Chapter Fourteen

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   With Ratchet monitoring the situation on his own, I decided to check up on things. Since I had my head in the book all day, I desperately needed an update on how things were going in regards of rebuilding Jasper.

   "Everett Clovis of BeckIT speaking."

   "Good afternoon, Mr. Clovis," I said.

   "Miss Beckett! I was just getting some papers ready to send to you. There has been a lot of progress today."

   That made me smile. "That's good to hear. Do you have any details for me yet?"

   "The construction crews are about halfway done the houses on the north end of the town, while foundations have been laid in the east and south, and ground has been broken in the west."

   My heart soared. "That's perfect. When are the west houses planned to be up?"

   "Our goal was within the month, but based on our progress so far, it's looking to be around two weeks."

   "Fantastic," I grinned. "Keep me as up to date as possible. I'll try to stop by the office soon, but-"

   "Don't worry, Miss Beckett. We understand that you have a lot to do at the moment. I will continue to send you reports of our progress, and rest assured that this project is in good hands."

   "I know it is. Thank you, Mr. Clovis."

   I hung up, and turned to Ratchet. "Anything?"

   "They have recovered four carries of energon," the medic replied. "But we can only receive one at a time in order to keep the ground bridge stable."

   Getting up, I moved towards the edge of the platform. "And there weren't any troubles?"

   He shrugged, opening the ground bridge. "I suppose we will have to wait and see."

   Bumblebee came in first, pushing a massive cart full of energon. I ran down the stairs and used my powers to engulf it before moving it into our storage section of the base. Bumblebee buzzed a thanks and dashed back through the ground bridge. Arcee came through next, followed by another trip by her and Bumblebee.

   "That's the last of it," Arcee declared and Bumblebee buzzed happily. "Yeah, we did get quite a bit."

   "There wasn't anything weird when you got there?" I demanded. "I don't know, something greenish?"

   "There really wasn't," Arcee said. "The Cons guarding the place were minimal, and I don't think the others ran into trouble while we brought over the energon."

   Bumblebee shrugged, buzzing in a confused tone.

   "But I thought..." I frowned. Where had that bad feeling come from? I allowed my powers to drift back to the location of the energon when suddenly, I felt a burst of energy shoot through my powers, making me recoil.

   "Something happened," I announced, looking straight at Arcee and Bumblebee. "You should get back there right now. There was a massive burst of energy, and that's what the green tinge was from." They looked confused. "That's the bad thing! Just go!"

   They both nodded and hurried through, and as they disappeared, I turned to Ratchet.

   "Contact Optimus," I said urgently. "Find out if everyone's okay."

   The medic nodded, turning back to the comms. "Optimus, we're detecting an energy surge. Is everyone alright?"

   "There was an explosion in the mine," Optimus' voice filled the base. "I fear it may have been caused by whoever, or whatever Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack encountered while investigating the cave. We are currently attempting to enter, but the entrance is blocked."

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