Chapter 4

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"So that's it?" I looked at Ash, she was watching me with a very mad expression, but again, I think it's rational to think that she's the only one mature in the group. I turn my eyes to the drawing book and sighed deeply. "Yes, it's better like this, it will never go anywhere." Ashley crossed her arms. The last 4 months were... Weird to say the least. The demon was gone, or so we think, more marks started to appear on my skin and the relationship between Larry and me is awkward, very much, we both know that we have a thing for each other, but I can't say anything! It hurts when I try to open my mouth and confess, on the other hand, Sal and Todd always interrupt me.

"Don't look at me like that, I think it would be weird, I give a lot of bad luck." Ash grinned at me. "Big excuse (Y/N)..." I scratched my head and smiled as she sat next to me.

Should I tell her about the marks? About my family?

Ash, Sal, Larry and Todd are my friends but I have the feeling that something will go wrong, terribly wrong. I woke up from my thoughts and looked at Ash, she fell asleep on my bed, she must be pretty tired, I noticed her acting weird now, she isn't coming here much often like she used to, wonder if something happened and she's ashamed. I heard someone touching the doorbell, I got up and walked to the front door. "Sal?" I looked at him as I opened the door. "It's 9 pm, I thought you would be at Larry's, like always." I smiled. "I'm sorry to bother you, (Y/N). Is Ash here?" Did... Did my heart just thump..? No... This was a heartbreak.

"O-Oh, she's in my room. I'm gonna call her." Sal grabbed my hand to stop me. "No! I--" He let my hand go. "I came to ask if you wanted to come with me, I want you to meet someone." Why did I feel my heart break at him mentioning Ash? I like Larry... Right?

I nodded and forced a smile on my lips. "Of course, Sal." I closed the door behind me, I'm sure that Ash won't mind me leaving for a bit, so I followed him to the elevator. "Who do you want me to meet?" He looked at me. "A friend, you'll like her. She already likes you." We walked in and Sal pressed the button to the fifth floor. "Sal, is she a ghost?" He nodded. "Wow, you are a natural for this. Yeah, but she won't hurt you, I promise." I crossed my arms and grinned. "I hope not, my knight in shining armor." I heard him chuckle. "Knight in a prosthetic mask." I laughed. "Yeah, more like that!"

We walked to room 504 and got in, Sal didn't waste time and ran to the bathroom while taking out the Super Gear Boy. "Megan? Are you here? I want you to meet (Y/N)." I heard a light scream and then a girly voice. "Hi, Sally Face!" I walked to the door and saw a girl trying to play with Sal's gear boy, my face turned into a sad one. Who would have dared to kill such an innocent little girl? I couldn't help but feel grief. She looked at me and I swear I saw a glint of light in them. "You must be (Y/N)! Sally Face speaks so much of you!" I look at Sal and his ears went red. "He does huh?" The little girl nods. "You have completely stolen his---!" Sal interrupts her with the sounds of the gear boy and coughs. "(Y/N), this is Megan." I look at her and smile. "It's nice to meet you, Megan, you are so cute." Megan looks at me with a happy face. "I'm happy to meet you, are you happy here?"

"Of course I am, Sal was the one to help me feel like home again." I noticed her necklace, a cross, if someone gave her that to protect her then why didn't it work? "It's a very beautiful necklace, did your mommy give it to you?" Megan nodded. "Yeah, she said it would protect me from the evil in the world." Yeah, maybe now she is safe from the world.

"Where's your mommy?" Megan opened her mouth but Sal interrupted her. "Remember the ghost in the bed? Stacy?" Oh... Oh my god. "Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know. She doesn't talk to you much then?" Megan looks down. "No... Not really, not anymore. I miss when mommy played with me." I just had a wonderful idea, it's perfect for me to practice my powers. "I'm sure that she will start talking to you soon enough, nobody can resist your cuteness for long." She laughs and flushes. "I'm happy that you are with Sally Face!" I blushed and Sal went hard as a stone. "O-Oh nononono! We are just friends, Megan!"

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