Chapter 11

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Deciding to shake off the strange incident for now, I quietly headed down the stairs and decided that maybe I'd make some tea for myself. I admit, the thought of making some for everyone else did cross my mind, but I figured that, considering that I didn't know their waking hour, the tea would by cold before they made it down here.
Yet at the same time I felt mildly guilty just making something for myself...
Ah, I was overthinking it.
Within a few minutes, I had prepared a cup of steaming green tea for myself.
(Of course, in my opinion, green tea alone seriously tastes like grass water, so I added lemon juice, honey, and sugar to make it taste just right.) I sipped from my cup quietly, and decided to sit on the porch that they had; I wasn't sure if there was a Japanese name to describe the strange wooden porch-like ledge, however. There was still a lot that I didn't know about Japan and it's people. But that's why I was hoping to learn while here...
As I sipped from my tea, I heard footsteps from behind me inside the house and turned to see who was coming.
To my surprise, it was Aito. His hair was still messy with bed head, and he was still dressed in pjs, but he looked far more awake than earlier. He looked so cute as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, but I did my best to keep a poker face. "Oh, good morning, Aito."
"... Ohayou..." He greeted with a yawn.
He was too adorable...
"What are you doing up so early?" He asked me as he sleepily shuffled over to me.
"Oh, I don't know. I just woke up and was wide awake." I giggled a bit.
Aito came over and sat next to me with a sigh. I couldn't hide my blush. He was sitting so close to me...! And it was just the two of us alone!
What should I do..?!
My body was tense as we sat in silence, the breeze gently blowing our hair, an I caught a whiff of his scent. Oh goodness, he smelled nice...!
Ah, doushiyou??
I took a nervous sip from my cup, hoping Aito would say something to break the aching silence. I swallowed when I heard him start talking.
"Oh, you made tea?"
I flinched a tiny bit, then gave a nod. "Uh, mhm."
"Hm, maybe I'll go make some for myself..."
"Uh," I stammered a little. "D-Do you want me to make it?"
He had started to stand, and stopped to look down at me. "Huh? No, I can't ask you to do that, you're our guest!"
"Are you sure? I wouldn't mind making some for you."
"No, it's fine! Thank you, though."
He smiled.
I smiled back.
Really, Aito was the nicest guy I'd ever met...
Were all guys in Japan like this?
It sure was nice...
I smiled, and my cheeks felt warm as I felt another cool breeze blow my hair from my cheeks. It was a gorgeous day today... I'd already grown fond of the weather in Japan... It was so nice.
After a few short moments, Aito was at my side again, standing on the porch, his back leaned against the wall as he sipped his cup.
"Ah," he sighed happily. "It sure is nice outside today..."
I couldn't help but smile a bit as the breeze brushed my cheeks and played with a few loose strands of my hair. "Mhm..."
"... Say, Savannah..."
I looked up at him, tucking a blowing lock of hair behind my ear. "Yes?"
"How would you like to walk around?"
I tilted my head, puzzled. "Around...?"
He grinned at me. "Mhm! There are so many places I wanna show you!"
I beamed at him.
"Mm! I'd love to!"

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