Chapter 7

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After a little research with my cousins, many hours later, we concluded that we cannot stop the Demon from coming back, it had pained us to know that, but I'm sure we won't be here for that time, or so I hope. I told them about my sudden, weird, very weird thoughts when I hugged Larry, or overall being close to him. None of them knew exactly how or why that happened, but while they search, I had a detective job to do with my boys. I walked to Mrs. Packerton and found Larry and Sal trying to open the door. "How's it going, guys? Any luck?" I asked as I stepped closer to them. "Luck? We can say so." A click noise alerted us and we looked at the door. "Got it!"

"Nice. We should go quick before she gets back." And so we walked inside the apartment, which seemed normal, nothing out of the ordinary. Well, except for the smell. "Dude, it smells like ass in here. Ass and old feet." I rolled my eyes and snorted. "Good lord! We better make this a short visit. I can't take that stench for too long."

"Check out that painting. What if Packerton just does work on a farm?" I stared at it and shrugged. "Or maybe it's just a painting, my grandma has a painting of a cabin in the woods and we don't own one." Sal chuckled lowly, but it quickly disappeared. "Let's look around." I nodded and we parted ways, why do old people have the biggest apartments? I feel poor as fuck. Something caught my attention and I turned back to see a doorknob with a weird mechanism. "There's a big thing of diapers. Do you think Mrs. Packerton uses them for herself?" I heard Sal ask from across the room. "Probably dude. Packerton is ancient."

I giggled and went to the kitchen with the boys. "(Y/N), anything in the rooms?" I shook my head. "Two of them are locked and one has a very weird mechanism. Anything in the fridge, Lar?"

"No, looks like normal groceries n stuff. But there's a padlock in the freezer." Sally tilted his head. "Can you get it open?" Asked Sal. "Yeah, just got it." Damn, that was fast as fuck.

He's a liar...

Dammit not again. Why is this happening? Why is Larry a liar?

"Alright, let's open it up." Sal opened the door and we found the head of a goat, my mouth hangs open, the bologna in our school didn't smell like goat. "I knew it! It IS goats. I fucking called that shit, man. Also, gross." I shook my head and stared at the animal head. "I'm sorry, but I don't think it is that simple. I'm telling you, it wasn't from a goat." Thankfully, Sal agreed with me. "Let's see if we can get into those rooms."

"Alright." We walked to the last door room. "This is a bizarre lock, dude. I'm not sure if I can pick it up but I'll keep trying." I suddenly heard a noise, coming from the kitchen, I turned slowly, only to see the ghost of the goat there, staring at me with the head floating on the body, I wanted to make a noise but I was too concentrated on not revealing my identity. I shook my head and held back my tears as I looked at Sal. "Hey Sal, what if you look around for ghosts..?"

"I don't know if that will help, but if there's a ghost we might confirm something." I was only looking for a distraction but that is okay too, the goat was gone when I looked back again, but Sally took out his gear boy and the animal appeared again, making bizarre noises. "What in the hell was that?" Larry asked as he walked toward me, he was too overprotective. "A ghost goat, apparently. That probably shouldn't be surprising to me at this point but I definitely did not see that coming." I looked around, this cannot be that difficult, I realized the clock was working again, and it wasn't working when we stepped in. 


My eyes widened, it cannot be. 12...

Can it be...?

I walked to the clock, and changed it to 12:12 slowly, when I did, a door opened and the guys stared at me in disbelief. I just blushed. "How did you do that?!"

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