Chapter 2

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// Your POV //

It was night time and my cousins and I were on the couch looking into nothingness, we had just realized that being a Demon Hunter didn't only bring awesome powers but could also traumatize you. The most prone one to feel sick was my little cousin, he threw up twice already and we were worried, so as soon as we finished eating we relaxed him a bit and helped him to fall asleep. The good thing about this is that my mother wasn't here, she was in a job interview and she told us to not go out at night, I thought that being in a building that had a 'dark past' was worse than being outside, at least at this moments.

(B/C/N) sighed and I looked at him. "Man we don't have any snacks, that sucks..." I rolled my eyes. "Of course it sucks, we didn't have time to buy food." I got up and grabbed my wallet. "Lucky for you I have money, so I'm gonna look for a vending machine." He looked at me. "But we went to all the floor-- Oh yeah, the basement." He stopped talking and facepalmed, I snorted. "I'll be back in a few minutes!"

I closed the door behind me and walked to the elevator, taking out the key card that Lisa gave me and sliding it in, taking me to the basement. It was cleaner than I thought it would be and it smells great too, I looked around and I saw a vending machine, my eyes shined as I looked at the chocolates there, they looked so delicious and I was pretty sure that my cousins were gonna like it. I grabbed my wallet but it slipped off my hand and as I was about to bend, someone grabbed it for me and we locked eyes. I blinked and looked at him up and down, he had tanned skin and his hair was very long, he looked like one of does angry or angsty teenagers.

I decided to speak to not make the situation more uncomfortable. "Thank you for grabbing my wallet for me." I said while grabbing my wallet from his hands, he blinked and smiled. "N-No problem, you must be the new resident of room 104." I nodded. "Yeah, we just came in today, I'm (Y/N) by the way."

"I'm Larry, I live down here with my mom." I looked around, there were no other rooms there.

"You live in the basement? Don't you see any rats from time to time?" he shook his head. "Nah, my mom keeps everything cleaned." Oh, I see, his mom must be Lisa, the maintenance lady. I smiled, he was nice just like his mother and I was sure that he was my age. "So, uhm... You came to buy some junk food?" I nodded as I slid in some coins and choose the chocolates I wanted. "Yeah, we hardly have food in our apartment to feed the female and male species." Larry suddenly had a disappointing look. "You have a boyfriend?" I shook my hands in desperation. "God no! I meant my mom and my cousins!" He sighed smiling at me, but he suddenly looked at me with a serious expression.

"Wait, what about your father?" My eyes widen at the sudden question and I looked away. "Oh..." He started. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean anything bad. I'm passing through the same thing." I looked at him and smiled. "Then... I'm also sorry for your situation, Larry." He bit his lip and we kept looking at each other but I broke the stare to pick up the food. The elevator opened making me look behind and saw Lisa walking towards us, she looked at us and grinned. "I see that you already met my son! Did he do anything he shouldn't?" Larry groaned a bit and flushed. "Mom, please..." Lisa laughed and looked at me.

"Did ya go to meet the other residents, dear?" I nodded but then thought about what happened, the fifth floor and my cousin's vision, I had to ask something. "Uhmm, what happened in room 403?" Larry looked at me with an unreadable expression and Lisa almost choked. "Oh you don't have to worry about that, that's a past that tormented us for a while but now everything's fine." She smiled sweetly. Why didn't I believe that? "I bet that you are tired, why don't you come again tomorrow so we can get to know each other, Larry's friends will also be there."

"Yeah, that'll be cool. We can get to know you more." I looked at the two of them, I didn't know if that was a good idea as I was kinda shy. "I-I'll ask my mom but thank you for the invitation. I have to go, goodnight!" They wished me a good night and went to their room as I walked to the elevator, but it was taking longer to come down to the basement. Did somebody use it?

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