Chapter 11

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// No POV //

You caressed your fingers on your chest wound gently, remembering everything Sal did that night, and what the police told you after. You lifted your head, once again staring at Ashley. "It was around 3 am when I got the next phone call from Todd. He was crying so hard that I could barely make out what he was saying. I knew they were in trouble and that they were at the apartments. It sounded serious so I called the police and rode over right away. I got there just as the police showed up. On my to the front door, I saw Todd running into the woods. I called out for him but he just kept running. And I went to find (Y/N) next, and I found her in her old apartment, naked and bleeding."

The prosecutor nodded and Ashley gulped. "I tried to talk with Sal, but he was unresponsive and covered in blood. The cops pulled me away before I got any closer to him. Sal isn't an evil man... He's not a bad person... He just needs help." The only thing she did wrong called the police. The judge called Dr. Enon over, you remembered him well, a very kind man, you knew he also thought that Sal needed help, but there was something strange in him now. "Dr. Enon, you've handled Mr. Fisher's psychiatric assessment, during his time in prison. Including several months of prison. Is this correct?" The doctor nodded. "Yes, that is correct."

"And what have you concluded from your time with the defendant?" He's not Dr. Enon. You thought. "It is my professional opinion that Sal Fisher is perfectly sane and was one hundred percent lucid while he proceeded to murder the occupants of Addison Apartments. The elaborate story concocted is simply that: a story." No...

"A tale to make him out to be the hero rather than a villain. He was so convinced that I even began to believe his story, I went out to the apartments to visit the treehouse, as Sal requested. There was nothing at all. The further I poked into his story, the more inconsistencies there were. These inconsistencies, along with all the contradictory evidence, proved to me that Sal is not delusional but simply lying to protect himself." There was some whispering in the room, but I could only stare as the cult had their victory. "In your opinion, is Sal Fisher a threat to the public?"

"Absolutely. Without a doubt."


Time passed and the tears have begun to fall down your cheeks as the room waited for members of the jury to answer. Finally, they came back and sat on their chairs in silence. Sal turned his head and stared at you, he knew what was going to happen, and more tears fell as you realized he had accepted that. "Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?"

A woman with pink hair stepped closer. "Yes, your Honor. We have reached a verdict."

"In the case of Sal Fisher VS the County of Nockfell, what say you?" Asked the judge. "The members of this jury find the defendant guilty of first-degree mass murder and sexual abuse." The judge agreed with the members and you lowered your head. "I agree with the jury on the verdict of guilt and because of the severity of the crime committed... I hereby sentence Sal Fisher to receive capital punishment."

Ash stands up to everyone's surprise. "No! You can't do that! He's sick! He needs our help!"

"Order! Order in the court!"

He's going to die...

// Timeskip //

The hallway felt far too long as you moved downwards into the depths of the isolated visiting chamber. The guards had warned you with a nasty gleam in their eyes, was too dangerous to keep with other inmates. He was isolated in high security. He was alone. That thought made your heart ache. When the doors opened and you sat in the only available chair before the massive glass wall, a buzzing echoed in your mind as the loud alarm blared to notify you of the closing of the high-security doors behind you and the opening of those on the other side. Sal was escorted out by guards who did not leave their positions at the side of the doorway despite your request for privacy.

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