Chapter 5

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To say that things have been getting weird in the group it's not enough. Ash and I already apologized to each other but she's not with us anymore and when I try to talk with her, she runs away saying that everything's fine, and about Sally... He's still with us but when Larry or Todd aren't around he gets a lot more comfortable with me, he's been acting weird since I started a relationship with Larry, maybe something happened between Ash and Sal and that's what's breaking the group apart. Or maybe I am.

"I know what you are thinking, (Y/N)." I look at Larry with a confused expression. "Don't make that face, love. I know you are thinking about Sally and Ash." I looked down. "I just don't understand why they are acting like this. I keep thinking that it was me who broke the group..." Larry hugs me and caresses my face softly. "Don't say that, it's not your fault, I can assure you that."

We both see Todd walking toward us and sitting down. "It isn't your fault, maybe something just happened between them and they don't want to be around. Although... I don't exclude the idea that Ash has been getting bullied..."

"WHAT??!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs and everyone looks at me, Larry shushes me down and looks at Todd. "Who Todd?? Who's the fucker??" Todd motions us to calm down and coughs softly. "I do not know. It isn't Travis, he hasn't been around for a while. The last time I saw Ash her arms were covered by bruises, someone has been attacking her and--" I got up and walked out of the classroom while everyone stared at me.

"Dude, that's your girlfriend?"

"Yeah she is, and I love her."

I walked around the school in hopes to find Ash or even Sally at some god damn point, I couldn't find any of them. I stopped walking and start thinking, who could be possibly bullying Ash? Travis hasn't been around for a while and there's no one else like him around the school, or I think. Maybe they're hiding their true intentions and their main victim is Ashley... Well, that's not happening anymore. I have to find her as soon as possible. I find Chug and Maple buying chocolates and I run to them. "Hi guys, have you seen Ash or Sal?" I panted, Maple shook her head. "We haven't seen Ash, but we saw Sal run to the bathroom while Larry ran after him a while ago." What? Larry was still seeing Sal and he didn't tell me?

"I see, do you know why exactly?" Chug shrugged while eating his chocolate bar. "I think Larry got mad at Sally because--" Maple shut him up.

"Their friendship! It's been crumbling apart a bit since you and Larry started a relationship." I look down in acknowledgment. "Any ideas on where Ash could be?" They look at each other as they start thinking. "Well, maybe in the bathroom, the drawing class or outside. She always goes outside now and just disappears for a while." Oh god. Please tell me it's not because of those bullies.

"Alright thank you!" I run through the many halls and finally reach the door that leads outside and start searching for Ash. "Ash!" I scream out, no one answers my call. "Ash, I know you here!!" I walk further into the small park as I hear voices in the distance, as I keep getting closer to them. I see a small group throwing insults at a girl, she seemed so scared as she whined in fear while hugging herself. "Hey!! Leave her alone!!" The group turned around to see me and they start running away, I kept watching them so intently with so much hatred, one of them stopped to throw up and I closed my eyes and rubbed them. Did I just do... The evil eye?

I opened my eyes again to look at the bullied girl. "Ash..."

She just stood there while crying, she didn't even look me in the eyes. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)... I just... I thought I deserved it..." I stared at her arms, Todd was right, her arms were fully covered by bruises, and I couldn't help getting angrier. "How can you say that?? Ash, no one deserves to be bullied! I can't believe you didn't tell me about this!" Ashley walked to me and hugged me slowly. "I'm sorry... I'm not sure how this happened... It has been happening since I was young, both with Travis and that group..." I hugged her back and comforted her. "You know you can tell me everything, I forgave you a long time ago. I thought your problem was because of Sal..." She stared at me while cleaning her tears. "What do you mean...? I didn't stop hanging out with you because of Sally, we are still friends... I think."

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 | 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now