Chapter 10

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It all seemed fine. Only hours ago we were wandering around Addison Apartment together and talking, reunited, but things went downhill faster than expected. I was trembling as I impatiently waited for Larry to answer my calls after the texts I had gotten, imagining the worse yet hoping for it to be a sick prank. The seconds went on like hours with the constant dialing noises ringing in my ear. He won't pick up.

Why won't he pick up?!

Sick of hearing that same sound repeating itself over and over I turned the car and summed up my way to Addison Apartments as fast as I could. If Larry was going to do what I thought he would do I'd have to be quick to stop him. My mind was in a different place. I was scared, no, terrified of losing one of my best friends, my first lover, one of the many reasons I came back. The one that welcomed me here...

He couldn't... It wasn't true. None of this is true!


I stopped my car in the grass and ran to Larry's house. I was soaking wet but I didn't care. Panting I ran inside, slamming the button for the elevator to come and equally as fast sprinted to Larry's apartment. "LARRY!" I shouted, practically kicking the door into said person's room but was met with more emptiness. "LARRY WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Overcome by a sense of dread I rushed to the treehouse. Almost slipped on some mud when I stumbled closer to the large tree. I couldn't think correctly and my heart didn't stop beating strongly. I was afraid. Is this my fault? "Larry!!" I called for him, but there was no answer.

And then, I found a note. His note. "Larry...!"

No... NO!

"(Y/N)..." I turned, Sal staring at me in fear, my saddened expression told him all there was to say and he stepped back a bit. "No... NOO!" He fell to his knees next to me as he looked at the note, screaming at the top of his lungs. I went to his side immediately and embraced him as he cried uncontrollably. "LARRY! WHAT DID YOU DO?! LARRY! WHY!?"



He placed his hand on mine as he started to break down again, the other hand coming up to grip his shirt. "FOR FUCKS SAKE LARRY! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE?! YOU PROMISED TO STICK WITH ME!! YOU--... You promised..." He cried out all his sorrows, clinging to me like I was going to fade away too. "I'm going to finish this... I'll finish this for us. I'll make sure you won't get stuck here..." He muttered after crying for a while and I shakily got us to our feet, reaching under his mask to wipe away his tears. This had to be a dream, just a nightmare. Taking a shaky breath he turned around just in time till we heard some static, hand clenching as he stared at his phone he had dropped till it was silent again.

I picked up the note and looked away, none of us could read it now. We had cried enough for now. Sal hugged me, expecting me to break, and I did. Of course I did. "We will destroy this cult..." I whispered as he caressed my (H/C) hair. "We will. I promise you... We will." He murmured in my ear. I'll never forget his face. He's behind my eyelids and stitched into my heart. I remember his rough hands and stale breath of cigarettes. I remember how we met. His mother is the sweetest I have had the pleasure of meeting. The happiest memory of my time was him extending the walkie-talkie to me, and teasing me for using it outside his door. He saved me from the darkness in my life. I felt the tendrils twisting around my heart and squeezing its blood dry. His light, like strange stone, pieced through the ropes of endless death and breathed life into me.

I'll never forget his voice, calling out my name in fright, excitement, fear, and happiness. Love. His voice was smooth and rhythmed. I play his sentences over in my head like a busted cassette. His long brown hair, his hazel eyes.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 | 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now