Sally Riddle?

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Harry walked into the kitchen with his friends as the adults gathered around the table for a meeting. Usually, Harry and his friends were not allowed to join the meetings, but the headmaster had confirmed his decision. Harry slowly sat down toward the end of the large table in between his two friends. The headmaster slowly walked into the kitchen, and sat at the end of the table from Harry. Harry looked over at his female friend, who was fixing her bushy hair, talking to Tonks, one the Aurors. 

After a while of everybody chatting around, Harry with his redhead friend, the headmaster cleared his throat. The room immediately calmed down, and all eyes were on the old man standing. "Welcome to the meeting everyone." The man started. "Now that we're all here, you may be wondering why I let Harry, Hermione and Ron, over here, join us, and I'll get into that." "Professor Dumbledore," Molly Weasley, mother of the Weasley family interrupted. "Are you sure they should be here? They are still children for Merlin's sake!" Harry glanced over at his Godfather, Sirius Black, who was smirking towards him. Harry managed to smile back. 

"I understand that you may be curious to why I let the children be here, but I'll get to that later on." Dumbledore said. "Have you all heard of the news of the grandson of Voldemort?" Most of the members shivered, but half of them nodded. "Wait." Hermione interrupted. "The ministry found You- know- who's grandson!?" Harry's mouth hung wide open, while Ron shivered in fear. "Yes, Hermione. It is true." The previous Defense against the Dark Arts professor confirmed. " What was his name again, Percival Jackson?" Professor Snape sneered, while Sirius' face fell. "He can't related to her. Can he..?" 

"Do you all remember Sally Jackson?" Professor Dumbledore asked the older members. Harry noticed that Sirius and Remus looked at each other before they nodded. "For you who don't know her, Sally Jackson was a student three years older than the Marauders. She was a bright student and a Hufflepuff. Her parents died on their way to England from a visit to America. Or so they thought." Professor Snape exchanged a look with professor Dumbledore, who looked a little peachy. "Recently, the Ministry looked over at the Dark Lords family tree," Professor Snape started. And the Ministry has now made it public that our beloved Sally Jackson, is actually the Dark Lords long lost daughter. Sally Jackson fled to America after she had to drop out of Hogwarts and meet a man. She and the man are not together but had a son."

The Weasley parents looked at each other in shock. The whole room fell deathly quiet. Harry felt ditzy. He felt angry, sad, afraid and pity. "What's the boys name?" Mad- eye Moody asked, breaking the ice. This time Dumbledore gave a sad smile. "Perseus Jackson." He answered simply. Harry looked over at Mad- eye Moody, who looked shocked. "You mean, THE Perseus Jackson?" Dumbledore nodded again. "And this brings me to the reason I called the meeting." Dumbledore started. "Perseus is 17 years old, but does not know of the Magical world. When he come to Hogwarts, he will be placed in the same year as Harry, Ron and Hermione." 

He glanced over at Sirius and Remus before he continued. "Sirius, Remus, Harry, Hermione and Ron shall join me to America to collect him tomorrow at 02:00pm."

Thank you for reading- Author.

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