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" Be absolute for death; either death or life

Shall thereby be the sweeter. "

William Shakespeare's Measure for Measure Act III, scene 1, line 4.


" Of all the places in the world, " Deadpool spoke. " Why do these people like to see history in all things? Well school kids go for an 'educational trip' to learn more. Then, some nosy tourists too take their selfies and groupies for a memento. " 

The red-suited mutant slowly turned around at a rectangular monument beside the trees which he closely approached it and widened his eyes. He inspected the historical landmark and became interested.

" I get it! There's a hero! " he beamed and explained. " John Cameron's remains are interred at Monument Hill, along with those executed by the Mexican Military in the Black Bean Lottery and the Dawson Massacre during the Texas Revolution. He and several Texans tried to seize Matamoros, Tamalipas. Where captured by the Mexican Military and half were executed as punishment. It was much like the Malik Brothers lottery to send someone thru the Monolith. Whoever reached in an pulled out a black bean died. That's pretty tragic and weird, though. "
Deadpool looked around as he saw some Behni and Cabal forces terrorizing the civilians, cops, and soldiers aside from fighting the Vex. The invaders nearly killed half of the town's population. Then, he detected a Behni Shuttle beside the Parker House using his phone.

" What in the world is that?! " he anxiously exclaimed. " Okay, I have five minutes to get there. Oh, come on! I want to bash more heads here, but someone needs my help! Fine! Don't worry Little O Man! Big bro is coming to get you! " Deadpool drew his blades, "Time to play hero!".

But an Asian woman, Filipina dressed in black shirt and pants blandly appeared with two women in leather costumes with faces made up with kabuki style makeup escorting her. Deadpool was with the women escorting her.

" Madame E! Why do you have Roseanne Barr and Fran Drescher escorting you dressed as KISS members." he said.

" For your information, schmendrick, I am Special Knight Inter Story Service Esther and this is KISS Agent Deborah! "the tall thin woman in makeup whined in nasally voice.

" Agent Esther, this is Knight Agent Deadpool. Someone shot out his brains a long time ago! He's been looking for them ever since! " the shorter and fatter KISS Agent added.

" Why are you guys here? " Deadpool asked.

" We are following that shuttle, Agent Omega and Agent Pryde are inside and we are tracking it! " a large Hispanic man wearing a Heroes Of New York shirt answered.

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