Your Fault

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(No POV/Todoroki's POV)

"Hey I'm sorry about my dad... He was kind of a jerk today." Todoroki had sat down with Midoriya on his bed, they were only a few inches apart yet for Todoroki it felt like miles. He decided to move closer, he smelt a faint smell of cinnamons but he dismissed the thought because it was unimportant at the moment. Finally Midoriya just sighed and looked at Todoroki, "Was it really my fault, do I always take one dangerous step forward?"

"If you didn't do that you would cease from being Midoriya. The one that I know has a heart of gold, his kindness is overflowing yet innate." Tododoki gave the dual haired boy a smile, "My father is just a jerk, you shouldn't listen to him. Me and everyone at class 1-A know you're the best." Midoriya gave in after such a statement, he never knew how much he meant to Todoroki after all. "Thank you Todoroki."

Todoroki and Midoriya decided to get ready for bed, both took their baths together which has been completely normal ever since they switched bodies. They bathed like Japanese people in public communal baths, wearing towels on their waists and scrubbing each other's back.

After their baths Midoriya brought out a deflated air mattress. He also brought out an air pumping machine and proceeded to fill the mattress with air. He then gave Todoroki a spare blanket, comforter and pillow. They were finally ready for bed, "Good night Todoroki." "Good night Midoriya" they greeted to each other and went to bed.

After all of that Todoroki is supposed to be asleep, but he just uncomfortable, the posters of All Mights on the ceiling, the different ambience of the room, the feeling of the too bouncy air matress instead of the hard and solid futon and tatami at his home, but that didnt matter now it would be rude to impose.

Todoroki Shoto was feeling uncomfortable as he lied awake, after repeated twisting in his sleep and shuffling sounds kept on repeatin as he did so. A concerned Midoriya that was awoken by all the noise had to speak up, "Todoroki... are you okay?" This question stopped the green haired boy dead in his tracks, "uhm yeah" he replied plainly, trying to lie and hide the truth. He knew this wouldn't stop the concerned dual haired boy and he was right when he asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable with the air matress? I guess it feels different to a futon and tatami..." Ah the boy knew Todoroki too well, he decided to stop the charade and admit it, "Yes, kind of" he only replied sheepishly in embarrassment as his antiques came into light.

"Why don't you sleep here on my bed." This comment got Todoroki caught off guard, there was an awkward silence until Midoroya spoke to defend. "Ah! I meant that we switch places! I didn't mean together, I didn't say anything like that. SHEESH THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!" Midoriya waved his hands around like Iida but with more embarrassment than an ordinary robot can project. While Todoroki just nodded in agreement with no further teasing towards Midoriya so they both can get some sleep.

With that comical mistake Todoroki had agreed to Midoriya's offer to switch places, the green haired boy was on the bed and the dual haired boy was on the air mattress prepared for visitors. Both boys bid their good nights to one another once more and proceeded to finally getting some sleep.

That was a lie of course, Todoroki felt twice as uncomfortable on the bed. It wasn't because of his antiques this time, but because of Midoriya. The moment Todoroki had crashed in the bed the scent of cinnamon which belonged to Midoriya hit him, it was only sublime and only tickled his sense of smell but it was very attractive. The extremely attractive smell was all over the bed, distracting the poor green haired boy further and slowly reducing his time of sleep by the minute.

Todoroki took a pillow on the side to make himself comfortable, that was his mistake as the full blow Midoriya's cinnamon scent hit him full blast. Without meaning to, Todoroki immediately clasped the pillow with his whole body. After a few more minutes Todoroki had finally fallen asleep, tightly hugging the pillow...

(No POV/Midoriya's POV)

Morning came, sunlight streaming in the gaps between the curtains. The air was cold and causing Midoriya to be the first to wake up, he looked over Todoroki to see he was still askeep, based on what he recalled on his notes, Todoroki's fire quirk made him a little more resistant to the cold. He looked over the green haired boy in his sleep to his surprise, his friend was curled up under the covers of an All might blanket as he tightly hugged a pillow. Midoriya took a moment to notice that the pillow was his favorite, it was ordinary with no design whatsoever and it was soft, extremely soft. He usually buried his face in it and he hoped Todoroki didn't notice the drool on the pillow that sometimes just happens when Midoriya is tired.

He was watching over Todoroki until he started waking up, he jerked his body upward to stretch and he opened his eyes. "Oh good morning Midoriya". He greeted the dual haired boy who was watching him, "Good morning Todoroki." Midoriya greeted back, "We should head down for breakfast." He offered to his friend and visitor.

(Todoroki's POV)

He nodded in agreement to this offer, breakfast really felt good now especially with the dinner fiasco last night and Todoroki ending up not to eat much, he stretched his arms in the air one more and let out a yawn. He proceeded to discard the pillow and putting it to the side, then he slipped out of the All Might covers and proceeded to make quick work on the bed by tidying it up. He stood up after the short work he did on the bed, "All right let's go." He finally said as he looked over Midoriya.

To his surprise Midoriya was only standing there in shock, he looked at Todoroki like he was a ghost. "Hey Midoriya... are you okay?" It took him a second to see where his friend was staring, which was downward he also looked down and saw something brewing that was worse than the dinner fiasco last night. Midoriya blushed as he looked at Todoroki, "Todoroki.... aren't you going to take care of that?" Midoriy had finally said something as he asked the question. "Yeah, I will take care of this.... major issue. Now if you'll excuse me I need to find the bathroom." He said as he quickly sprinted towards the bathroom.

1137 words

Hello dear readers, yupp I wanted to release this earlier but I screw college e.e
Im already college yet were supposed to dance n stuff, I just suck at the performance arts so much ;_;

Anyways thank you for reading The Body Switch! Feel free to criticise and vote on the story :)
Until the next installment, LeastGreatest

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