Chapter 1

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// No POV //

"We will continue what we were talking about in the previous session, but first... Sal, I wanted to talk about the day you met Miss (L/N). Is that okay?" Dr. Enon asked him, Sal felt his mind going back to you, from all the memories, the thing that he most cherished was your beautiful smile. "Yes.." Sal said quietly while looking down.

"She arrived at Addison Apartments 2 months after you met your friends, she was slightly older than you correct?" Sal nodded. "She is a year older than me." Dr. Enon made a knowing look. "At that time, was she a sympathetic girl?" Sal looked at the doctor in front of him. "She was... She is a very kind woman, the type of person that whenever sees a poor person always gives money." Dr. Enon smiled a bit at how Sal described you, you seemed to have some special effect on him. "But it seems that she made quite a first impression. Did she seem mysterious?"

Sal smiled and looked at his mask on the table. "The first time I saw (Y/N) I already knew some things were going to change, tho... I wasn't the first one that made a connection with her.." Dr. Enon looked confused. "Then who, Sal?" Sal lowered his head. "Larry..." Dr. Enon nodded, he could see some grief in Sal's eyes so he decided to change the subject. "About (Y/N), you said that she was called 'witch' at school?"

"Yes, I remember that she always loved doing kind of things, from sweet things to grotesque stuff. She didn't mind it, not at all." Dr. Enon moved a bit on his seat. "But you said that she was--"

"A Demon Hunter. Yes... Todd discovered them by hearing her cousins talk with the ghosts in the building one day." The doctor sighed but decided to go deeper. "What about your relationship with Ashley Campbell?" Sall stiffened. "I and Ashley had... Something, but (Y/N) came and... " Sal sighed a bit and continued. "When Ashley wasn't there and non of the guys could help me... I would always go to (Y/N)."

"Sal..." Dr. Enon started and Sal looked at him. "Why didn't you kill her?" Sal feared that question. "... She wasn't infected." Dr. Enon looked at him with some confusion. "You went to ALL the floors that night. What did you do to her, Sal?" He asked, his voice rising a bit. Sal didn't have an option, he had to say it.

"We had sex."


Dr. Enon looked surprised, you had sex with him on such a bloody night where people were killed? You couldn't have known, or at least that's what the doctor wanted to believe, he already had met you and you seemed such a peaceful and mature young woman. Tho Dr. Enon believed that Sal wasn't a murderer, he also wanted to believe that you weren't a piece of his insanity. He looked at the hour and sighed, he realized he didn't talk about what they talked about in the previous session, Dr. Enon stood up, and Sal looked at him again and put on his prosthetic.

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