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(Izuku's POV/Third Person POV)
A bright day filled the skies as light and warmth poured into the ground. It was a perfect start for the week, especially for the striving future heroes from U.A.

The class of 1-A was filled with silence, only Professor Cementoss who was teaching for that subject was speaking for the lecture. Silence may have enveloped the class but definitely not concentration. On the second row in the corner was Izuku Midoriya, a well known studious person but right now he couldn't help but look at the text conversation he was having on his phone.

Shoto: Do you have plans after class?
Izuku: Nope, why? c:
Shoto: Wanna go on a date with me? We have a day-off tomorrow too.
Izuku: Sure ^_^
Shoto: Alright, meet me at the gate after class. Be sure to dress up, kay?
Izuku: Will do, I'll see you later then.

The studious Izuku wasn't so studious after all, as he tapped away on his phone an angry Bakugo glared at the green-haired boy.

"Oi Deku, stop tapping away on your phone and listen to the class! Your texting is so fucking loud and annoying!" The blonde boy stood up as he gripped the other's desk with anger.

Izuku whimpered as Cementoss took notice. "You boys, don't fight. Also, Midoriya please don't use your phone in class. I'll have to collect that if I ever catch you again." The hero teacher warned.

"I'm so sorry Kacchan and Sir Cementoss." Izuku bowed frantically as some of their classmates snickered.

The class continued on and Izuku listened to it so he will not get into trouble again. Time flew by their class, without noticing it was already the end of the day. Izuku headed towards the dorms, his heart beating faster, and his walking hastened. He changed into comfortable clothes, a simple shirt, and some shorts only to realize that it seemed too simple for the date. As Izuku clawed away at his closet looking for better-looking clothes that we're appropriate and not decorated with All Might his eyes locked onto certain articles of clothing.

(Shoto"s POV)
It was already late in the afternoon as the sun as beginning its descent over the horizon, Shoto was standing by the school gate awaiting his date.

Shoto donned blue long-sleeve polo, a white coat, and matching slacks. Dressing for the occasion of their date, Shoto had planned well for the evening. As he looked over he saw a walking figure going towards him. A green-haired boy wearing a white long-sleeve polo under a green vest.

"Shoto, I'm sorry I'm late. I had a wardrobe malfunction, hehe" Izuku meekly apologized and Shoto only gave him a smile.

"It's all right, I wasn't waiting that long anyway," Shoto replied as he took another peek at Izuku. 'Definitely cute' he thought to himself.

"Let's go we have a lot ahead on us, " Shoto started walking as Izuku followed beside him. "First of is the mall, I made dinner reservations in a restaurant there."

Shoto looked over at Izuku once again and he looked super excited, especially when Shoto said the words 'dinner reservations'.

"I'm happy you prepared so much. But I hope it's okay to be spending a lot for a date." Izuku started to whimper at this realization.

"It's alright. Actually, the Police Headquarters gave me coupons meant to r both of us. So no need to worry about the amount, okay?" Shoto reassured the green-haired boy.

They finally arrived at the mall, the front was bustling with people ranging from those who hang and those who just got out of work. Therefore the foot traffic was terrible, as people jammed into one another going into different directions. Shoto instinctively took Izuku's hand so that they won't get separated in the crowd.

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