The First Date

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(Todoroki's POV)
A knock comes from my door, I immediately stand up to see my visitor. As I opened the door I see Izuku at my doorstep. "Todoroki, I am here!" Either his sudden appearance or his All Might impression caught me by surprise. Either way I remained calm and only nodded, "Come in." I said in my normal tone.

Izuki didn't come inside and only said, "Todoroki, I came here to ask you something." "If it's about my father, I-" I was cut short, "Please go out on a date with me." I was once again caught by surprise. It seemed like third time was the charm, because this time around I was able to hide my shock.

"What made you ask me out?" I asked him.

(Midoriya's POV)
I came to Todoroki's room as quickly as possible, as I shouted, "Please go out on a date with me." He seemed shocked for a second, but regaining his composure shortly. He asked, "What made you ask me out?" in monotone. "It's just that... Today was hero training again, I didn't want to watch today. Also, I kind of heard you're excused for the day. So I thought. Since we were dating. Maybe we should go out or something. Ah, that is only if you wanted to." I held my hand and fidgeted with my fingers as I explained.

Todoroki gave me a smirk. "Alright, we'll go on a date. Let me get changed and let's go out."

(Todoroki's POV)
I agreed to Midoriya's offer, I thought it was nice of him to ask me out. I didn't expect him to actually make the first move, I get to see a bold side of Midoriya today, I thought to myself.

"Okay! I'll meet you at the lobby in 30 minutes!" he gave me a cheery smile that warmed me up from the inside, before leaving.

I immediately picked out my clothing. Finally putting on a red shirt with a print, some black jeans and my white sneakers. It was wonderous that I was aimless as I got back to the dorms, but somehow I was now preparing for my first date.

I went downstairs to the lobby, it was almost the expected time as the elevator doors opened. Coming out was Midoriya wearing a white shirt with the word 'shirt' printed at the center, over his shirt was an ash gray hoodie. He wore black jogger pants and his signature red sneakers. He seemed nervous with his brows furrowed but otherwise he looked nice overall.

"Hi Shoto, did you wait?" "Nah, I just got here." "Good, then let's go!" After the brief exchange we walked out of the dorms. We walked out of the school and towards the train station, soon enough we were at the local mall. As usual it was jam packed with people, this was the mall where Izuku was threatened by Shigaraki Tomura and I looked over at Izuku with worry.

It was dumb of me to be worried, Izuku was anything but scared at this moment. He wore his iconic bright smile as he looked at the horizon of stores. "So where are we going?" I asked Izuku, "Hm... Well I always wanted to play at the arcade." "We'll go with that then." I agreed and then pulled him towards the arcade.

We played for a while, Izuku and I took turns or fought against one another in a series of games. The games we played ranged from video games to dance dance revolution, even I was surprised at myself when we got on the Dance Dance Revolution. It was an ecstasy of fun and games until I heard Izuku's stomach growling.

Izuku blushed into a lighter shade of pink. "I guess we should head over the food court." I only gave Izuku a small smirk and his blush got a shade brighter. He nodded to the suggestion and we headed towards the said food court.

The food court took up most of the second floor, it was particularly meant for mall-goers to visit when they were hungry. It was an open air area surrounded by food stalls arraned in a U-shape. The field surrounded by the stalls were mostly made up of tables with umbrellas above and chairs, but for those who prefer airconditioned restaurants there were still options. Up ahead from the U-formation of stalls was a line of restaurants, cafes and fast food chains.

The food court was less jam-packed, considering that it was around noon and it was a school day. There were still a lot of costumers but there are also a lot of empty tables in the open air area.

Izuku and I stood in the middle of the area and contemplated where to eat. "Is there anywhere you want to eat?" I said aloud. "I have decided on mine, how about yours?" He gave me a reassuring look, "Okay. Let's buy food then." With that said we went separate ways to buy our food.

I headed towards the soba store which had the name: "Sobarashi!" I went to the counter and didn't bother to thoroughly check their menu and got myself some cold soba. The meal came with free iced tea drinks and was served on a bamboo-like plate and the kaeshi in a bowl with the same material as the plate.

I went back and secured a table with sufficient shade, as I set down the food I got I looked out for a dual-haired boy. There I saw him holding up a tray, "Izuku, over here." I shouted over. He finally saw where I was sitting and his eyes lit up and he came to the table hurriedly.

Izuku sat down, we gave our respects and began eating. Izuku was slurping on a noodle meal just like myself, but he seemed to have gotten himself some tonkatsu ramen, then on his side was some steaming hot takoyaki. He must've noticed me staring, "Shoto, do you want some?" He held up his chopsticks as he paused "Uh no. I was just... I was just che-" I was interrupted as he stuck the stick into my mouth.

I took it in and gulped down its contents and contemplated on how delicious it was. "Thank you." I said, even though that surprised me and made me feel uncomfortable. "It's no problem, now let me have some of yours." My discomfort was shaken away immediately, I then let Midoriya take a bite out of my meal. We finished eating shortly, Midoriya the popped one of the takoyakis into his mouth, "Have some too, Shoto". He offered to me and I gladly accepted it. I ate the takoyaki whole, it wasn't piping hot which made me taste it better and easier to chew and swallow.

We rested for a bit and finally we got up, "Okay, it's your turn Shoto. Where do you want to go next?" Izuki asked me with an expression of concern and eyes of satisfaction on his face. "How about somewhere less crowded and more quiet?" "Okay." He simply agreed as he pulled me, we went away from the mall and towards a nearby park. The park had lot of trees and a lot of seats under the shade of the trees. We rested on the chairs and relaxed ourselves, Izuku and I sat sat distanced from each other. Izuku had then brought out his notebook and started scribbling for a while, meanwhile I brought out a book that I have been reading for a while now.

Time passed quickly and the sun was about to set already. Then from a different bench came up a gay couple, it wasn't unusual to find one these days and it was readily accepted by the majority of Japanese people. Especially because Japan doesn't have a certain religion that disapproves of same sex relationships.

The couple that were heading out were identifiable because the other guy was clinging to his mate. "Takkun, I want to eat somewhere before we go home!" He took his lover's hands and squeezed it. The couple then exited the park, I then looked over at Izuku and was about to ask him if we should go back to the dorms. I began thinking about the previous couple, holding hands and clinging to one another. I had never done any of those, it was always Izuku who initiated everything for the day.

Holding hands... It was a single thought as I moved closer to Izuku. He was still fast asleep and I let him rest on my shoulder. I then looked over his hand that rested on my lap now. It took great courage and I slowly grabbed his hand and held it. It was like this for 15 minutes or so, until Izuku woke up. The sun has almost finished setting when Izuku had awoken, "Oh. Shoto..." he looked over my shoulder, "Thank you for lending me your shoulder." He got up and started stretching, I immediately let go of his hand as he stood up. He didn't seem to have noticed that I held his hand for quiet a while when he was sleeping. "Alright, we should head back to the dorms. It's getting late after all." "Yeah, let's go." I answered as I stood up.
1558 words

Hi guys, im rly sorry for taking so long but finally! It is finally summer. I am so happy to actually have gotten through my first year, but I am happier to publish a new chapter. Please enjoy yourself with the Tododeki fluff ! :D
Expect more chapter ofc bc I am not busy with school anymore.

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