Chapter 2

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I hurried to the airport the next day, telling my parents good bye, and thanking them dozens of times more before I made it on the plane at around 8:00 am. The plane was nice; it wasn't big or small, but just right, and the leather seats were a gentle blue with a stripe of white. There were a lot of people on the plane, but that was to be expected. I saw around a dozen people that were actually Japanese, and it made my heart skip a beat. While I wasn't exactly sure why, I'd always liked Japanese people; not just the language or culture. I guess I'd just always thought that Asian people were very beautiful. Must've just been one of the strange things about me.
It wasn't long before the plane's seats began to fill, and that meant that the seat beside me, towards the middle of the plane, was taken by someone I'd never met. However, no matter how awkward a person I was, I always tried to talk, and maybe even make a new friend.
"Um... Hello there," I greeted the strange man next to me. He turned his green eyes to pin me. "Um... Hello." He had an extremely slight accent, but I couldn't seem to identify it. It was very beautiful, though. I liked hearing him talk. Maybe Persian? I couldn't really tell.
I gave the best smile I could manage. "Uh, I'm Savannah." I introduced myself, awkwardly extending my hand. He hesitated at first, but eventually, he took my hand and shook it once. "I'm Leon. It's a pleasure to meet you, Savannah. How old are you?"
I folded my fingers into a peace sign. "Just turned 18!" I gave a wild smile.
Leon returned it slightly. "I see... Is this your first trip to Japan?"
I nodded excitedly. "Yes! I'm very excited!! I've always wanted to go!"
I couldn't even contain my excitement in conversation!
Leon laughed a little at my response. "I like you." He told me with a friendly expression.
I blushed a bit. Hearing him say that, even though he didn't mean it like that, was a little embarrassing... He was really cute, actually... The messy way his bronze hair was styled was so totally cute...
I attempted to hide my cheeks and smiled. "W-Why, thank you! I-I like you too! Glad we met!" I said with a grin. He smiled in return. "Me too."
I giggled. "So, what about you, Leon? Is this your first trip?"
He shook his head. "No. It's my seventh, actually."
My eyes widened in shock. "Whoa, really?!" I marveled. That was incredible!
He smiled. "Yep. When I turned 20 years of age eight months ago, a birthday present was a job interview, and I ended up getting the job."
I couldn't believe it! Leon was amazing!
"What was the job?" I asked curiously.
"I'm a translator."
My mouth opened wide. "WHOA, really?! That's so cool!!"
Leon laughed. "It's not that amazing."
My eyes must've been as big as saucers. "No, really, that's incredible!!"
He chuckled like he was embarrassed and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, thanks, I suppose!"
I beamed.
Wow! A real translator right before my eyes! That was SO cool! When Id told my parents that I wanted to learn the Japanese language, they'd suggested I become a translator. I thought it sounded awesome, but I hadn't decided if I wanted to do it or not.
It was so incredible that I was getting to meet one today in person!
"What's it like?!" I asked him, eager to hear some stories that I was sure would be amazing.
He chuckled.
"Well, it's a nice gig I guess. I've translated for many things so far, and been on tons of plane trips."
My eyes were wide in interest. "Wow..."
This was a truly extraordinary experience I was having! I wasn't even in Japan yet and I was already experiencing such amazing things!!


Almost the entire plane ride, Leon and I talked and laughed together. Leon told me some really impressive stories and I told him a bit about myself when I got the chance. I had a great time, and before I knew it, the plane had landed in Japan.
Time had flown by!
Hahah! Get it? Flown? Nothing...? Really--- Okay.

I quickly gathered my luggage and eagerly headed out the plane.
My eyes widened and a huge smile spread across my face.
"It's beautiful..."
Well, it was just a Japanese airport which wasn't that much of a sight, but it was Japanese!! That alone made me smile!
I turned to see Leon behind me.
"Well, I have to go really soon. It was wonderful to meet you, Savannah."
I beamed. "You too, Leon! I loved talking with you!"
Leon took a step forward and whispered into my ear, "Mata au hi made ... Boku no kokoro."
Before I could look back at him and ask what he said, or even give him a confused look, he turned away, waving good bye.
I frowned.
I wonder what it is that he said to me just now...
Oh well.

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