Chapter 3

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Larry was still a bit down because of the truth, Sal told me that he had the opportunity to know where his father might be or if he's alive or even dead, turns out he just left his family, but I couldn't stop thinking that maybe that wasn't true. Maybe.

We soon walked back to Sal's apartment to relax, I didn't want to leave Larry alone and he didn't seem to want to let me go either, he's been hugging me for the last 30 minutes. Sal was always looking at us, maybe he was amused by it but didn't say anything afraid that he might say something wrong, we stayed in silence for a long time, until Sal spoke. "I have to give Todd his devices, do you know if he's home?" Larry shook his head. "Nope, he's not there. I heard from his parents that they had to go out."

Sal sighed and sat next to us. "So... Do we still keep to do the small 'party' at your house or...?" I looked at them. "It's not a good idea, I'm not sure if Larry is up for a 'party'." Larry hid his face in my hair, and Sal nodded. "Yeah, I think we'll have to cancel, maybe we can just stay here and do something on our own." I agreed with him and looked away.

"But you still didn't tell me what you were doing in that room, (Y/N)." I suddenly panicked. What can I say? Oh hey, I was just passing by to look for demons?

"I was just-- Uhmm..." Do I lie or tell him the truth? Larry looked at me with a worried expression. "You could have hurt yourself, who knows what that demon could have done to you." Dammit, they are good at making me nervous and Sal is staring at me, coldly so. "I-I was just exploring a bit. You see, a lot of weird things had been happening here since we arrived and my cousins and I got curious." Larry didn't care much about that by the look on his face. "Still, you could have gotten hurt. What did you even find?"

"Oh I dunno, maybe the murder that your mom tried to hide." He smiled nervously and scratched his head. "You got me there. We just didn't want you to leave because of that, this is a good building. Well... Putting away the demon stuff." I sighed deeply and heard Sal chuckle. "We can rest now, no more demonic things looming around."

"Except for the ghosts." I smiled and crossed my arms, Sal nodded. "Except for the ghosts."

"Sooooo, how can I know that you aren't mad at me for saying something wrong, Sal?" I could see Sal's eyes looking at me with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I have the habit of saying bad things in the wrong moments sometimes, so..."

"Would it help if I said my facial expressions out loud?" I grinned. "Maybe." He opened his arms a bit. "Welcoming smile." I laughed and hugged each other, he was a bit smaller than me but it was cute nonetheless, we heard Larry cough behind us and we looked at him. "I'm sure that Todd is back already, why don't you go give him his devices?" Sal nodded and grabbed the devices from the table. "What will you do while we are out?" Larry shrugged and lay on the bed. "I need some time alone... Take care of (Y/N)." I was about to say something but Sal was already walking out so I followed him. When we got out of Sal's apartment I felt very uncomfortable and Sal didn't seem to feel different from me. Is there something else I don't know?

"You know..." Sal started. "Larry actually cares for you, if you didn't notice." He suddenly stopped and looked at me. "Are you two in a... You know, a relationship or something?" I blushed and shook my head. "N-No! Were not!" His blue eyes were staring at me and his voice got a bit darker than it was. "So you do like Larry."

"Sal, I just met him. He is handsome I have to admit that, but I don't fall for anyone that fast. I will meet him and only time will tell." Sal nodded and closed his eyes. "Sorry, I just feel kinda awkward being around you two like that." I laughed and Sal did too, getting rid of the uncomfortable aura. We walked to room 202 and he knocked, a boy with curly orange hair and glasses opened the door. "Hey Sally Face, I thought I would have to save you from the demon myself, you were taking too long." He looked at us and let us in while closing the door. Wait, did he just call him Sally Face? "Sorry Todd, we had... A difficult moment. Oh, this is (Y/N), the new resident." I smiled at Todd and we greeted each other, he grabbed his devices and took them away, maybe to his room.

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