Chapter 9

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After stuffing my face with all the delicious foreign food, I let out a heavy sigh and placed a hand on my distended stomach. "Gochiso sama deshita..." I happily thanked for the food. They all smiled, and moments later said the same phrase a they one by one finished their meals.
By then, it had gotten late and after eating so much, I was ready to sleep. I yawned, and Aito seemed to notice. He smiled kindly. "You should get some rest. I'll bet you're tired."
I nodded sleepily and started to stand, but I was completely unbalanced the whole way up, as though I'd fall asleep any second. Aito seemed amused by this and stood, coming over to me to help lead me to my room, looking prepared to catch me if I were to fall from exhaustion. I couldn't help but smile a little at this. The Japanese were so kind and hospitable... Wow, Americans. We really need to step it up, I thought in my head jokingly.
Aito came and took my hand, his free hand on my shoulder, gently guiding my tired self away, as if I were an old lady he was helping across the street. Aito turned to his family, "I'll take care of her," he murmured to his grandma reassuringly. She smiled cheerily and waved. "Oyasumi, Savvy!"
I waved back to her and Emi sleepily. "G'night..." I mumbled.
Just then, it may've been just my imagination since I was so tired, but I could've sworn that from the corner of my eye, Emi was glaring at me...
I decided it was only my eyes playing tricks on me and graciously accepted Aito's help, the two of us slowly going up the stairs and to the guest room. I didn't need much assistance from there, but Aito continued to lead me to my bed, and I had no intention to refuse his help. Just as we approached the bed, to my surprise, Aito shifted all of my weight onto him, laying me into the bed. I blinked up at him, surprised by the action, but too tired to even protest. I only stared up at him with tired, surprised eyes as he tenderly covered me with the beds blankets. He smiled warmly as he hovered over me. "Oyasumi nasai, Savannah."
I smiled back uncontrollably.
"Goodnight, Aito... Thanks for... Every thi..."
I couldn't even finish my sentence as my eyes grew heavy, sleep no longer being restrained once I was so comfortable I could die, and I slipped into bliss unconsciousness.
"... Dou itashimashite."

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