Chapter 9

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// No POV //

"This all seems to be a dramatic change from your original story, Mr. Fisher. Isn't it true you had initially stated that you were not in contact with Larry Johnson?" He blinked, looking across the room, he could see Neil, Travis, Maple and Ashley, and there you were, sitting in the front seats of the room. Your relationship with Ash hasn't been the same since that bologna day, and he didn't judge you, none of them did. You knew Ash and Maple were staring at you, not as if you were a freak that had sex with a lunatic, but with worried eyes, Ash had tried to say sorry many times. She tried to be friends again, like in the old times. You can't simply forgive, you would not forget about it.

Sal knew it wasn't the time, but you were stunning in his eyes. You knew he was staring at you, everyone knew he was staring at you, and the prosecutor coughed, getting his attention. "Yes." He finally said. "So, you admit to lying in your original statements."

"Yes. I was in shock from what had happened and thought that the truth would be more harmful. That no one would believe me. I didn't know what else to do." Poor Sal, you thought. This whole ridiculous scene made you mad. "And how can we trust anything you say now? How are we to decipher what is true and what is a lie?"

"All I have left is the truth. It's important that people hear what I have to say. Whether they believe it or not, well... I hope, for their sake, that they do." He half-whispered, making the whole room murmur. "Is that a threat?"

"It's a warning." Sal affirmed. How could he give a threat in the condition he is in?

"Would you have us believe that there is still a killer on the loose in Nockfell? That all of the evidence presented today, the victims' blood on your clothes and skin, your fingertips on the murder weapon, the security footage, the eyewitness accounts, that all of these were some elaborate cover-up? Created by who? The Country Police Department." Yes, that is exactly what he is saying. You didn't believe how bad they are making him look, it's true, he has killed people. Has nobody felt Nockfell feel odd by this point?

"If it's alright with the court, I'd like to continue my testimony. It's important that the story be told chronologically in order to prevent details from being taken out of context. Well, more so than they already have been." Everyone looked at the judge, waiting for his answer. "I'll allow it. Please continue your testimony, Mr. Fisher, but realize we will expect answers to these questions the prosecution has presented."

Sal looked at you, and you gave him a small smile, his eyes shone. You will never change, he finally answered. "Everything will be answered."

"Then proceed."

// Five years later / Your POV //

I never discovered why and what I have inside me, it wasn't a ghost, it doesn't seem from this world, but it kept connecting with me from time to time. It helped me every day, both in school and at home, I had told my grandma about it and she only sighed, whispering that she knew all along, but didn't tell me anything else. I had no contact with Sal after I left, only with Todd from time to time.

Fate is a son of a bitch.

The light was almost blinding until I realized that it was not coming from my magic, the room was warm and comfortable, but my vision didn't work very well. At least till an old friend appeared in front of me. "Hi Miss Rosenberg, been a long time. How's it going on the other side?"

"Long indeed child, I felt your soul drawing away from the apartments. Megan and Mrs. Sanderson were the ones suffering from your departure." I sighed deeply, I knew they would, I guess I was being too selfish. "I'm sorry to hear that, but after all the pain and the sudden burst of light, I couldn't just be there any longer."

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 | 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now