Chapter 4

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I couldn't believe how stupid I was. How did I expect to do anything without cash?! Being the clumsy redhead that I was, I'd made PLENTY of mistakes; but this was by far my biggest blunder. Mentally, I was beating myself with a stick over and over and over again. In my despair, I wandered through the town in a daze, dragging my luggage behind me like a limp tail. After a while of walking, it got darker outside, and the sun threatened to duck down beneath the horizon and leave me in the dark. My legs gave out and I plopped down on the edge of a water fountain. Other people walking by didn't seem to notice me; either that or in fear of the strange sight, quickly scampered away.

My dulled eyes deadlocked on the sidewalk, as if I were some hallow shell of existence, as the sun finally fell out of the sky.

Who knows how long I would've stayed there moping... If I hadn't heard a voice.

"Anou... Sumimasen?"

Slowly, I raised the head that; tho it was empty at this point; weight heavily on my neck to follow the unfamiliar voice that seemed to be reaching out to me.

My gaze wondered from a pair of shoes all the way up his body until I finally met the stranger's eyes. I felt my own widen. Something about him... His aura, perhaps... Took my breath away. It was beautiful... He was handsome, true, but it was more the calming atmosphere he gave off that made me melt.

"Etto..." He continued to speak to me in his native tongue. "Doushitan desuka?"

I was getting bits and pieces of his words... He was asking me something... What was he asking...?

I continued staring at him blankly.

I'm sorry... I don't know what you're saying...

I gave an apologetic expression, hoping he'd understand. He gave a weak smile. "Nihongo wakarimasuka...?"

That one I understood; but it'd take too long to translate it in my head and reply, so I gave a mere shake of my head. No, I can't speak much Japanese, I'm sorry...

But I could speak a little... I made a pinching gesture with my index finger and thumb to indicate I knew a little. The strange boy laughed a beautiful laugh that rang like a bell and sat down beside me at the edge of the fountain. "That's okay," he replied in crystal clear English. "I can speak English."

I smiled. "Thank goodness...!" I sighed. He was the only one who'd even bothered to say something to me in my depressed state, so it would be a real shame if we couldn't communicate. The boy's face turned serious and he looked at me with genuine concern. "... Is something the matter?"

I stared at my shoes. "Well..." I started meekly, preparing to tell him everything. To be honest, I'd never been the kind of girl who'd ever really opened up to others and explained what I was feeling, or what made me happy or upset. But somehow... Around this stranger... I felt completely relaxed. As if my entire soul was at ease. And so, I willingly explained to him my unfortunate situation.


"Oh, I see..." The boy thought out loud, understanding my situation. "So you're completely broke?"

I gave a sad nod, quite a bit embarrassed about having to explain my horrible failure to him. He looked at the ground thoughtfully. "Naruhodo..." He looked up at me. "Where will you go...?"

I played with my thumbs awkwardly. "I don't know..." It was nice to have someone who would listen to me when I was in trouble, but I knew that the empty feeling of being lost would return when the nice boy left...

I watched in surprise as his face broke into a wide smile. "I know... Why don't you stay with my family?"

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Huh?!"

He stood from the fountain and smiled down at me. "I'm sure it would be no problem. In fact, I'm certain! My family has gotten smaller lately, so we have a number of vacant rooms in the house. We're willing to let you stay as long as you need to!"

I stammered a bit, "B-But I couldn't possibly impose like that...!"

"Really, it's no trouble at all. And besides; where else can you go?"

I bit my lip. This was a great opportunity... I had no other choice. I was going to be here for 13 days; there was no way I could survive that long with no money. But at the same time... He had been so kind to me; I couldn't cause him so much trouble.

"But you've already been so nice..." I explained softly, not wanting to be such a bother. "And listened to what I had to say, I can't just invite myself over and cause you so much trouble....!"

He smiled reassuringly. "Really, it's okay, I promise. I'm willing to help you out."

"But I can't cause so much trouble... I'd have to stay for 12 nights!"

"Well... It wouldn't be free."

"Huh? ...But I don't have money, so how could I pay you back?"

I frowned at his words. I'd have to pay him back after all...? But I was broke!

He gave a devilish smile. "You'd have to pay me back ...with your friendship."

I felt my cheeks go warm.

Wow... He had to be the nicest Japanese guy on the planet.

He passed the taxi driver by a land slide.

Sorry, taxi driver.

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