Chapter 7

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After a while, things calmed down, and the four of us sat in the living room, where Gramma Mai kindly served tea. "Arigatou," I thanked her. She only smiled; but she looked genuinely happy by my response. Oh, and when I say things calmed down, I mean Aito stopped being so flustered and went into pouty mode. And it was adorable. I couldn't wipe the smile from my face. American guys never looked THIS cute; take THAT, world.

Aito growled, "Stop smirking at me...!"

I giggled. "I can't help it; you look so adorable when you make that face!"

His cheeks flushed. "D-do not!"

"Yes you do!"

"No I don't!" He folded his hands over his chest sulkily. I placed a hand over my mouth to stifle another giggle. Aito was the cutest. Gramme Mai sat down in the empty space at the table and turned her attention to me. "So, Savannah," she began. "I hear you're from America?"

I nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

She beamed at me, with an expression that could really only be described as a woman who was about to swoon. "Ahhhh, sugoi!" She cooed. "What's it like nowadays?"

I blinked. "Oh, have you been there before?"

She nodded with a grin and jabbed her thumb in the direction of the still-pouty Aito. "I'm guessing this little dingus didn't tell you; but my husband, Joshua, was American."

My eyes grew wide in surprise. "Wow! Really?"

I couldn't believe it--- Aito was actually part American! That must've been why they all knew English so well...

Gramma Mai clasped her hands dramatically together and fluttered her lashes as if she were a young, love struck little girl. "Oh, we used to hold hands and walk through the park... He'd always wait for me by the same bench... We'd watch clouds together, and laugh... We'd go on picnics..."

She laughed a bit. "That little devil--- sometimes he'd surprise me with a picnic in the middle of the school day!"

I rested my head in my hands, taken with her adorable story. "Awwww, that's so sweet..."

Aito deliberately cleared his throat to interrupt, earning him a glare from Gramma Mai. Aito's sister and I gave him a questioning look. He looked at me. "Anyway, we need to show you your room so you can get settled."

"Oh!" I agreed. "You're right. I need to get my things out of the way, huh?" With a slight chuckle I got to my feet and looked to Aito, who was also standing, looking like he was ready to lead me away. "Hm," he thought. "Which room would work best...?" He wondered aloud.

"Oh, I'd be fine with anything." I promised. I didn't want anyone to have to leave their own rooms, and I didn't want to be spared the best room in the house. I would be fine just sleeping on the couch.

Gramma Mai got to her feet, and she turned to Aito. "Aito, why doesn't she sleep in your room?"

Me and Aito both turned to gawk at her suggestion. "What?!"

Aito frowned at her. "Then where would I sleep?"

Gramma Mai raised a brow. "... In your room..."


She wanted us to SHARE a bed?! If only just met Aito!!

Aito and I both had reddened cheeks. Panicked, I waved my arms at her. "No, no, no, th-that's alright...! He doesn't have to give up his own space, id be fine just sleeping on a couch or something...!"

Gramma Mai smirked at me, "Oh, so you don't like to share, hm?" She grinned at Aito. "Careful, Aito, she's a territorial one."

I was sure steam was hissing out of my ears I was so embarrassed. Why did his grandmother insist on us sleeping in the same bed?!

"By the way..." Gramma Mai came closer and peered into my face. "... Are you fertile?"

I'd never before reached this level of embarrassment in my life. Not even that one time in the third grade when I accidentally wet myself while trying to confess to the guy I liked. I never had a crush again after him I was so embarrassed. Right now surpassed even THAT.

I was so stunned that I didn't even respond.

Pink cheeked, Aito screamed at his gramma. "That's enough!!" I could tell he was just as embarrassed as me; and that kinda made me feel a bit better.

He turned to me, and before I could blink, he'd latched onto my hand. "C'mon, I'll find a room for you...!"

At that, he tugged me out of the room. "Wh-whoa...!" I protested slightly, but relented and came along.

His hand remained on my wrist, as he pulled me along.

His hand was soft and warm...

Finally, I was taken into a room at the end of the hall on the second floor, which appeared to be not far from the rest of the family's rooms. It was roomy, and cozy, with a medium sized bed that I felt would bring me a peaceful sleep just by looking at it, and a window on the far wall. The walls were wooden like the floors, with a few simple pictures framed along them. There was a desk with a computer on it on the wall next to the window, parallel to the bed, and a small night stand beside the bed with a cute little lamp set on it. In a far corner of the room, there was a strange, green plant in a small pot with tall, outstretched leaves. The room was adorable.

Aito only watched as I took in the sight in awe. "Wow..." I marveled. "It's so cute..."

Aito laughed lightly. "Isn't it?"

He motioned with his hand to the far end of the room. "You can set your things down over there."

I bowed my head slightly. "Thank you."

I rolled my bag over and set it comfortably in place.

With a smile, I inhaled, taking a deep breath in of fresh air. It even smelled nice in there.

Like pine, fresh wood, and laundry detergent. Sounds weird, but it was actually really pleasant...

Aito grinned at me. "So," he started. "I know it's a bit awkward... And my gramma is insane."

I chuckled.

"But..." He looked into my eyes and gave a friendly smile. "I hope you can make yourself at home here."

I smiled at him.

He was so nice...! I'd really been fortunate to have met someone so kind!

"Thank you, Aito."

"No problem."

The cheery grin still plastered to his face, he turned and headed back downstairs, leaving me to adjust in the comfort of my new room.

Looking around the cute little room, I took a few steps back and plopped myself onto the bed.

Yup, I was right--- soft as velvet...

Smiling broadly, I lowered myself into the embrace of the soft mattress, sighing contentedly. I was already having a great time being here... I hoped that I'd make a lot of good memories here,

I grinned at the thought.

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