more."

   "Yes!" I heard Agent Fowler exclaim, which made me grin.

   "Hooah!" Wheeljack whooped.

   "Wreckers," Optimus continued. "A job well done securing the bridge."

   Hm, so maybe he didn't completely realize that we were here.

   "It wasn't us, sir," Ultra Magnus replied. "The credit belongs to the humans."

   Miko whooped this time to that.

   "The Omega Lock is under our control," Ratchet said. "I suggest we put it to good use."

   "Agreed, old friend," Optimus said. "Ultra Magnus, set course for Cybertron."

   "Hey Raf," The new voice- no, Bumblebee's voice- came over the comms next. "If you could tear yourself away from your laptop for two seconds, grid yourself up here so we can get to Cybertron already!"


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