Chapter Thirty-Six

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This chapter wasn't really planned, but I feel like we all needed to see it, so here you are!


   "So, Optimus gave me his version of 'the talk'," Finn said, making me drop my wrap onto the plate in front of me and bury my face in my hands.

   "He did not," I groaned, then peeked through my fingers. "What did he say?"

   Finn shrugged, obviously fighting off a smirk. "Oh, just how I'd regret the day I was born if I did anything bad to you. I mean, he didn't phrase it that way, but that's the message I got. And let me just say, that Autobot sure knows how to lecture people though."

   I groaned again and my cheeks burned, making a mental note to lecture Optimus about not lecturing the people I dated. Finn and I were spending the day in Fernley, buying the final touches for his apartment and my mansion together, and had stopped for lunch at the moment. The diner wasn't very busy, but enough tables were full to make the place seem alive and bustling, which kept us out of sight among the others.

   "And then I got one from Fowler too," Finn added, taking a bite out of his burger.

   My jaw dropped. "You have got to be kidding me."

   Now he grinned. "Fowler's was brief though. He told me that if I did anything, he wouldn't have to be the one to kick my ass, since you'd do that yourself."

   "Primus," I shook my head. "I can't believe they actually did that. Let me guess; Optimus told you all about those serious battles he survived to make it clear that he'd be able to bring the hurt."

   "You know him so well, A."

   I dropped my head into my hands again. "That's so embarrassing. I didn't think he'd actually lecture you when I told him we were together now."

   Finn laughed, taking my hands from across the table to force me to look up. "He cares about you, A, and is basically your dad. It's part of his job."

   "Then it's part of my job to make sure he knows how embarrassing he can be."

   He laughed again, then proceeded to steal a fry from my plate. "If you say so. What's our plan for the rest of the day?"

   I took a bite of my wrap. "What do you still need for your place?"

   "Just a desk and office chair," He replied, finishing off his burger. "You?"

   "A couple knicknacks. For some reason, I don't have any spoons or forks, but I have an entire set of butter knives."

   He laughed. "How'd that happen?"

   I shook my head, a smile on my face. "Your guess is as good as mine."

   We finished eating and headed back out into the sunshine and slight heat, making me glad I'd opted for jeans and a t-shirt instead of sweatshirt. As we walked towards a cluster of stores, Finn slipped his hand through mine, which startled me at first before I was filled with the urge to smile. I fought off the smile, since I didn't want to look like a maniac, but held onto his hand, holding onto that happiness that filled me.

   Ever since we started formally dating, I'd been wondering how it took us so long. How did we figure the time was right? How did it work out so smoothly? How'd I go from being uneasy around this boy to getting butterflies every time I was around him? But, the moment my mind started whirling with those questions, I'd glance over at Finn and the questions would melt away.

   Aaaaand now I'm a sap. Great.

   Still, I wouldn't deny it felt nice to have him by my side officially now. Those sideways glances he'd give me, those smiles, those jokes... I liked it all. While Miko teased me mercilessly, I still found myself falling harder and harder for Finn.

   I only hoped he felt the same, though.


   "So it's come to my attention that you gave Finn a talk," I said calmly over the phone as I washed my face in the bathroom.

   "You are going to have to be more specific, Amanda," Optimus' voice filled my room since he was on speaker.

   I smirked. So he wanted to play innocent? "Oh, you know, just a little something about how you'd make him regret being born if something went wrong while we date."

   There was a pause, and I really fought the urge to laugh before the Prime spoke. "I was simply conveying that it would be in his best interest to maintain a healthy relationship with you."

   That made my laugh burst. "Optimus! You don't have to threaten him! You know he's a good guy."

   "No threats were exchanged, Amanda, it was merely a mutual exchange of understanding."

   "Don't you pull that fancy lingo on me, you totally threatened my boyfriend."

   He didn't answer, which earned another laugh from me as I grabbed a hairbrush and began to run it through my hair. "I can't exactly blame you though, Optimus. Finn did remind me that it was technically your job to lecture him and make him pee his pants."

   "He is not wrong."

   I shook my head, a smile on my face. "Well then, thanks for watching out for me."

   "As you said, Amanda, it is my job."

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