Act 18.3 Life and Death

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" Well that's new...... Someone like Pyromaniac didn't live there around 15 years ago. This is going to be tougher than I thought! " the man mentally stressed. " Oh my that is quite interesting....I've been away from here for a decade or so, so that's nice to know."

" Yeah, actually, we'll visit him first. Be careful though, he's a hot headed Inhuman like his wife, but a genius. "

" I'll be sure to watch my manners, " Rey smiled as he followed S to the house. " So might I ask why you joined that alien monitoring program? "

" Do you notice what's happening around the globe nowadays? " the Hispanic MIB continued. " A lot of people are being killed because of them. "

" Oh I know, it is a tragedy....I'm just curious as to whyyou specifically joined...was it for a personal reason or just to protect and serve?"

" Yeah. I graduated as an engineer and joined the Air Force. Colonel Danvers was my superior. Then, she had let me meet a lot of Kree people in Roswell and at Area 51 in Nevada. "

" Oh well that's wonderful to personally I don't think I could be as brave as the avengers or people like you...though it is comforting to have people willing to fight the good fight! " Rey grinned and thought to himself. S noticed his facial expression as he got surprised. " I-i was willing once but....Strange dashed that dream.....and I'll kill him for it. "

" No killing involved, okay? You seemed like you're itching to murder someone. " S knocked at the door as he waited for someone to open.

" I'll be sure to quell my murderous rampage until after this meeting! " Rey jokingly chuckled and flashed a smile.

" Muy malo! You really are disturbing..." S sighed and muttered. Suddenly, an AI's voice answered as it sounded like Dr. P or Pyromaniac.

" Good evening, please identify before you enter. "

" Uh I'm Rey Rouge....and I was invited here by Mr.S, " he curiously eyed the AI system as the blue laser light scanned the visitors.

" I will ask permission to my headmaster. Please enter. " The door automatically opened. " Welcome... "

" Uhm... thank you might I ask your name? If you have one, " Rey was wary as he entered slowly.

" The name's Moses. I am Dr. Pyromaniac's personal AI and one of his creations."

" Oh well, it's wonderful to meet you Moses....might I ask where Dr.Pyromaniac is?

" Yes, he is currently up with his wife on the rooftop. I'll call them."

" Muy bien! Muchas gracias! "

" It's much appreciated! " he smiled and waited for the couple.

" Okay, here they are, " S turned his head. The tall half-Asian man and his blonde wife arrived from the stairs as they saw their visitors.

" Oh hello, there Mr.Pyromaniac and hello to you miss, " the long haired man gave a simple smile to the couple as they entered.

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