Chapter 8

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We got down to the basement in minutes and Larry and Todd were already there, we followed Sal to an abandoned apartment. "No one has used this apartment for a long time. It's in rough shape but Addison can't afford the renovations it needs. Just like the fifth floor." Todd nodded and looked at Sal. "Is this what you saw in your vision, Sal?"

"It doesn't work exactly like that. It's more like a feeling of heightened intuition."


"Alright, you lead the way. We will offer support however we can." Sal nodded and tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Wait, one of those keys from Packerton's house looked like the old apartment keys. Try that out." I said and gave Sally the keys. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about those." We finally stepped into the room. "There's nothing in here." Larry said and I walked past them. "Let's just take a look around, knowing Addison Apartments, something must be out of place."

"I must agree with that." Todd and Sal went to look around, and I was about to do the same when I felt a hand grabbing mine. "(Y/N), what's wrong? You haven't looked at me once." Larry murmured and I turned to him. "Larry, we have to get Ash. Isn't that what we want right now? Isn't that what you want?" I asked, almost irritated, and Larry looked down.

Did he know what he did?

Did I know what he did...?

I wanted to hug him, kiss him, be near him, just like we've done for the last two years, but something has changed. My mind doesn't let me be relaxed around him, and I seriously don't know why. I just know I have to get away from him, be over with all of this. "Guys! Come check this out!" I immediately ran to where Sal was, and when I entered I saw the door to a sub-basement. "There must be an undocumented sub-basement level. It's definitely not in any of the blueprints, that I've seen. Perhaps an old dirt cellar or something of the like."

"I had no idea this was here." Larry said as he stared. "The third key from Mrs. Packerton fits in the door. Ash must be down there. It's the only place that chute could lead to." We helped Sal to open the door to the basement, and looking down, all we could see was darkness. That didn't stop Sal. "Let's go..." It seemed like some type of temple beneath our apartments, and tho it seemed dangerous and obviously done by the cult of the Demon, it's awesome to be in a place like this. "Whelp, this looks bad."

"Incredible. This architecture must date back multiple centuries, at least." I was glad I was not the only one to find this place amazing. "Centuries of blood and demon worship. This is freaky as hell."

"Everything is coated in a thick layer of dust, which likely means the area is presently vacant and has been for a while." I huffed. "I hope that the malevolent history of this place remains in the past..." I half-whispered, at least this place could not be alive with the Demon. "Yeah. Well... We need to get through that gate somehow."

"There appears to be an absence of any obvious mechanisms to move the large gate. They must be moved into the walls. The apparatus for opening the gate is likely hidden." Sal nodded and looked at us. "We better split up and search the room. (Y/N), will you come with me?" The marks started to itch a bit, and I nodded, not caring about Larry's sudden change of expression, Sal and I were the first ones to start looking around for something that can open the gate. Luckily, the gear boy lighted a green bulb and found another one on the ground, making the same thing with the gear, now we could move the pentagram on the ground, but it was getting difficult. And while they were doing that, I was distracted by the book with a bird.


The pages had blood in them and it was burned in the lower lines, the language looked like Latin but it had very different words I've never seen before, I found this language before, in one of the many books from grandma. My head started to hurt, my body aching and I couldn't separate my eyes from the book as much as I wanted. Suddenly, I heard a very loud noise and turned around. "Dude! What, are you trying to give me a heart attack? That scared the shit out of me!" Larry shouted.

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