Author's Note

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Well, that's it people! Season three, and technically the whole TFP show is all done. I'd like to thank each and every one of you for getting this far, and continuing to read my works even though I'm a super unreliable writer 😅. Thank you for your votes, your comments (which I read every single one of and always smile when I see them), and your support throughout this amazing experience. With my first TFP book teaching over 130K reads, my second around 40K and this third one climbing every day, it's been a crazy time and I'm so happy to have you all to keep me wanting to write. I've said it a million times before, and I'll say it again; this series exists because of you. So thank you.

Now, I've gotten a lot of questions about whether or not this will be the last book in my TFP series. The answer is no! I'm totally continuing this storyline, even though the show has finished, because I've got so many more ideas and have to share them with you lovely people! I'm already working on book four, and I've put the book summary at the bottom of this part, so keep reading!

I think that's all I had to say, to be honest. Just my thanks and my reassurances that yes, there will be more Team Prime to come. Oh! And I also have a TFP Oneshots book started, so if you haven't seen it, go check it out! If anyone has any short ideas you'd like to see me do a one shot of, then let me know! I'm always open to your ideas, so just send me a message!

Now I think that's it. Thanks again, lovelies, and until next time!!


A New Dawn - Transformers Prime (4)

The fourth instalment of the Transformers Prime Series.

Amanda Beckett knew the battle wasn't over, but she wasn't ready to fight again.
Jack Darby searched for more, but he didn't know what he was looking for.
Miko Nakadai didn't want the adventure to end, but she didn't know the risks.
Rafael Esquivel knew he was lost, but he didn't know where to go.
Finn Ryen wasn't ready to lose his team, but he knew he couldn't keep them for much longer.

A year after the Autobots left Earth, the five teens of Team Prime find themselves at crossroads. While Amanda, Miko, and Jack try to figure out what they want to do after high school, Finn and Raf's fear of losing their team grows. With the Autobots living their lives on Cybertron, the humans of Team Prime struggle to find their place in the new world where their expertise aren't needed. 
But, a new threat looms over Earth, one that will challenge each member of Team Prime in a way they've never seen before, a stark reminder of how intertwined Earth and Cybertron truly are. The team will be forced to rise to meet this new threat, or die trying to save their home.

The Final Hope - Transformers Prime (3)Where stories live. Discover now