Chapter 6

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// 2 years later //

The bell rang and both Ash and I got out of class towards our lockers, we had just finished a history exam and it had drained our mental energy. I was leaving my book in my locker when Sal walked toward me. "Hi Sal, how was your math exam?"

"Better than last time I suppose, Mrs. Packerton said I 'aced it well'." I smiled and closed my locker. "How was yours, (Y/N)?" I only shrugged. "Mediocre, I might like art but history is killing me and getting the energy out of me. I wish I could leave school now, but my mom would kill me." Sal gave me a paper with notes of his classes, my eyes shined so brightly it made him chuckle. "Thank you! You are the best Sal! Don't tell Larry I said that..." I whispered the last part and he nodded. "Hey freak!"

We turned to find Travis staring at us. "Nobody likes a goody-two-shoes, Saaally Face." I rolled my eyes and Sally sighed. "Nobody likes a cliché bully, Traaavis."

"Don't you have something better to do...?" I asked. "Shut up, witch! I wasn't talking to you." Motherfucker... No, he doesn't have anything better to do. Sal walked in front of me and crossed his arms. "You know, if you took that stick out of your ass you may enjoy yourself for once. Maybe even make a friend or two."

"Fuck off, faggot! I have more friends than you'll ever have!" I snorted at that. He isn't tricking anyone.

"You kiss your daddy with that tongue? I'm sure he--" Suddenly, Travis stepped forward and punched Sal in the face, he tried to push me out of his way but I was already at Sally's side, getting a look at his mask, he was bleeding. "What the hell, asshole?!" I screamed out, but Travis was already far away, and I didn't care anymore for him. Ashley had appeared around the corner and took a tissue from her school bag. "Are you alright, Sal?" She asked. "I'm fine." Sal's voice was deeper than I would have liked. "Come on, let's report that jerk." But the blue-haired boy shook his head, turning to look at us. "No. Don't worry. That'll just make things worse, trust me. I've dealt with bigger bullies than Travis before."

"But you're bleeding Sal!" I exclaimed, making him look down. "I'm okay." Ash rolled her eyes and smiled. "Here, let's use my bandanna..." The girl walked to Sal and began to untangle his mask, making my heart ache. He lets her but not me...?

I turned around, knowing that he wouldn't like me to see him. "Wait, hold on-- I-- You can't-- I'm--" Silenced suddenly engulfed the hallway, leaving me baffled. "There. Looks like it was just a small scratch. Don't worry, you can hardly see it." Sal sighed in relief. "Ha... Thanks, Ash." I heard her putting his mask back in its place and I turned around to be met by Larry's figure walking towards us, hugging me and kissing my forehead in the process. "Dude, what happened? Was it Travis again?? That prick! I'll kill him!!"

"Larry, I'm fine. It's okay. Don't worry about it." Ash agreed and I tilted my head. "Sal's right, if we stir the pot it could just make things worse." But she was the one that had the idea to tell away. Is it that easy to change her mind?

"Not if he's dead!" Larry said and I shrugged. "Then he'll probably just haunt the school and we'd be stuck with that bonehead for the next two years." I said, making Ash huff. "And if that happens I will kill you all." Ash laughed and I smiled back. "You wouldn't kill me, I'm too precious for you." I rolled my eyes and kissed Larry, giggling. Sal coughed, getting our attention. "You know I love you guys, but the ghost stories are a bit much even for me." Ash said.

"So we're just gonna let this Travis thing go?" Asked Larry, clearly mad about Sal's choice. "It's not worth it. Plus, think about it, who knows what his home life is like. He's got a lot of pent-up rage, there must be a reason."

"I'm pretty sure he's just angry that they switched Bologna Sandwich Day to tomorrow." Larry snorted, and Ash continued. "Seriously, I've never seen anyone love the crappiest lunch day so much." I pursed my lips. "It's like a prison meal." I said.

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