Chapter 3

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After I escaped from the depths of the airport, I successfully hailed a cab; and thankfully, I spoke enough Japanese to tell the driver where I needed to go--- he spoke English, but not very well. It was very difficult for me to understand what he was saying. But I told him where I needed and he understood, beginning to take me to my hotel which was located in the beautiful town of Kamakura.


The scenery was absolutely gorgeous, and the skies were so clear... Japan sure was a beautiful place... And that was saying something from a girl from Colorado; Colorado was quite beautiful, too.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling the entire drive, my eyes glued to the cab window, looking out over the beautiful land. It was too gorgeous for words...


Eventually, we made it to the hotel Id asked to be taken to. I got out of the car and thanked the driver. "How much do I owe you?"

The cab driver smiled and replied in his thick accent, "No charge. Welcome to Japan."

A huge grin spread across my face. "Really? Thank you so much! I'll pay you back someday!"

He smiled back. "No problem." He flashed me one more smile before driving away, and out of my sight.

With a smile still plastered to my face, I rolled my luggage behind me, heading inside the beautiful hotel. Yokosuka hotel... It sure was pretty.

The outside was tall and rounded, and it reminded me of a rainbow.

Upon entering, I could tell that it was a pretty nice hotel.

I rolled up to the front desk and smiled at the pretty woman who was the receptionist. "Hello," I greeted. She smiled back at me, and replied. "Hello, how can I help you today?" Her English was crystal clear so she must've been speaking it for a while, but she still had an accent; and it was adorable.

"Um, yes," I responded. "I'd like to book a room here."

The woman nodded. "Okay. How many nights?"


Hopefully I'd have enough...



Wait a moment...

I could see the woman's expression twist in confusion when my eyes grew huge and my jaw dropped open.

"Oh my goodness!" I shouted in dismay. "I don't have any money!"

How could I have forgotten money?! I had a handful of American dollars in my pocket, but they surely wouldn't accept that kind of money here! They only accepted yen! How could I be so stupid?!

There was a way to trade American money for yen at an embassy, but I only had, like, eight dollars so I still wouldn't be able to pay for much!! Oh no no no!! I'm such an idiot!

The woman blinked. "You have no money...?"

I grabbed my head in horror. "No I don't!!"

I tried to calm myself as I looked at the woman. "I'm so sorry for wasting your time...!" Before she could even reply, headed out of the hotel.

Well this was just great! Now what was I going to do?!

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