The Talk pt. 1

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A whole week has passed ever since Todoroki and Midoriya had their bodies switched, the situation shows no improvement. They still attended most of their classes but they couldn't participate in Hero Training until they are allowed by the school, which probably wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

Despite the current circumstance, Midoriya and Todoroki have communicated a while ago to 'iron out' a few details such as respecting each other's privacy. They also had to exchange wardrobes and several personal items that they both keep, it wasn't intentional but Midoriya felt he was getting a sneak peek into the life of the aloof and handsome Todoroki.

Midoriya would have to remember to take down notes if he wanted to become more appealing too, his interests piqued by seeing two different soap bars. He thought that the mentioned regime will help him clear his pimples that do not agree with his freckles and have a clearer and more presentable appearance.

The other items that they had to discuss were things such as training weights and crush grips. But it seemed like both of them had a similar training regime, this might be because Midoriya and Todoroki are personally trained by the Number 1 and Number 2 heroes, respectively.

Nothing was happening as of now and that worried Midoriya the most, he was falling behind in Hero Training because they weren't supposed to attend. He was already behind when he received One for All from All Might and he knew he had to work 2 times- no, 3 times harder if he wanted to catch up. All this wasted time could've been spent to improve upon his Shoot-style and his overall handle on One for All's power.

"There's no point in dawdling, I have to make the best out of this situation and see it to the end." Midoriya said to himself out loud to psyche himself and finally getting out of his bed.

(Timeskip to their class)
(Midoriya's POV)

Midoriya entered the classroom that was devoid of the usual chatter and lively atmosphere, he sat down on his usual spot which was the front row seat farthest from the door.

"First one in..." He giggled to himself as he set down his bag but as soon as he did, he hears a groan from the back.

Upon looking from where the sound came from, he took a closer look and was surprised to see himself, or rather Todoroki who was inhibiting his body, taking a nap with his head down. The napping boy then looked up to him.

"Hi Todoroki, I didn't notice you were already here, sorry I woke you up" He gave him a sheepish smile but the other boy was simply indifferent to the situation.

"How come you're early today?" Midoriya decided to strike up a conversation as he took the seat in front of the other boy.

"How about you, aren't you also early today?" Todoroki shot back at him which made him think for a while.

Todoroki then chuckled, "I just got up too early so I decided to go to school early too. Unintentionally, I dozed off."

"That is so you, Todoroki," Midoriya stifled his laughter, "you should be careful though, if it was someone else they totally would've taken pictures."

Todoroki only gave him a sly smile, "Nah, I wouldn't let them." Midoriya couldn't stifle his laughter at that comment.

They continued their conversation for a while, asking about what they did over the weekend and such until Iida and Uraraka had arrived, by then Midoriya had to say hello to both of them.

"It was nice talking to you, Todoroki." Midoriya was about to wave goodbye when Todoroki interjected, "Let's talk more at the dorms later, I have something important to tell you."

Midoriya unconsciously said 'Okay' as he was going to Uraraka and Iida, while Todoroki had a satisfied smile on his face as he also waved goodbye.

Midoriya chatted up with the bubbly Uraraka and the robotic Iida, catching up on school and what they were doing over the weekend. By then, most of their classmates had arrived to class and soon enough their teacher did too.

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