Chapter Sixteen

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Now a long chapter, just to make up for the last one and all.


   "Prime! It's Cons again." Agent Fowler's voice boomed across the base, reminding me why sometimes we really needed volume control on the comms. "In progress this time."

   "Coordinate received, Agent Fowler," Ratchet confirmed, then turned to Optimus, who nodded, before he opened up a ground bridge. After a day of complete silence, it was almost relieving that the Cons making some noise. It always made everyone anxious when they were quiet.

   "Let's roll," Ultra Magnus said, approaching the ground bridge. I opened my mouth to protest, but Ratchet thankfully beat me to it.

   "Eep, ep!" The medic shook his head, his arm out to block the commander. "Your ability to roll remains predicated upon further exploration of your manual dexterity."

   I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs of the platform to approach the pair. "What Ratchet means to say is that we still don't know how much you can do, and jumping into a high risk situation with that kind of variable not only puts your life at risk, but the rest of the team's as well. Though Ratchet and I worked some magic-"

   "Technically, my expertise is in science-" Ratchet muttered, but I ignored him.

   "You still need to adapt to the changes, and that can't happen if your life and the lives of those around you are in immediate danger." I finished.

   Ultra Magnus threw a look at Optimus, who shrugged slightly.

   "I'm afraid that Ratchet and Amanda's authority supersedes my own," The Prime said. "In medical matters."

   That made me beam on the inside, but I tried not to let my joy of those words show because Ultra Magnus looked really let down.

   "Understood." he sighed.

   The rest of the team transformed and drove through the open ground bridge. Wheeljack gave Ultra Magnus a sad look, before reluctantly joining them. As the ground bridge closed, the commander returned to the medical lab part of the base, where he had been exercising his new hand prior to the alert.

   "Poor guy," Miko said, suddenly appearing beside me when I thought she was still up on the platform. "I mean, he goes all kick butt to being held back. That rots."

   I nodded. "It does, but we can't endanger him or the others by just letting him go. It's not fair to everyone."

   Miko threw her arm over my shoulders, practically dragging me back up to the platform. "I hear ya, girl. But, don't look so glum! We have good news!

   "We? The boys are still here?" When we got up to the platform, I saw Finn, Jack, and Raf sitting on the couch, watching a movie. "Well then, I thought you all left."

   Finn shrugged. "Everywhere else is boring, or I have to do work. As long as I'm here, I'm technically working."

   I shook my head, unable to keep the smirk off my face. Miko clapped her hands.

   "Now, boys, what's our surprise for A?" She said in a school teacher tone.

   Raf looked up and whipped out his laptop. "Wait until you see this, A."

   "See what?" I asked, glancing at each one of them in an attempt to get a read on what they were talking about.

   "Don't worry," Jack smiled. "It's a good thing."

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